Most Common Archetypes

I think it is an emotion, hence, it provokes a condition
can you elaborate?

I did.
A few posts up.

The state or condition we generally refer to as "fear" is really a state of heightened sensual awareness.
Your heart pumps faster racing blood to your extremeties.
Your hair stands on end, making your skin more sensitive to touch.
Smells and sounds are more distinct.
Your vision is sharper and more vivid.
Your mind is moving faster.
Your reflexes are keener.
Adrenaline production ramps up.

When we sense danger, our bodies go into this heightened state of awareness, so we can better cope with the situation at hand - whether we choose fight or flight, we will perform better.

People have condition responses to this reaction. They understand, on some visceral, instinctive level, that this is a reaction to danger and the state of heightened awareness sets them into panic mode.
The fear comes from lack of self-confidence, past failures, insecurities, wariness of the unknown and other weaknesses that have been ingrained in the psyche over the years.
A heightened state of awareness is a normal, healthy thing.
Fear is a man-made weakness.

It's a state of being that involves a slew of emotions related to feeling insecure and unsure - it is not am emotion itelf.
Huuuuuummm.... I can see that... :)

I guess a lot of "emotions" are really a combination of a lot of things....
I did.
A few posts up.

It's a state of being that involves a slew of emotions related to feeling insecure and unsure - it is not am emotion itelf.

But when you feel anger:
- Your heart beats stronger.
- The blood concentrates in your arms.
- Your perspective becomes "blurry".

Isn´t this a condition as well then?