Mosques No Where Near Ground Zero Meet Stiff Resistance

This does not factor in the evils represented by the Islamic regimes and their declared agenda - hell bent on genocide of a 4000 year nation the last 60 years - with 100% genocidal demands. Hiding behind the Pretend Pals BS is the destruction of the Jewish homeland - the other side of the Islamic coin.

America targeted Sadaam because there were no Muslim freedom fighters against a freak who gassed the Kurds and threatened the Jews by the term Zionists - as if calling Jews as Zionists negates their history and all rights. Zionism refers to Mount Zion - a majestic word that gave more enlightenment to humanity than anything else humanity possessed today.

Dumping mosques in Jerusalem and other nations' most sacred sites - and swiping the term Palestinean - does not change history or make the Islamic demands anything else than Nazism. So which is the Jewish homeland - remember that one?


couple of things
first you'd have a lot more credibility if when you ranted and raved you got the historical facts right like when you claimed arab destroyed the second temple when in fact it was the romans
secondly very few if any islamic regimes are calling for the destruction of the jewish people(ie the jewish nation) they are calling for the destruction of Israel which was created in violation of international law.
thirdly yes there were people fighting against saddam like all of the kurds.
fourthly Islam has nothing to do with Nazism and the term palestinian wasn't swiped it is legit
fifthly some advice just because you have the right to say stupid non historical shit doesn't mean you should exercize that right
Obsess much?

Oh come on. It seemed like a reasonable bet. I had every reason to think I'd win. Hell, we hadn't even got down to terms yet.

Monitored how? Why should a multi-faith centre be monitored? How should it be monitored? You have not provided any proof whatsoever that this is a Saudi funded cenre. You have been going off the possibility that it might be.

Fairy tales can come true, Bells. They can happen to you.

Oops. I hate it when I'm right. :D I'll keep you posted on confirmation.

Ahhhhhhhhhh. That feels better.

Tell me, when the Catholic church opens a new centre, are the funds vetted? The priests who will be praying or preaching in it vetted by the police or Government to ensure they aren't paedophiles? Are they monitored?

Given the events of the last few months - and the several hundred years before that - they fucking well should be.

Oh noes! Now I'm an anti-Catholic bigot too! Sob sob.

You are again attempting to deny a group their constitutional rights to practice their faith as they see fit.

Well, no. I'm only denying them their consitutional rights to practice as they see fit, if how they see fit is monstrous, bigoted or racist. Other than that, live and let live, I say.
Oh come on. It seemed like a reasonable bet. I had every reason to think I'd win. Hell, we hadn't even got down to terms yet.

How unfortunate the rules prevent me from referring to you as a tard.

Fairy tales can come true, Bells. They can happen to you.
All of which i had already posted in the other thread.

What your link shows is that he gave more to News Corp (who donate millions to the GOP) than the $300,000 he gave to Rauf.. He owns billions of dollars in shares and recently gave millions of dollars to Murdoch, who promptly soon after gave $1 million in donation to the GOP.

So you aren't giving me something I did not already know.

Given the events of the last few months - and the several hundred years before that - they fucking well should be.

Oh noes! Now I'm an anti-Catholic bigot too! Sob sob.
Rules be damned.


Well, no. I'm only denying them their consitutional rights to practice as they see fit, if how they see fit is monstrous, bigoted or racist. Other than that, live and let live, I say.
None of which you have proven. All the proof we have is that Rauf is a peace maker and a bridge builder..
All of which i had already posted in the other thread.

Yes, but it's only now that I bothered looking at it in any detail, as I'd just assumed it was related to some bizarre point you were making about timing. But then phlogistian posted the information in context. You should probably thank him. ;)

What your link shows is that he gave more to News Corp (who donate millions to the GOP) than the $300,000 he gave to Rauf.. He owns billions of dollars in shares and recently gave millions of dollars to Murdoch, who promptly soon after gave $1 million in donation to the GOP.

So...he likes all kinds of right-wingers and religious conservatives? OK.

Rules be damned.


Good dodge. Hold on to those prejudices, Bells. Hold tight.

None of which you have proven. All the proof we have is that Rauf is a peace maker and a bridge builder..

And a liar, and an obscurer.
You are again attempting to deny a group their constitutional rights to practice their faith as they see fit.

as true patriots we have no choice then but to impeach and hang geoff for high treason

the goddamn gallows!

move to politics please
Freedom of expression would be violated only if the government interfered with the mosque plans. People are allowed to voice unrest at the idea of the mosque. It wouldn't be freedom of expression if they couldn't do that.

People have a constitutional right to build the mosque there but everyone else also has a constitutional right to say how sucky they think the mosque is. It even says in the article that most New Yorkers acknowledge the right to build the mosque even if they oppose the mosque anyway. But what fun is the truth? :cool:

Exactly. Good post ;3
Burning Korans is an exercise of free speech or free religion too.

This is a very controversial statement because for one the Qur'an is the one and only holy book of a major religion in the world and also if people didn't discriminate between anything there would be no freedom because there would only be death and violence.

Freedom of expression would be violated only if the government interfered with the mosque plans. People are allowed to voice unrest at the idea of the mosque. It wouldn't be freedom of expression if they couldn't do that.

People have a constitutional right to build the mosque there but everyone else also has a constitutional right to say how sucky they think the mosque is. It even says in the article that most New Yorkers acknowledge the right to build the mosque even if they oppose the mosque anyway. But what fun is the truth? :cool:

I have to agree with this because this is due to the consitution of the United States or the law of the land.
This is a very controversial statement because for one the Qur'an is the one and only holy book of a major religion in the world and also if people didn't discriminate between anything there would be no freedom because there would only be death and violence.

How so?
Yes, but it's only now that I bothered looking at it in any detail, as I'd just assumed it was related to some bizarre point you were making about timing. But then phlogistian posted the information in context. You should probably thank him. ;)

So you don't bother to look at the facts pointed to you in threads?

Nooo.. I'd never have guessed.:rolleyes:

We'll have to remember this in the future, when you accuse people of not substantiating their side, when they have. We'll remember that it will amount to trolling because you don't bother looking at stuff in detail.

So...he likes all kinds of right-wingers and religious conservatives? OK.
No. It shows that if people are going to lob accusations of extremism to Rauf for apparently being funded by him to the tune of $300,000 for a $100 million dollar project, then News Corp and the GOP are even more guilty and should be arrested for the amount of money they have received from him. It points to the hypocrisy of those who have been most vocal about their protests against this centre.. And yes, it does point to the timing as well.

Good dodge. Hold on to those prejudices, Bells. Hold tight.
For calling you a tard for your hypocrisy and your trolling?

And a liar, and an obscurer.
Again. Not proven. You are willing to deny people their constitutional rights based solely on a suspicion and a possibility.

Do you know what that kind of suspicion leads to Geoff?

This summer, the debate over the proposed Islamic center at 51 Park Place, near Ground Zero, has gotten heated and ugly, with little dialogue and plenty of hatred. Yesterday, a man wearing a white cap walking by protesters near the site was called a coward, which led to the chant of "Mohammed is a pig." The proposed center, which Mayor Bloomberg supports but which seems to have flummoxed many politicians, including Obama, has become an excuse for prejudice against Muslims to again be publicly exhibited and lauded.



Tensions almost came to a head at yesterday's heated rally over the planned mosque and community center near Ground Zero. A man wearing a white athletic skull cap was mistaken for a Muslim as he walked through the crowd, which prompted an angry confrontation, all of which was captured on video. One protester in a blue hard hat calls him a "coward" at one point, which almost incited a fight; later, someone chants "Mohammed is a pig."



On Sunday opponents of a proposed Islamic center near Ground Zero accosted a black man who tried to navigate through a crowd of anti-mosque protesters.

Someone calls the man a "coward," prompting the man to yell, "Y'all motherfuckers don't know my opinion about shit."

Maybe not, but that doesn't stop a guy in a blue hardhat from getting in the man's face as the crowd renews its chants of, "No Mosque Here."

Soon, a peace-seeking protester gets between the two men and the tension is eventually defused.

The YouTube user who posted claims that the man who caused the protester freakout is simply a union carpenter who works at Ground Zero.

He is also, for whatever it's worth, the man makes it clear that he's not a Muslim.


This is what suspicion and "possibility" leads to.

The videos clearly have this poor man saying that he is not a Muslim but the protesters ingnore what he says and continues to attack him for apparently being a Muslim because that is what they suspected he was. The scene is ugly and racist and harks back to the days when black students were spat on for attending schools in white areas.

This man had not said a word but was walking and going about his day when was attacked because they thought he was a Muslim. All based on mere suspicion.
So you don't bother to look at the facts pointed to you in threads?

Another miscomprehension. I only scanned it initially, because I thought it was some kind of bizarre off-tangent argument. It was only after phlogistian pointed out it's actual significance that I realized it was indeed a confirmation of my suspicion.

We'll have to remember this in the future, when you accuse people of not substantiating their side, when they have. We'll remember that it will amount to trolling because you don't bother looking at stuff in detail.

"We"? How many moderators are you? :) Still, I wonder what would happen if you complained about me on basis of this new tack. Maybe you should complain retroactively. In fact, I insist. I'll start the process for you, if you're not interested in pursuing it immediately. Let me know ASAP.

No. It shows that if people are going to lob accusations of extremism to Rauf for apparently being funded by him to the tune of $300,000 for a $100 million dollar project, then News Corp and the GOP are even more guilty and should be arrested for the amount of money they have received from him.

Fascinating, but not related to my discussion of this issue; Rauf is receiving foreign funding, after insisting he wasn't, and from Saudi Arabia of all places. That the GOP are funded via the same source is also very disturbing.

For calling you a tard for your hypocrisy and your trolling?

For avoiding my point by resorting to personal insult, which is, incidentally, a violation of forum rules. I will repeat: I even want Catholic priests vetted for paedophilic tendencies. How does this fit into your myopic condemnations of me? Answer: it doesn't. Instead, it's astounding fair. What will you do now for an argumentative point? I'd like to hear an answer to my points in this paragraph, please.

Again. Not proven. You are willing to deny people their constitutional rights based solely on a suspicion and a possibility.

Again: this is a lie. I wanted to see the sources of funding that Mr Rauf has been seeking. (Mind, you and phlog have confirmed those suspicions.) I will quote an earlier response to Joe:

Sure, assuming it could be appropriately monitored: it would presumably make it implicitly beholden to a number of positive social protections. Prior vetting would be better, given what we already know about a number of Saudi-funded mosques. As I said earlier, there are a number of scenarios in which this would work. The status quo ante is not one of them.

Bells said:
Do you know what that kind of suspicion leads to Geoff?

:shrug: Enraged moderators threatening spurious moderation against posters?

In all seriousness, I was interested and saddened by those stories; it is regrettable that an important social issue results in this kind of thing. It's a consequence of a lot of social change. It's also worth noting that intolerance works both ways. From the estimable good Sir Christopher:

From my window, I can see the beautiful minaret of the Washington, D.C., mosque on Massachusetts Avenue. It is situated at the heart of the capital city's diplomatic quarter, and it is where President Bush went immediately after 9/11 to make his gesture toward the "religion of peace." A short while ago, the wife of a new ambassador told me that she had been taking her dog for a walk when a bearded man accosted her and brusquely warned her not to take the animal so close to the sacred precincts. Muslim cabdrivers in other American cities have already refused to take passengers with "unclean" canines.

Perhaps by both parties making real accomodation - Hitchens describes the process as necessarily "two-way" - we can make concrete social gains. Give and take. Hitchens' article is interesting and - as per norm - well-written, although he focuses more on the approbation Rauf gives the likes of Khamenei. The latter is startling and eerie, but international rather than domestic.
You are again attempting to deny a group their constitutional rights to practice their faith as they see fit.

Pre-1967 signs in East Jerusalem and Hebron:


All Muslims kept silent.

Saudi Arabia:

Anyone found with a non-muslim religious emblem or bible is subject to a 100 lashes - or worse.

All Muslims keep silent.

Its a blessing to kill the infidels and Islam will rule the world - even by force.

So how dare the victims of 9/11 object to a Mosque on their grave sites - how dare Muslims not be allowed to exploit America's constitution of equal rights.
No. It shows that if people are going to lob accusations of extremism to Rauf for apparently being funded by him to the tune of $300,000 for a $100 million dollar project, then News Corp and the GOP are even more guilty and should be arrested for the amount of money they have received from him.

Subtle point:

Newscorp did not commit 9/11.
Another miscomprehension. I only scanned it initially, because I thought it was some kind of bizarre off-tangent argument. It was only after phlogistian pointed out it's actual significance that I realized it was indeed a confirmation of my suspicion.

So you trolled until someone else pointed out your blindness?

"We"? How many moderators are you? Still, I wonder what would happen if you complained about me on basis of this new tack. Maybe you should complain retroactively. In fact, I insist. I'll start the process for you, if you're not interested in pursuing it immediately. Let me know ASAP.
Contrary to what you may believe, you do not factor into what I discuss on the Mod forum. I think the only time I ever discussed you as an indvidual was when I recommended you for a post on this forum a fair while ago.

But your behaviour has brought up a valid point to what is important to the moderation and administrators of this site as a whole. What should we do with members who keep asking for proof but refuses or can't be bothered to read what has been provided? In a time when we are trying to determine what constitutes intellectual dishonesty, what should we do with those like you who keeps demanding proof but can't be bothered reading the links provided or quotes provided from articles, or accuses the other of lying because they simply can't be bothered to read the links provided to them?

As a member, what should we do with posters who consistently exhibit this kind of behaviour?

Fascinating, but not related to my discussion of this issue; Rauf is receiving foreign funding, after insisting he wasn't, and from Saudi Arabia of all places. That the GOP are funded via the same source is also very disturbing.
Actually, I think it has a lot to do with this issue.

But what this debate has shown is that the Right will grasp at any opportunity to spread fear and hatred in the community, while accepting millions from the very Saudi they accuse Rauf of accepting $300,000 from, for pure political gain. What this debate has shown as in entrenched fear, hatred and suspicion of Muslims, who are expected to provide their sources of funding while any organisation would never have faced such a requirement. What this debate has shown is that people are willing to attack anyone they suspect is Muslim on the street. And what this debate has shown is that the supposed extremist have remained dignified and peaceful compared to the opposition who have taken to attacking black people on the street in their zeal against Islam.

For avoiding my point by resorting to personal insult, which is, incidentally, a violation of forum rules. I will repeat: I even want Catholic priests vetted for paedophilic tendencies. How does this fit into your myopic condemnations of me? Answer: it doesn't. Instead, it's astounding fair. What will you do now for an argumentative point? I'd like to hear an answer to my points in this paragraph, please.
You want priests vetted for paedophilic tendencies?


I called you a "tard", because that is what your response and the way it was worded deserved.

Again: this is a lie. I wanted to see the sources of funding that Mr Rauf has been seeking. (Mind, you and phlog have confirmed those suspicions.) I will quote an earlier response to Joe:
Which was linked to you. Several times and which you admit you didn't bother to read or pay attention to.

In short, you were dishonest and you trolled.

Enraged moderators threatening spurious moderation against posters?
I am not you. I don't attack people on mere suspicion.

I like to have enough proof before I take moderator action.

In all seriousness, I was interested and saddened by those stories; it is regrettable that an important social issue results in this kind of thing. It's a consequence of a lot of social change. It's also worth noting that intolerance works both ways. From the estimable good Sir Christopher:
Intolerance does work both ways. And it is not "regrettable" but disgusting. To have people attacked in the street because of a suspicion that they are Muslim is what the suspicions about his Centre has led to. That kind of suspicion is now spreading across the US and other Mosques are being protested against and Muslims attacked for being Muslim. Just as cab drivers who refuse passage to blind people with guide dogs for religious reasons is disgusting and vile.

It's not "regrettable". It is a god damn joke that we are going back to an era where people are attacked on the street for a mere suspicion against their religious beliefs.

Perhaps by both parties making real accomodation - Hitchens describes the process as necessarily "two-way" - we can make concrete social gains. Give and take. Hitchens' article is interesting and - as per norm - well-written, although he focuses more on the approbation Rauf gives the likes of Khamenei. The latter is startling and eerie, but international rather than domestic.
As I linked above, Rauf and his wife have been overly polite and dignified during this whole issue. Rauf has been dragged through the mud, his reputation destroyed because of racist and bigoted suspicions that he is an extremists. We have seen people like you attempting to brand him as something without proof and gleefully calling him a liar because he received $300,000 in donations from a Saudi Prince, the same Saudi Prince who donates millions and millions to the GOP and News Corp, which they failed to disclose to anyone. News Corp is partly owned by this very Saudi.. And again, they failed to disclose that and the multi billion dollar value of those shares to the public. But a $300,000 charitable donation is now used as a basis to attack Rauf because he failed to disclose it, when he has no obligation to disclose it.

What this debate has shown is that the right and its supporters will do anything and overlook anything to attack a Muslim for being a Muslim, even though that Muslim has proven repeatedly to be peaceful and has worked in the community to help bring peace between the factions. What all this has shown is that mere suspicion is leading to people being attacked and threatened on the street for appearing to be Muslim.
So you trolled until someone else pointed out your blindness?

Mischaracterization. Although I do see more clearly on that evidence now.

Contrary to what you may believe, you do not factor into what I discuss on the Mod forum.

?? I didn't ask if you had done so, but rather encouraged you to do so now. As in in the present. Was my phrasing not clear?

But your behaviour has brought up a valid point read the links provided to them?

As a member, what should we do with posters who consistently exhibit this kind of behaviour?

:shrug: Warn them or add demerits. Ongoing behaviour should be punished by bans. By way of your oblique threat, I remind you that this is not what I have done, as the record will illustrate. But again: I encourage you to do so if you feel otherwise.

But what this debate has shown is that the Right will grasp at any opportunity to spread fear and hatred in the community, while accepting millions from the very Saudi they accuse Rauf of accepting $300,000 from, for pure political gain. What this debate has shown as in entrenched fear, hatred and suspicion of Muslims, who are expected to provide their sources of funding while any organisation would never have faced such a requirement.

But this is a highly special case, as a review of the particulars will show. It isn't "any old mosque" nor "any old locale" nor "any old builder" nor "any old support". It fails all these points. If it had been one or two, I think no one would much care, and perhaps that would be appropriate. But not in this situation.

You want priests vetted for paedophilic tendencies?


Of course. My opinion in this matter shocks you?

I called you a "tard", because that is what your response and the way it was worded deserved.

And which is a violation of the forum rules. That's all right, though; I'm not too offended.

Which was linked to you. Several times and which you admit you didn't bother to read or pay attention to.

In short, you were dishonest and you trolled.

Nope. I assumed it was unrelated to the argument. Turns out, it wasn't. You will now crucify me for a mistake? As you like.

I am not you. I don't attack people on mere suspicion.

I like to have enough proof before I take moderator action.

Well, you do attack me with the most tenuous link to my arguments. I should point out that I don't feel we should be carrying on another thread.

Intolerance does work both ways. And it is not "regrettable" but disgusting. To have people attacked in the street because of a suspicion that they are Muslim is what the suspicions about his Centre has led to. That kind of suspicion is now spreading across the US and other Mosques are being protested against and Muslims attacked for being Muslim. Just as cab drivers who refuse passage to blind people with guide dogs for religious reasons is disgusting and vile.

All right: good. We can agree here.
It's strange to me how adherants of a religion of peace become instigators of so much strife and division-- and this among their countrymen. Then again maybe it isn't... When you think about it, doesn't it make perfect sense why a religion whose adherants selflessly blow themselves up to further strife and hatred cannot in that same spirit selflessly deny themselves a right for the greater good?