Mortal Hero Kicked Allah's Butt!

DoctorNO said:
Try not to complicate things. Just choose between these two...

1. Would you rather live in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, & Somalia?


2. Would you rather live in Europe, America, Japan, Hongkong, Australia & India?

Countless muslims are choosing #2. What would you choose? If you choose the same then you better thank Charles Martel too, eh?

you can use these examples now but in the Muslim empire time, all the people wanted to go to the Muslim lands just as now people from the east want to go to the west for a better life.

you can use these example now but that is only becasue the Muslim lands were dived this century after hundred of years of plotting by are enemies. at a 2 times in history (and for significant lengths of time) the Muslim countire were the best just at as the roman empire, greek, muggle was.

it is envittable that Muslim countiures will once again gain this power.
Well, that's an improvement on Christianity. But, if God cannot be imagined, why aren't the religions that arose from God equally vague? In fact, Islam is not vague, it imagines that God wants certain, specific things, how in the world can this be?
munim_786 said:
i would just like to clear something up. in the Bible God is described as haveing the image of male human beings but in the Quran God's attributes resemeble nothing whatsoever of man or any creation. his attributes can not even be imaganed as thoughts are created. if in the Quran it says something such as Allah's hand or thoughst etc. that does not mean a hand or thoughts in our terms or in our understanding or imagination
M*W: That's because the Qur'an is right and the Bible is wrong. Furthermore, Jews and Christians believe in the LITERAL translation of the OT and NT. I am a recovering Catholic (LOL), so I now believe in the philosophy of a humanist and a spiritualist (but not the occult kind). The Qur'an speaks the truth about Jesus. The NT is nothing but lies, and can you believe that 25% of the world still believes these lies? Well, thanks to Allah for the other 75%!

I believe that "God" is a powerful force of pure energy that got the evolutionary process started and is still with us today. That energy never dies, it only evolves. It may seem that this force of energy has omniscient eyes, omnipresent hands, and omnipotent powers, but they are found in the human race. That's why this energy created us! The human race is God's eyes, God's hands, and God's power. God lives through humanity, and we are always in the process of being created.
I wasnt referring to a literal "butt". What the title means is that a plain human being defeated what muslims believe to be "Allah". Thus making him a false and non-existent god. How was allah defeated? When Martel defeated the muslim armies. Muslims who gave their lives & money to purchase their salvation and the guaranteed support & victory from Allah. Martels consistent victories ensured that the promises of Allah was broken. Thus breaking the virtuality of Allah. And so there is no Allah but in the figment of the imagination.
M*W: No, I don't think so. I'm not Muslim, but I believe the Qur'an is right and the Bible is wrong as well as counterfeited.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: No, I don't think so. I'm not Muslim, but I believe the Qur'an is right and the Bible is wrong as well as counterfeited.

Doesnt my evidence above prove that the Quran too is a counterfeit? And do remember my 7 Reasons for REJECTING ISLAM.

Let us just live an honest, productive & compassionate lives. If there is an openminded god out there lets hope he is good enough to credit our good work. :)
i would like to comment on the title pf this thread

"mortal hero kicked Allah's Butt"

did he now?

this hero killed mere mortals and stopped the Islamic Empire and thats all. what did he do to God? did he lay a finger on God, knock him of his throne? did this guy all of a sudden rule the universe? did the universe collapse becasue God had his butt kicked?
in the end the benifit of believing in God is for us. Allah is not dependat at all on people following him. it would not harm him if everybody one the planet swore at him if they made armies against him like this french guy did. after all what would it do? first off you cant even see or touch Allah, it is even immpossible to imagine him so how did they defeat him? and Allah isn't reliant on his followers as is the (attribute to the) Christian God;

"and it repented the Lord that he made men on earth, and it grieved him from his heart" (GENESIS. 6:6)
Well then why don’t you propose a gray zone between the 2 choices I gave you eh?
Well, you wrote, "Just choose between these two..."

Which is essentially a choice between one brand of dishonesty or the other.

Countless people of various faiths have chosen number two, and it hasn't brought them the peace they hope for and think they deserve.

We are the human species. That's where I'd rather live. Planet Earth or wherever our adventures take us. But given a choice between two dishonest identity politics, I'll choose to forge my own, wherever I am. That I'm in the United States is a matter of good fortune for someone like me, but it's no reason to say "Good enough" and roll over for the prickly pear.

And that gray zone is only as small as the human endeavor itself.
munim_786 said:
What is wrong with the Muslim Empire? at the time Muslims made great advances in Science, it made great libraires for people, gave all people rights (men,women,children,animal). it made many new concpets and ideads that the rest of the world implemented hundreds of years later.

it did not oppress people, or make them surrender to Islam. at these time this was true Islamic ruling not these of today in Muslim lands.

Also you dont have to go back as far as this Arab empire, the last Muslim empire broke up just before world war 1 and the Muslim lands were divided mainly in this century (1900 onwards). the state of Islamic countires is bad nowadays but not to long ago are empire was prosperous. Are empire fell after hundreds of years of plotting by are enemies. all empires MUST fall, it is just logic in the past empires lasted hundreds and hundreds of years and now each reign is much shorter. these Western superpowers (doesn't really come under the classification "empire") will enivitably fall, it is only logic.
M*W: No, one needs to go back as far as the Arab Empire, but one does need to go back to the years of plotting by their enemies. They need to know and understand their fall, and they need to know and understand their strengths.
munim_786 said:
i would like to comment on the title pf this thread

"mortal hero kicked Allah's Butt"

did he now?

this hero killed mere mortals and stopped the Islamic Empire and thats all. what did he do to God? did he lay a finger on God, knock him of his throne? did this guy all of a sudden rule the universe? did the universe collapse becasue God had his butt kicked?
First of all was mohammad's Allah the true God? You can only hope so. No Allah is not God. Because this myth's promise in verse 61:10-13 had been broken. This myth called "Allah" was supposed to provide support and guarantee victory to muslims who gave their lives and money to his "cause". Suffering defeat after defeat ensure that there is no allah. A plain human being kick the shit out of your mythical Allah's virtual butt.

Is there even a point to this thread except for hurling insults at a religion many people hold dear? Is there even a point to DoctorNO's existence in these forums except for hurling insults?

I thought not.

-- Long live the Female Messiah!