mormons scare me

Dark_Man said:
In all honesty they act more like a government than a religion.

Exactly ... the roots of the LDS church in the leadership of Young and Smith was a totalitarian theocracy, and while they've become a little homogenized, and a little more photogenic, that's what they remain.

Although, I'd beg to differ that the LDS doesn't spend money on fluff. How else would you describe the pageant they put on every year at Hill Cumorah, or just the temple in Salt Lake?

And Spy, they don't just have the city. (Well, actually, Salt Lake's less than 50% LDS) ... they have Utah, parts of Arizona, parts of Idaho ... a lot of that big emptieness between Denver and L.A.
I don't think that's true anymore, with the exception of the same fundamentalist extremists who rail against the Catholic Church as the whore of Babylon, but the early history of the LDS Church is a history of being hated by the rest of America. Granted, it was hatred fostered in part by Joseph Smith shitting all over the Constitution, but all hatred all the same.

EDIT: Wait ... didn't you just dismiss the LDS Church as a heresy? That's not outright hatred, sure, but it is a powerful building block
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If you spend some time with Mormons, you see that they simply don't listen. This is their common trait. They ask a lot of question -- but they don't expect any answers.

One missionary actually agreed that doing nothing IS love.

It's just ill what they do.

Here, have a typical email from such a "friend" of mine (I deleted some of the names):

Hey how goes it? Hey i just wanted to send out a message to see whoes email still works and where y'all are at. I'm in Leesburg,VA right now with my little brother aaron working for the summer. We're working for *** a contractor for ***. Its been really good so far and a lot of work. Aaron turned in his missionary papers a couple of weeks ago so he is waiting to recieve his call maybe this week. My older brother Nate was just hired to a company he's been working with and is gonna be workin in SLC. I'm out here with some of my buddies from college(Barry, Levi, A.J.) and its been fun. We went out to Baltimore and saw a bunch of stuff there (ESPNzone, hardrock cafe, huge sail ships, the orioles stadium and ravens.) Definetely have to go get some orioles tickets this summer. Hope you're doing well wherever you find yourself and let me know what you're up to. In kdor ne skace ni slovenc.&nbs p; Joj kak si zelim nazaj! Tukaj me ful spominja na slovenijo. Drzi se, ajdi cav, ***

Please note that this is from a college student, a former missionary, a well-respected member of his church -- and that this email was sent to 43 (!!) addresses.

Mormon love.
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Second ... Rosa, okay, so that sounds irritating and presumptive, but I don't see what you find so offensive.
spymouse hit the head on the nail. I talked to my mom about this yesturday after this post and she pointed out to me that the mormans are gianing new memebers faster out side the US than they are inside the US. Mianly africa etc.

The other thing is that for yrs the mormans are the only religion that is GIANING members constantly. Almsot all other christian religions are treading water or loseing members.
StarOfEight said:
I don't think that's true anymore, with the exception of the same fundamentalist extremists who rail against the Catholic Church as the whore of Babylon, but the early history of the LDS Church is a history of being hated by the rest of America. Granted, it was hatred fostered in part by Joseph Smith shitting all over the Constitution, but all hatred all the same.

EDIT: Wait ... didn't you just dismiss the LDS Church as a heresy? That's not outright hatred, sure, but it is a powerful building block

Matter-of-fact statements dont constitute hatred, do they? :confused:

Joseph Smith was sadly a venomous liar who incited an era of brainwashing and anti-christ activity.

Reminds me of the Word: "Lord, Lord, did we not cast out demons in your name?"

DEPART FROM ME (Mormons). I never knew you.

Same goes for anyone who is not in the book of life. Fact, not hatred.
If referred to the Gospel writers as venomous liars who incited brainwashing and blasphemy before Jehovah, would you consider that hatred towards Christians?

Well, what's the difference?

Second ... Rosa, okay, so that sounds irritating and presumptive, but I don't see what you find so offensive.

I know that my arguments are emotional, and as such and only as such I wish to present them. I don't think there is a valid way to logically justify that one religion is better than another.

I've been around Mormons for about two years, and in this time they have proven to be very disrespectful. I have not converted.

I wished them to understand my position, and I did it in a kind way. At first, I have actually accepted that they truly mean that they wish to be my friends, and that they cared. It was because of this that I was kind to them.

Yet they abused that kindness. They took it as if I was going to join them, and were greatly disappointed when I didn't.

They were full of nice words, but lacked any actions. It has turned out that they were, on several occasions lying to me -- about simple things like returning a cd I borrowed them. And then one Moromon quoted a personal letter I wrote to some other Mormon a long time ago; and the two barely knew eachother.

The list goes on and on.

It's ironic: They think that they are good people, honest and able to judge rightly. And that anyone who doesn't share their belief is simply a lowlife and a crook -- that's how they treated me, while in the same breath saying they love me.

Once, I had a conversation with a missionary on the phone. He was nice, of course, a bit blunt, and therefore seemed more accessible. At some point, he called me "sister". I didn't want to be nitpicky, so I didn't say anything. Then, he said it again. The conversation went thus:
Me: I am NOT your sister.
Mormon: Yes you are. (smiling) From now on I will always call you my sister.
Me: I am not your sister. I kindly request you to not force your belief on me, the same as I don't force my belief on you.
Mormon: What else do you do but forcing your belief on us when we have Slovene classes? [I used to teach them the local language]
Me: Do I do anything else there but strictly language matters?
Mormon: [Silence.] Well, good-night, see you at classes.

You can do this test yourself: See what a Mormon understands by the word MUTUAL. They don't really have it in their vocabulary; at least not when it comes to non-members.

"Who needs actions when you got words." This is their real motto.

It's simply psychologically ill what they do.
I'm been around some mormons but I think you will find two different types of mormons. There's the kind of mormon who studies the Bible and book of Mormon, debates, and attempts to convert people. Basically an apologetic, and these are probably the type of people you've met Rosamagik. These mormons can end up becoming rude, and in debates in the past typically degenerate. That's not to say that they are trying to be rude; that's just how they will become when you say they do not believe in the full truth. Then, there are mormons who love the community of mormons rather than what taught is true or not. These people typically don't have time, the necessary knowledge of english, and the knowledge of the christian faith to involve themselves in debates.
Rosa ... okay, the guy in that phone conversation? Dickhead. Absolute cunt. The e-mail, though, just seemed like the doings of a kinda lonely guy, trying to maintain connection with people. I can understand it'd be obnoxious in a larger context, but I didn't immediately understand how truly obnoxious it was. And since you're teaching 'em the local language ... you could fuck 'em right over.

Completely invaluable information. I've also compiled a small database of articles and facts evaluating the accuracy behind the foundation of the faith. I use it to bring people I know to their senses. I've recieved more than my share of death threats, and since Mormons are tought to take any questioning of their faith to be a personal attack against them, I've lost more than a few good acquaintances. But no thread on the subject should be complete without some discussion of the most important aspect of Mormonism; It's fraudulent foundations. I won't do the preaching, I'll let you guys go get the info for yourselves. A comparison of Mormonism to Scientology would not be farfetched, by the way....
I think the South Park episode somebody mentioned did a pretty good job revealing the utter absurdity of the foundation of Mormon belief.

And Halycon, I doubt the Scientologists would allow an ex-Scientologist on the website. They've taken a few ex-Scientologists in Colorado to court for posting church documents to the Internet.

Maybe you have an aversion to conflict. Maybe you're as emotionally invested in your beliefs as you figure they are but that by coming to your house you figure they're ridiculously entrenched in their dogma and they're gonna sound like puppets, like evil animated stupid bible thumping puppets that if unchecked, could go on to destroy the world.

[movie clip announce voice]
one man...

(collage of porch memory images, including porch swings, fenced in porches, patios, grills, cool porch furniture)

(halt on black)

one porch...

(dramatic flash and opening on a peacefull nice afternoon at FC's house... and the music gets dramatic, a low... suspiscious tone)

(enter mormons, a few houses a way... looking all self-righteous and whatnot)

One encounter...

(mixed slow motion scenes of them approaching the door)

... with insanity.

er.. I mean mormonity.

(pleasant exchange with mormons on the porch where they are all super-polite 'oh, well, we respect that. Salutations!')


(angelic lights shine down on them from a pan down the street as they depart)

To a porch near you.

Get mormonized.

(this film is rated G, BIG G)
There are stories that I've heard that speak of Mormons dressing up like indians and killing pioneering parties back in the old days. Any settlers unwise enough to try to settle Utah (or at least close to Salt Lake) were summarily killed. This is all hearsay, and is likely just anti-mormon propaganda, but one never knows.

I do know that it is unwise to drive through Utah if there is anything of less than legal nature in your vehicle. I know several people who made this mistake. They were arrested, their vehicles were seized, and they were used to feed the prison (jail) system in Utah. While in jail, they met many others who told the same tale of woe.

Also, there are stories told of busloads of indigents or less-than-desirables being shipped out of Salt Lake City when the olympics were held there.

Salt Lake City would be the last place in the world I'd move to. It's practically a police state by all accounts.

I don't teach them the local language anymore, but thanks for the tip. ;)
Anyway, I have the feeling that they didn't believe me the linguistic stuff -- they preferred their own misinterpretations, and kept on doing the same mistakes.
(Slovene is extremely hard to learn; its morphology and syntax are as difficult as those of Latin.)

As for the email: an American friend, who's boyfriend was once Mormon, gave me some insights into Mormon life. She said that Mormon kids are usually quite lonely and don't have many friends -- because people simply don't like to be around them.
Yeah, Mormons are really desperate for this life. Hoping for eternal life must be exhausting, and extremely unfulfilling.
I think that would depend where in the world they happen to live. I imagine Mormon kids in Utah, Idaho, or other LDS hotbeds probably have all kinds of friends. Those in the real world, though? Not so much.

And is Slovenian related to Romanian at all?
Slovene/Slovenian is a Slavic language, a sister language to Russian, Polish, Czech etc. It is totally nothing like English.
No, it uses the Latin alphabet with some additional characters -- č, š, ž -- I don't think you'll see them though. (It a c, s and z with a special mark on the top.)

Anyhow, it's a linguistic curiosum, as it has, among other things, only 2 million speakers, one standard variant and one substandard variant, and 47 dialects, dispersing into 256 speeches + local variants.
But thanks for the interest. :)

'Nuff language, back on topic.

IMO, the shittiest thing about Mormons is their smarmy cowardice. They have made a grand performance out of it. A Catholic will say it to your face that you're going to hell if you don't convert, and he won't use many nice words. But a Mormon will try to smarm you up. It is this initial dishonesty and cowardice that piss me off so much. It is not a honest fight, if someone comes to you and tells you he loves you, but at the same time thinks you should go to hell.