mormons scare me


are you a robot?
Valued Senior Member
I had a visit from some mormons last week. For some reason I got very nervous when I saw them at the door. Heart rate went up and everything. I told them how I felt, they gave me some pamphlet and left. No big deal.

So...why did I get so nervous? Is it that I was afraid they'd pressure me into something? Or do I just not like to talk to strangers about personal beliefs? I really am not sure.
1. Did you know they were mormons before they knocked on your door? How could you tell?

2. Did you have a bad experience with mormons before?

3. Are you a loner who doesnt feel comfortable around people?

4. Were you in a different mood that day?
1. I could tell they were gonna preach to me when I saw em at the door. That is when I got nervous. I figured they were probably mormons.

2. No, I don't think so.

3. Definately not. I usually don't have a problem talking politics, religion, etc. with anyone.

4. I dunno. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood to talk this kind of stuff. Usually I think its fun to talk and debate.

I'm still not sure if I felt threatened or what. Pretty strange for me. Anyone else get nervous when visited by the church of utah?
fadingCaptain said:
I had a visit from some mormons last week. For some reason I got very nervous when I saw them at the door. Heart rate went up and everything. I told them how I felt, they gave me some pamphlet and left. No big deal.

So...why did I get so nervous? Is it that I was afraid they'd pressure me into something? Or do I just not like to talk to strangers about personal beliefs? I really am not sure.
M*W: Maybe because they look like clones/clowns on bicycles? They are very young men (as a rule) doing their missionary work. They've spent their whole life preparing for this mission. I've visited Salt Lake City several times and patronized the LDS Genealogy Library for family history research. The young women do their missionary work in their local Mormon facilities, but some do travel to do their missionary work.

I don't know enough about LDS, but I do know they have better family records than the National Archives. They are pleasant people on their own turf. I've found that when I'm approached by one of their young missionaries, I start talking about genealogy. I can go on forever with this topic. It kinda frustates them and they want to leave or hang up. It's very much a part of their religion, though, so I stay on the subject. Whatever you do, if they offer you a Book of Mormon, don't accept it, or you'll never get rid of them!

Have pity on them. They're not much older than high school age, and their families have had to save up to $4-5k to send them off to their missionary work, and their church matches it, I think. Missionary work is how they achieve salvation, or one of the ways, but no thank you, not on my time.
I dont know much about Mormons. Is it true that their religion is against black people?
did they have big sticks and have one as a standard-bearer with a standard saying:

"do not oppose us"

on it?
other than that you were probably just scared.

ps. were you sinning in any way? maybe god shone on you and gave you the gift of nervouseness to put you abck on the course of righteuosness.
Mormons? I am so glad that they do not exist here.
Just sometimes we get witnesses, they taste funny.
But they are always delivered warm to your door.

Perhaps the mormons scared you with their firm belief and their
unwavering and uniform appearance?
hehe i thought that god might have been telling me something. i was thinkin of having a wank at the time. :)
DoctorNO said:
I dont know much about Mormons. Is it true that their religion is against black people?
M*W: They won't admit it, but when I was in SLC, I didn't see any black people. They are heavily missionizing Africa now. So, I suppose as long as the blacks stay in Africa, the Mormons
will continue to convert them over there.
hehe I invite em in for a cup of coffee and a shoot em up on the ps2. Hell, they have to walk around all day with people telling them to get lost. I just tell them I have a personal faith and my faith says I should be compassionate. I tell em I dont wanna talk scripture if thats ok but if they wanna play a game on the ps2 and take the weight off their feet thas cool. Some of em are pretty good gamesters let me tell you ;)
fadingCaptain said:
I had a visit from some mormons last week. For some reason I got very nervous when I saw them at the door. Heart rate went up and everything. I told them how I felt, they gave me some pamphlet and left. No big deal.

So...why did I get so nervous? Is it that I was afraid they'd pressure me into something? Or do I just not like to talk to strangers about personal beliefs? I really am not sure.

I have intensive experiences with them. (Huh. Uh. Huh.)

Nervous when meeting them?
I'd say it is your natural defense mechanism telling you that there is something wrong.

What Mormons do, going around on missions, is ill and malignant, regardless how kind and polite and harmless they may seem on the outside.

They say that they love you, want to help you, be your friends and such.
Yet they meet you as their religion, not as persons.
Only a person can be a friend, religion cannot.
This is something Mormons don't seem to understand.

Like, there were missionaries who said they were my friends, and that "a friend is a friend, regardless if missionary or not".
It is just that one can barely do things with them one does with friends ... and they don't treat you as they treat their friends back home.

There is always this professional distance -- which is perfectly okay, IMO. It is just that they insist on saying they love you. It is ill.

If you write a personal letter to such a "friend", you should expect that it will be read and dissected at their meetings, and that some day some missionary you've just met will quote things from letters you wrote to other missionaries a long time ago.

The whole idea of going on such missions as they do is simply ill and malignant, as I said. And I think this is what you felt when you met them.

Oh, and yes: do mind to understand what they say:
"We hope that you will one day accept Christ in your life."

What does that mean?
'We hope that you will give up everything you believe in now, and accept our religion.'
>> 'We want you to be somebody else. You are not good enough.'

Basically, they question your character. It is natural to get away from those who do that.
Medicine Woman said:
DoctorNO said:
I dont know much about Mormons. Is it true that their religion is against black people?
M*W: They won't admit it, but when I was in SLC, I didn't see any black people. They are heavily missionizing Africa now. So, I suppose as long as the blacks stay in Africa, the Mormons
will continue to convert them over there.

Into the mid-seventies, blacks were not admitted into their church. The Book of Mormon says that those who have dark skin have it so because of their sins. This was taken literally.
Hmmm, I always thought of Mormons as rather unfrightening myself. Then again, my experience with the religion is limited to two or three google searches and that one episode of South Park.

BTW, I find answering the door in the nude and saying, "Hey, I've got a couple of seer stones right here you might be interested in..." usually does the trick.

Dreamwalker said:
Mormons? I am so glad that they do not exist here.
Just sometimes we get witnesses, they taste funny.
But they are always delivered warm to your door.
fadingCaptain said:
I had a visit from some mormons last week. For some reason I got very nervous when I saw them at the door. Heart rate went up and everything. I told them how I felt, they gave me some pamphlet and left. No big deal.
That's all it took to get rid of them?:confused: They, unlike the Jehovah's Witness', don't seem fazed when I tell them I'm a satanist and to come in and we can compare our Gods. When I use that line on a Witness, they usually go pale and literally bolt down the driveway. But the llast time I used that line on a Mormon, he said yes and came in and sat down while I frantically tried to think up what a Satanist might say, etc. Was a stressful half hour. That's my fault though as I should have just slammed the door in his face when he said yes he'd like to chat about my belief in Satan. :(... So you say that you're scared and they run? Hmmmmm interesting... very interesting..

So...why did I get so nervous? Is it that I was afraid they'd pressure me into something? Or do I just not like to talk to strangers about personal beliefs? I really am not sure.
That's something that only you can answer. It could be a bit of both.
JustARide said:
Hmmm, I always thought of Mormons as rather unfrightening myself. Then again, my experience with the religion is limited to two or three google searches and that one episode of South Park.

BTW, I find answering the door in the nude and saying, "Hey, I've got a couple of seer stones right here you might be interested in..." usually does the trick.

LMAO! I have to say, that was one of my favourite South Park episodes:D.

'dum de dum dum dum'.. hehehe :D..
DoctorNO said:
I dont know much about Mormons. Is it true that their religion is against black people?

Until 1962, blacks were denied deaconship within the Church. The justification comes from the Book of Abraham, which holds a difference in melanin is the result of God cursing blacks. The book remains a part of LDS scripture. So does D&C 132, justifying the practice of "plural marraige."

If you want an in-depth look at the truly bizarre world of Mormon fundamentalism, take a look at the Beyond the Banner of Heaven, written by Jon Krakauer. It's also got quite a bit of general history.

For a general source, I'd go with Mormon America written by Richard Ostling.
sigh... I some times get tired of ppl bashing on the mormons because they believe in "plural" marridge etc etc. Fact is most other religions persicute them for who they are. Yet the bible says you should love thy nieghbor etc etc. Just one more tid bit of proof (they are hypocrits) that organized religion is a bunch of crap. **caugh** brian washing **caugh**

From age 9 until around age 15 I was Mormon. Then I relized I had never belived in god etc etc and just stoped going to church. I honestly don't really understand most of the subtle religious differances between mormons and the other christian religions. They all belive in god and the bible most believe in jesus etc etc. The thing about the Mormans that most ppl don't seem to get is compaired to 99% of the larger religions on earth they are THE YOUNGEST. Yet they have grown faster than pretty much all the other religions combined. Why? Cause there VERY organized and logical. For that I respect them.

They don't waste money and resources on fluff like that catholics. Gold statues? stane glass? common... They provide programms and other things that are USEFUL in the real world. In all honesty they act more like a government than a religion. If you lose your job they give you food etc etc.

Ok I'll get to my real point. In the end this biols down to one thing. Mormanism is a MODERN religion. Meaning they have left behind more of the old silly stuff like the catholic cerimonys etc that modern ppl just aren't into. Thus they are more apealing to modern ppl.

My point is this. You should fear them. Because in the grand sceam of things right now they are better at brian washing the masses than pretty much any other christian based religion. Which scares me. I mean my mom is a VERY inteligent person, but she believes. If someone like her can fall into thier trap then the world is in real trouble.

And yes I'm a bible burning athiest who believes organized religions are insianly stupid.
A Mormon is clean, polite, cheerful, devout, charitable, and hoards supplies for the holy war when they will finally be called by god to take over. Mormonism cultivates a clannishness, is almost effortlessly repressive of a wide spectrum of things, they have their own city, they convert folks around the world in exotic locations, and they added their own book to the bible just specially for them.

The fact is, other Christians dislike Mormons because they are winning! They do all the things that Christianity is supposed to do and a lot better than any other denomination. The hatred other Christians show to Mormons is really envy.