Mormons & My Front Door

Boss Foxx said:
It's only a bad bet if there's a god... otherwise it's easy money.

wrong... if you win.. you get nothing.... literally.. forever.

great prize... why even bet?


WHAT THEN??? possibly an eternity in hell..... also.. a bad prize..

either way... logic, suggests betting on GOD, its the only possible way to win anything... at all... ever.

Haha, my dad use to answer the door with a deer rifle in hand yelling at them to get of his "God D*mn door step" before he shot them. No kidding! But ya know whats even MORE disturbing... every other Sunday they STILL came back. Eventually they learned and so did he when the cops told him you can't fire warning shots when they pulled in the driveway. LoL No other religion I know tries as hard to sell thier beliefs. And as much as I despise Mormons (for personal reasons that i wont get into), ya gotta respect thier determination.
MZ3Boy84 said:
Haha, my dad use to answer the door with a deer rifle in hand yelling at them to get of his "God D*mn door step" before he shot them. No kidding! But ya know whats even MORE disturbing... every other Sunday they STILL came back. Eventually they learned and so did he when the cops told him you can't fire warning shots when they pulled in the driveway. LoL No other religion I know tries as hard to sell thier beliefs. And as much as I despise Mormons (for personal reasons that i wont get into), ya gotta respect thier determination.

M*W: Although I admire your dad's ambition, those poor kids are programmed to be martyr material, but thanks for the hint. I like that gesture! I think I'll do it myself! A gun sure speaks louder than bible-speak!
Mosheh Thezion said:
wrong... if you win.. you get nothing.... literally.. forever. great prize... why even bet?

AND IF YOU LOSE???? WHAT THEN??? possibly an eternity in hell..... also.. a bad prize..

either way... logic, suggests betting on GOD, its the only possible way to win anything... at all... ever.


Who needs logic in a metaphor? I haven't "literally" bet anything and if I did and won, I'd make sure it was for something... maybe a swimming pool for the grandkids. Now that's a great prize. :)

And if I lose, I lose. Are you implying that the only reason to bet on the existence of a god is the possibly that he's an envious and vengeful god that would send me to Hell, or a reasonable facsimile, for not believing that he existed?

As for Daddy being on the front step with a gun, that wasn't my father's strategy. Back in the day, he invited them in for a drink of whiskey... Jehovah's Witnesses, that is. The man of the quartet was about to take him up on the offer when the elder woman grabbed him and said they had to leave. They never came back to our house after that.
I don't mind Mormons. As Christians go, I don't have a lot of gripes with them as individuals or as a community. Perhaps that shows. When they come to my door I'm polite and cordial. I never argue with them but I don't invite them in and I don't come out. I just say the same thing I tell telemarketers: "I'm not interested, but I hope you have a good day." This doesn't happen very often, probably not once a year, so I don't feel pestered and when they do show up I don't have a grudge to pursue.

If you say anything substantive to them at all, it gives them something to argue against. Don't do it. You're not going to convince them any more than they're going to convince you, so you're just wasting your time.
They aren't bad people, and the kids are sincere. I just wish they knew more about their religion. Every time I asked something more in-depth, they refer me to someone else, is that lazy or what? I just lie and tell them I'm Jewish. (I am, but I'm really more of a Buddhist).
It entirely depends on the missionaries that come to your door, as far as to how deep their knowledge of the "scriptures" is. Many of these kids are fresh-faced late-teens, without too much consideration for other cultures and so they tend to stick to what they're told to do: preach their version of the gospel.

Many times they canvas entire neighborhoods simply because they have to fill up their day walking around and meeting with people. Over the course of a few years, they will eventually get around to your neighborhood again. Naturally, it's not to piss you off since the new missionaries do *not* keep track of who's said "No" in the past, but to check to see if there's anyone that didn't get a chance in the first place. It could be that someone was out to lunch for that particular year--oh well, they'll get to them a couple years down the road. Of course, if you've given out your phone number or had contacts with them in the recent past, they'll pass this information onto the proper personnel in case one or both of the missionaries transfer out of the area.

Typically they do not know much about their own religion, much less so about other tenets of Christianity. It's rare (though not entirely uncommon) for these young kids to have read the Bible in its entirety; rarer still that they've studied it alongside other reference materials. They tend to have ready-made answers to some of their proponent's tougher questions, though become flummoxed when more probing questions are asked.

The men serve two years while the women serve a year and a half. They tend to have enormous success when in communities with a mitigated access to continuing education (South America, etc.) than with other entrenched Christians (Italy, Spain). They live, eat, preach, pray and sleep together (not sharing the same bed, but they do share the same room); this is necessary since it's part of their dogma to keep an eye on each other so as the other is not tempted to be led astray. Typically, their day starts at 9AM (unless they're foreign-language speakers) and they're out the door, walking and talking with people, knocking on doors (endless doors), trying to strike up conversations with completely random people about their Church, its leaders and their scriptures. They break for lunch. Then they head back out til it's time for dinner. After dinner, if the neighborhood isn't too dangerous, they'll continue to proselytize until about 9PM or so. They have one day off per week in which they catch up on their laundry, go shopping and do something fun (no watersports, though).

There are 6 discussions and they are meant to be very general from the outset. The first three deal with God, Christ, then prophets. These three are easily digestible by prospective "members." Lesson 4 deals with sin and how Christ overcomes this; 5 introduces some nitty-gritty laws (tithing, chastity, eating/drinking); 6 is baptism. All nicely self-contained, but none going into enough detail from the start. The missionaries are naturally motivated to turn in numbers at the end of the week (usually on Sundays) in the hopes that they can present themselves as being righteous and performing their obligatory duties with the right mindset.

Anyone that has met seriously with missionaries is usually put out by the fact that up until baptism, missionaries are your best buddies and are there for you every step of the way. After that point, however, it is entirely up to the existing members to welcome you into the "fold"; if the other members don't do as good a job at this (and they usually don't), they usually stop attending services. This is the reason why most people associate their good experiences with the missionaries rather than other members of the church--all of their first, feel-good moments were with them.

Missionaries mean well but don't get your hopes up--after you're converted, they won't be visiting you anymore. And if you're not interested, don't take it personal if they don't put a giant X on their "list" to make sure to never visit you again. That list only applies to those two missionaries for that one day. Who keeps track of the "Nays"? Of course, they're only going to keep track of the "Ayes."
Ya know what really pisses me off? There is a christian channel and every night they have this show were these teen missionaries go around the globe and try to convert people from 3rd world countries to Christianity. For f*ck sake, let people believe in whatever the hell they want to believe. If they believe that cheese is magical THEN LET THEM BELIEVE IT. ITS NOT HURTING YOU. IT DOESN'T AFFECT HOW YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE, AND IF IT DOES YOU HAVE SOME F*CKIN ISSUES! Stop trying to sell your f*cking religion to people. If your Christian, thats fine!!!. Nothing wrong with that. To each their own. But just because YOU are doesn't mean the rest of the f*ckin world has to be. LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE! I don't care if you believe that its your "mission" to save people from eternal damnation. LET THEM BURN IN HELL. It shouldn't matter to you!!! What? Ya think that if you "save" a few people you'll be granted Sainthood and sit next to God in his magical kingdom above the clouds??? HA!!! Christians believe that you find "God" on your own. THEN IF THATS THE CASE LET THEM FIND GOD THEMSELVES! They don't need some little punks banging on thier huts asking if they've accepted jesus christ as thier lord and personal savior! PEOPLE ARE ALL DIFFERENT. LET THEM BE DIFFERENT. Believe whatever you want but don't oppress other people with your views.
That's nothing. I heard of missionaries treating diseases with anti-biotics and saying Jesus did it.