Mormons & My Front Door

Boss Foxx

I piss excellence.
Registered Senior Member
My first post here on these forums, so I thought I'd just make a thread about the first thing that sprung to mind.

Mormons showed up on my front door this week. Sigh. These poor kids have to trudge through the hot sun, going door to door, preaching the "truth" and they have to show up on my door step... again.

A gaggle of missionaries came looking to "save" me a couple of years ago, and after a couple of pity visits I thought I had made it clear that I did not wish to see them again. That didn't go over too well with the two boys, as their attitudes changed from optimistic little solicitors to jaded children who got dumped the night before the prom.

Now, this week, I've got two brand new boys showing up on my step. They already know my name and phone number and apparently want to pick up where the others left off. You've got to be kidding me. They've got me on a list? That's just creepy as hell. That's Scientology territory almost.

Anyone else found themselves to be on one of these Mormon "To Be Saved" lists?
Well they did have me on the list untill I told them I was card carrying NRA and just got fired from the post office. Man, I never saw attitudes change so fast
Boss Foxx said:
My first post here on these forums, so I thought I'd just make a thread about the first thing that sprung to mind.

Mormons showed up on my front door this week. Sigh. These poor kids have to trudge through the hot sun, going door to door, preaching the "truth" and they have to show up on my door step... again.

A gaggle of missionaries came looking to "save" me a couple of years ago, and after a couple of pity visits I thought I had made it clear that I did not wish to see them again. That didn't go over too well with the two boys, as their attitudes changed from optimistic little solicitors to jaded children who got dumped the night before the prom.

Now, this week, I've got two brand new boys showing up on my step. They already know my name and phone number and apparently want to pick up where the others left off. You've got to be kidding me. They've got me on a list? That's just creepy as hell. That's Scientology territory almost.

Anyone else found themselves to be on one of these Mormon "To Be Saved" lists?

M*W: Welcome to sciforums, Boss Foxx! I have been stalked by Mormons before. They were such nice kids that I didn't have the heart to hurt their feelings. They really tried, though! They were calling me, too, and told me I was on their list to call. Well, I must say that I brought this upon myself when I ordered the free Book of Mormon. Let me tell you right now that there's no such thing as "free." If nothing else, it'll waste your time. I had to be blunt and tell them I read the book and wasn't interested. However, Salt Lake City is a lovely place, and a mecca for genealogists. They have more accurate records than the National Archives! I love the place. Mormons are very friendly people and they are so welcoming to the tourists who go there. The foods not too bad either. It's all home cooking! I can't wait to go back, but I will keep my mouth shut this time.

I hope you enjoy the forum.
THEY are very well organized... and if given time and effort, you would realise that there is some measure of logic and benefit to be had by the adoption of a large percentage of their ideals.... however, like most religions they insist on a number of other points which in themselves, do not add to the value or benefit which can be derived from adding our considertion for this other testimony of JESUS.

I can't suggest adopting LDS church views, but if you havent heard their arguements, then you dont know what they are about.

One thing i like about zelots, is their willingness to answer tough questions...
or atleast they think they can.. and the better trained they are,, the better able they will be to deal with you as a person,, in answering those quetions.

if i were you,, since you already have talked to them, is to ask serious, no holds barred questions.

dont be mean... but you have the internet... im sure you can find endless stuff anti-mormon..... copy, paste and print it out... and ask them about it.

Oh, I did all that a couple years ago when they first came to visit, Mosheh. They were very nice and well-mannered. I've got the Book of Mormon and a free DVD collecting dust in my book shelf from their visits. I'm just surprised that after being clear that I wasn't interested in continuing the talks, and basically remain staunchly atheist, they kept me in whatever books they have and sent more kids this year. Ah well.

Like I mentioned before, at least they weren't Scientologists. :)
door to door, is very frustrating... thats why they send new kids... because no one can stand beating their heads against walls that wont move.

why are you a devote atheist?
I invited them in and stated they would not change my mind, I read through there book, when they returned, I posed some questions, to them(this was the wrong thing to do, I think they may have thought I was interested in changing)when asked I stated, I told them on the onset, you would not change my mind, so the left amicably, put then came the next batch, slightly older more informed, and it happened again and again, I enjoy debate, but not when people dont listen, I dont suffer fools gladly,
I had to resort to being rude.
it's seem that they have to witness this way.
sad sad people.
Ask them if the founder of mormonism, Joseph Smith really believed there were people who lived on the moon.
If they deny it tell them you know that its true.
its even on their own website!
I think the moon and the sun is inhabited, but not by this kind of beings... they're completely invisible to us

jehovas witnesses come to our door every other week or so... it's a bit annoying.
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Oddly enough, I haven't had a Jehovah's Witness on my doorstep in quite a few months. They're relatively harmless these days, as I think they've basically gotten it through their skulls that I'm not converting. They used to stop by for a couple minutes whenever I was home to drop off their "Watchtower" mags and what have you. I don't miss them though, so don't get me wrong. :)

why are you a devote atheist?
I stopped believing in God around the same time I stopped believing in Santa Claus. I was pretty much agnostic through childhood and teen years. Then around 22, I just came to the personal realization that there is no God. Mind you, that's not the hard atheistic view where I say that there absolutely is no God (absolute knowledge, as the apologists call it). It's just that if I were a bettin' man, I'd put my money on there being no God.
Boss Foxx said:
My first post here on these forums, so I thought I'd just make a thread about the first thing that sprung to mind.

Mormons showed up on my front door this week. Sigh. These poor kids have to trudge through the hot sun, going door to door, preaching the "truth" and they have to show up on my door step... again.

A gaggle of missionaries came looking to "save" me a couple of years ago, and after a couple of pity visits I thought I had made it clear that I did not wish to see them again. That didn't go over too well with the two boys, as their attitudes changed from optimistic little solicitors to jaded children who got dumped the night before the prom.

Now, this week, I've got two brand new boys showing up on my step. They already know my name and phone number and apparently want to pick up where the others left off. You've got to be kidding me. They've got me on a list? That's just creepy as hell. That's Scientology territory almost.

Anyone else found themselves to be on one of these Mormon "To Be Saved" lists?

Mormons don't believe in being "saved", haha. And if your not interested it's a big mistake to let them think you are because they'll just keep on coming back. I know they mean well but you have to let them know that your not interested or else.
I've not dealt with mormons, but recently I had someone knock on my door, with some religious panphlet, I took it read it to identify what she was peddeling, and quickly retorted; "I'm an atheist I don't get into this stuff" and proceeded to close the door on the chuby chick, she retorted; "Jesus loves ya!" to this she heard my door slam gently!. ;)
I WOULD BET on a GOD being real....

if i win... i win eternal life, possibly.

if i lose... it doesnt matter.

BUT BETTING AGAINST A GOD, is a quarantee to lose... i.e.. you have nothing to win.
thats a bad bet.

That's true, but which would you bet on? Allah's not going to like it if you meet him after a lifetime of worshipping as a christian. I hear the Flying Spaghetti Monster can be quite vindictive too. If I meet a god, I'll give him an earful for not providing evidence that a rational person can recognize.
Mosheh Thezion said:
door to door, is very frustrating... thats why they send new kids... because no one can stand beating their heads against walls that wont move.

M*W: From my travels to Utah, I learned that these young missionaries are required by the LDS to devote two years to their evangelical mission in order to move upward in their church. The LDS used to fund the missionaries at their respective locations. For sometime now, it has been the financial responsibility of the kid's parents, and that is also their duty to the LDS church. There are other missionaries who work in the LDS genealogical library, and they are so very willing to help you look for your family members. They have a great fund of knowledge about everyone's family trees, and they are so readily available to help everyone who needs help learning about their genealogies. I can't wait to go back to SLC! It's one of my favorite places on the planet!
"I'm an atheist I don't get into this stuff" and proceeded to close the door on the chuby chick, she retorted; "Jesus loves ya!" to this she heard my door slam gently!.

aaahhh thats beautifull, she said this to someone being mean to her too?
Mosheh Thezion said:
... BUT BETTING AGAINST A GOD, is a quarantee to lose... i.e.. you have nothing to win. thats a bad bet.

It's only a bad bet if there's a god... otherwise it's easy money.
Medicine Woman said:
They were calling me, too, and told me I was on their list to call. Well, I must say that I brought this upon myself when I ordered the free Book of Mormon. Let me tell you right now that there's no such thing as "free." If nothing else, it'll waste your time. I had to be blunt and tell them I read the book and wasn't interested.
What I did was walk down to the local LDS church and simply ask for a copy. They didn't take my name or anything. They were just all, "Yeah, sure, here you go!". The missionary dude did write his phone number in my copy, in case I had any questions, but I haven't looked at that number since.

I've yet to be pestered by them. I have a friend about my age who grew up Mormon, but he's sorta alienated from it, thankfully. Ah, the benefits of knowing a Mormon, and without the drawbacks. :p

Boss Foxx said:
Like I mentioned before, at least they weren't Scientologists. :)
Their ballparks are close to each other. Oh boy.
I remember one of the two Mormon chicks who showed up at my door called herself Sister Bartholomew. If it wasn't for her dress I might have thought Bart was a guy. Anyway I asked them if they knew Donny Osmond. The other chick said she did and then I asked her if she knew him in the Biblical sense. That didn't go too good although she never denied it....and believe me she was so attractive I almost signed up. So I sent them next door to my neighbor Jim who I told them needed and wanted to be saved. When he found out it was my fault they talked his ear off, he damn near looked like he would kill me. A couple of beers and a good laugh were had by all.