Mormon Teachings

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  • No more and no less than any other church out there

    Votes: 11 20.0%

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Ricky Houy said:
Well, im not implying there racist. Rather that the whole "cursed by god" thing.

But regardless, despite the fact that the president of the mormon church is a phrophet, you are still taking away form the word of god on many level"s.

Ricky, I challenge you to go get a Book of Mormon and read it, study it, and pray about it with real intent and sincerity. God will manifest that it is true to you if you will do this. You can get a free Book of Mormon here:

Free Book of Mormon
lol well, we typically try to hide it (but can you blame us) until we know anti-semintism is not around us.... well some of us do atleast.

I do because i dread it.
ok so i took up on your challenge and went to a LDS church, wasn't to great wasn't bad either i went for scientific research well, it didn't help but i learned about nephi
Mosheh Thezion said:
Is The Book Of Mormon An Extention Of The Old And New Testiment Or Not?


No it's not an extension, but

It's another collection of writings of prophets, similar to the Bible. The word "bible" means "the books".

It's similar in the sense that it contains various writers, talking about God etc. But all the subject matter is about people that lived in the Americas. Whereas the Bible talks about the Middle East/Egypt/ that area.
Ricky, what question(s) do you have? Please ask them one at a time so I can research and answer each one coherently.
On second thought, I would just refer you to ask the LDS missionaries in your area any questions you might have. Message boards just are not very good media for teaching the gospel, and I have to admit to you that I'm not really the best source of LDS doctrine anyway.

The missionaries are in the phone book--look under Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Well, honestly I just wanted to have a debate over mormonism with you. Really to me it does not matter which religion is right.

Like I've said before I am from the seed of David. I'm promised into heaven.

But I still have one thing to ask of you. Can you show me strong evidence saying that the israelites could have made it from israel to the americas by boat at the time; or anything suggesting that they could have.
Ricky Houy said:
Well, honestly I just wanted to have a debate over mormonism with you. Really to me it does not matter which religion is right.

Like I've said before I am from the seed of David. I'm promised into heaven.

I've got news for you: no one is promised into heaven automatically. That's a dangerous belief to have, like leaning on a non-existent safety rail.

But I still have one thing to ask of you. Can you show me strong evidence saying that the israelites could have made it from israel to the americas by boat at the time; or anything suggesting that they could have.

I will, if you can show me the same "strong evidence" that Moses parted the Red Sea, or that Daniel survived the lion's den, or that Jesus actually turned water into wine. Obviously these people had help from God. These events are miracles. If the Lehites made it across the sea to the Americas (and they did), then they must have had divine help. Is anything too hard for God?