Mormon Faith?

Hi Jessica,

I think you need to deal with a couple of issues separately. There seem to be two questions here:

1. What should you do to be acceptable to your boyfriend and his family?
2. What religion should you follow to lead a good, moral life?

Realise that these are separate questions. As Raithere said, people who really accept you for what you are should not demand that you convert to their religion, though I am not at all surprised that they might try to convince you that their belief system is a good one.

So, if you're thinking of converting to Mormonism just to impress this guy or his family, then you're doing it for the wrong reasons. If you convert, it should be because you believe in what the Mormons believe, not because you're afraid they will reject you unless you share their beliefs.

As to the second question, that is something you need to think about carefully. I suspect, though, that it is not really something you're really concerned about right now. The only way to decide which religion is best for you is to carefully think about the main beliefs of religions and work out whether you agree with them or not.

But realise, also, that you can still live a moral life and be liked and respected by people even if you have no religion at all. If you treat other people with kindness and you act morally, then anybody who thinks you are a bad person just because you're not a member of their religion is probably not worth wasting your effort on. And just because somebody is a Christian or a Muslim or whatever does not mean they are automatically a good person. There are some very bad people who call themselves Christians and some very good people who are atheists (for example).

It sounds to me like you have been exposed to quite a variety of different religions: Presbyterian, Faith Assembly of God, Baptist Church and now the Mormon faith. My advice is: go ahead and find out about any religion which interests you, but don't commit yourself until you're sure of what you're getting yourself into. If you feel like you'll be forced to accept some beliefs which you just can't handle, then don't sign up. Keep looking until you find a point of view which rings true for you. Keep in mind that that may be no organised religion at all, and realise that that is not a bad thing provided you still live a moral life.

Remember: do what is right for you, not what is right for somebody else.
okinrus said:
Well, I began reading a children's bible alone when I was fourteen, but became very upset about the parts that advocated killing. I put it aside for a few more years. I made the comment without checking on her age; I would not expect her to read the book of mormon unless if she was truly determined to become mormon. Although I've tried to read the book of mormon, it became so boring to me that I had to stop. Isn't it odd that mormons would try to convert a girl so young?
It's not odd at all. Girls so young are impressionable and will find the public image of the mormon religion itself to be attractive. Now if this girl's story is true and she has had such a bad life, than it would be even more attractive to her. Mormon's seem to attract more women than men. Men just follow along. Have you ever wondered why all the mormon's who come knocking on your door are young (usually good looking) males? It's a way of attracting the women. They decide to join the religion and the men in their lives follow along. They portray an image of family togetherness and total happiness, the image of a real community. However most find out that it is just an image and are very disillusioned and end up leaving after a few years. There are bad and nasty issues in the LDS as there are in most other religions.

I have to wonder though, Jessica mentioned in the post that she deleted that she was wondering if the guy she liked in there would be allowed to date a non-mormon. I find it disturbing that such a young girl would feel the need to join any religion to feel some semblance of a family life and to be able to date a guy in that group. I find it disturbing that a young person would want to join any group or religion which would ban its members from dating non-members unless the convert. Again it's a ploy to get more people to join. You fall for a good looking member of the church and the only way to date that individual is to join the religion. It's just disturbing that they target those who are so young and vulnerable. I guess all chuches do the same thing but I see it more with the LDS. LDS have a bigger reputation of targetting the young and helpless in society.
No, I don't believe that the mormons ban interfaith dating, because my brother's girlfriend dated a mormon(she is from Bolivia and did not know what the mormons were) and attended a temple service a while back and I've been asked out by a mormon. While a mormon married to another mormon cannot reach the highest celestial heaven, I don't think mormons would find sin between a interfaith marriage. Nevertheless, a non-mormon married to a mormon would face alot of pressure to convert.

Have you ever wondered why all the mormon's who come knocking on your door are young (usually good looking) males? It's a way of attracting the women. They decide to join the religion and the men in their lives follow along.
Interesting, I know that many positions in the mormon church are hand-picked, though this may not be malevolent. I think one would find that most salesmen are better looking and better speakers than the average male. Still, being too good looking may produce an image of altogether perfection that cannot be reached; thus, it may be in their best interest to choose only slightly good looking men.
okinrus said:
No,I don't believe that the mormons ban interfaith dating, because my brother's girlfriend dated a mormon(she is from Bolivia and did not know what the mormons were) and attended a temple service a while back and I've been asked out by a mormon. While a mormon married to another mormon cannot reach the highest celestial heaven, I don't think mormons would find sin between a interfaith marriage. Nevertheless, a non-mormon married to a mormon would face alot of pressure to convert.

Interesting, I know that many positions in the mormon church are hand-picked, though this may not be malevolent. I think one would find that most salesmen are better looking and better speakers than the average male. Still, being too good looking may produce an image of altogether perfection that cannot be reached; thus, it may be in their best interest to choose only slightly good looking men.
M*W: Well, good for you, my boy!
Hi I thank you very much for the only uninsulting comment...I want everyone to know that I do not want to be mormon for just a guy i thought that i probably said that in a bad way but My granmother that adopted me is dieing of cancer and i have never really settled down in a religion I was born into catholicism when i lived with my father and mother they gave me up and then I lived with my uncle until age 2 where they practiced presbyterian and now that my grandmother is dieing i'm liveing with my neighbors that i am very close to and i am attending a Faith Assembly of God church I am saved in a baptist but I that's only because it was a close church to my home and when i was younger my grandmother couldn't drive me so it was close so that they could pick me up.....As i didn't specify in my last message i posted I did meet a guy that I like very much but the reason that i want to be mormon is not just because of him it's because I really like the religion i have never really been part of a family my dad was an alcoholic and my mother slept around and it's a miracle that i turned out the way that i brother fights with my dad when he's out of jail and also fights with my grandfather so what i'm getting at is that I've never been apart of a family and then i met this guy and his family really took to me and all they really specified their religion to me and i've done research on it galore so I know all about it.....but there are a few things that i sorta believe but then again dont do you know what i mean?"

That's the longest sentence I've seen in a while. :eek:

Honestly, though, Mormonism is a bit .. intense for my likings. Be very careful before converting, you might find out you don't like it as much as you think you do afterwards.

Supposedly, though, devout Mormons get to participate in 'Secret Temple Services.' :confused:
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Jessica_lds said:
Hi I thank you very much for the only uninsulting comment...I want everyone to know that I do not want to be mormon for just a guy i thought that i probably said that in a bad way but My granmother that adopted me is dieing of cancer and i have never really settled down in a religion I was born into catholicism when i lived with my father and mother they gave me up and then I lived with my uncle until age 2 where they practiced presbyterian and now that my grandmother is dieing i'm liveing with my neighbors that i am very close to and i am attending a Faith Assembly of God church I am saved in a baptist but I that's only because it was a close church to my home and when i was younger my grandmother couldn't drive me so it was close so that they could pick me up.....As i didn't specify in my last message i posted I did meet a guy that I like very much but the reason that i want to be mormon is not just because of him it's because I really like the religion i have never really been part of a family my dad was an alcoholic and my mother slept around and it's a miracle that i turned out the way that i brother fights with my dad when he's out of jail and also fights with my grandfather so what i'm getting at is that I've never been apart of a family and then i met this guy and his family really took to me and all they really specified their religion to me and i've done research on it galore so I know all about it.....but there are a few things that i sorta believe but then again dont do you know what i mean?
I've always promised myself that i would never marry a drunk and would be very true to my family and be a loving mother and wife....The mormon religion is all about family values they keep away from caffine,alcohol,drugs....and many other things so the things i agree with are their moral standards.
So know I ma not going around to different churches or anything like that to find a boyfriend I'm going around to different churches to find out what believe....I just included him so that you ALL would know that there is other reasons in my question that way i wouldn't hide anything from you because I DON't BELIEVE IN THAT......So to all you rude skeptics(not you James) Please no rude comments I only want now you know my story and know that i'm not fishing for guys lets see what you have to say now.

James the particular thing that attracts me is their generosity to everyone...their moral standards.....and the majority of their beliefs.
Thank you for your vague not remotley rude comment.
In Christ- Jessica :(
Your faith in Jesus will save you even when you are in illusionary, nice environments created by various cults. Do whatever you find good to you, in the name of Christ.