Mormon Faith?


Registered Member
Hi everyone i am new to this site but i'm so glad that i found it i have a few questions to ask yall..I'm not a mormon(yet) But i am seriously condiering your help and advice would be very much you think they are a you have past exsperiences or are mormon please let me know all you know..(by the way i can't spell)
No, I don't think you should become mormon unless if you agree with <strong>everything</strong> they teach.
1st, experiance life a few more years, learn about the book called the bible, learn what religion is and isnt, learn that you dont have to be a religionist to like some one that is, just learn a bit more before you decide is the best advice.
Personally, I think your motives are the worst reason to believe in anything. In fact, I think it'd be pretty low of you to become mormon just because you want to date some guy. So yeah, become atheists cause we're so much smarter and stuff.

I don't yet understand why you want to become a Mormon. What is it about the Mormon faith which particularly attracts you?
Jessica_lds said:
I am a christian but right now i am practicing in the Assembly of God religion but have friends that are mormons and i really like the the guy but i just dont know if he's allowed to date me or what so see all the information i can get is very good and then i can quit coming here and getting on your nerves!!!!


I have to ask, what do you mean by the right now you're in the Assembly of God religion? What were you before? Err do you swap around or something? I'm sorry for being rude and insulting, but it seems as though you're going from one to the other for dates :confused:.

And the reason you're thinking of becoming a mormon is the worst I've ever heard. Have you even tried to ask this guy if he's allowed to date a non-mormon before you do the final chase down, convert and sit next to him in the pew? What will happen if you become a mormon and then the guy either tells you he doesn't like you or dumps you after a few dates? Do you swap back? Do you then prowl around and find another religion that may have cuter guys?

And for those of you who may have seen the South Park episode where the mormon faith was discussed in detail. I only have this to say...

dum de dum dum dum...

James R said:

I don't yet understand why you want to become a Mormon. What is it about the Mormon faith which particularly attracts you?

Hi I thank you very much for the only uninsulting comment...I want everyone to know that I do not want to be mormon for just a guy i thought that i probably said that in a bad way but My granmother that adopted me is dieing of cancer and i have never really settled down in a religion I was born into catholicism when i lived with my father and mother they gave me up and then I lived with my uncle until age 2 where they practiced presbyterian and now that my grandmother is dieing i'm liveing with my neighbors that i am very close to and i am attending a Faith Assembly of God church I am saved in a baptist but I that's only because it was a close church to my home and when i was younger my grandmother couldn't drive me so it was close so that they could pick me up.....As i didn't specify in my last message i posted I did meet a guy that I like very much but the reason that i want to be mormon is not just because of him it's because I really like the religion i have never really been part of a family my dad was an alcoholic and my mother slept around and it's a miracle that i turned out the way that i brother fights with my dad when he's out of jail and also fights with my grandfather so what i'm getting at is that I've never been apart of a family and then i met this guy and his family really took to me and all they really specified their religion to me and i've done research on it galore so I know all about it.....but there are a few things that i sorta believe but then again dont do you know what i mean?
I've always promised myself that i would never marry a drunk and would be very true to my family and be a loving mother and wife....The mormon religion is all about family values they keep away from caffine,alcohol,drugs....and many other things so the things i agree with are their moral standards.
So know I ma not going around to different churches or anything like that to find a boyfriend I'm going around to different churches to find out what believe....I just included him so that you ALL would know that there is other reasons in my question that way i wouldn't hide anything from you because I DON't BELIEVE IN THAT......So to all you rude skeptics(not you James) Please no rude comments I only want now you know my story and know that i'm not fishing for guys lets see what you have to say now.

James the particular thing that attracts me is their generosity to everyone...their moral standards.....and the majority of their beliefs.
Thank you for your vague not remotley rude comment.
In Christ- Jessica :(
Hi I thank you very much for the only uninsulting comment...
I don't believe that anyone's insulting you except for a few jokes, but you should at least read the entire bible(not necessarily the KJV that mormons use) and the entire book of mormon along with their other literature before discerning whether to become mormon. It is not enough just to believe in their moral practices.
I do appologize for the last comment i made I was up all night with my brother i am very tired and then i read what little mrs.Bells wrote( and it was not a joke) and it was an insult she does not know me or what is going on in my life enough to tell me what i am doing so I do appologize and i hope everyone accepts it.
I do appologize for the last comment i made I was up all night with my brother i am very tired and then i read what little mrs.Bells wrote( and it was not a joke) and it was an insult she does not know me or what is going on in my life enough to tell me what i am doing so I do appologize and i hope everyone accepts it.
I usually end up laughing when Bells writes her overly dramatic diatribes. I don't believe you have to apologize.
That's Miss Bells to you little girl :). And before you get back on your high horse, I'd suggest you re-read what it was you posted in the first place for me and others to assume as we did. Hmmm lets see shall we...

Hi everyone i am new to this site but i'm so glad that i found it i have a few questions to ask yall..I'm not a mormon(yet) But i am seriously condiering your help and advice would be very much you think they are a you have past exsperiences or are mormon please let me know all you know..(by the way i can't spell)

Now had you left it there, nothing would have been said. But then you came out with this little gem:

I am a christian but right now i am practicing in the Assembly of God religion but have friends that are mormons and i really like the the guy but i just dont know if he's allowed to date me or what so see all the information i can get is very good and then i can quit coming here and getting on your nerves!!!!

Lets see now shall we? From that, wouldn't any organism with a brain have thought that you were joining this religion because of this guy you really like? Looking through the other posts before mine, I'm guessing that a couple also noticed the same thing. "but have friends that are mormons and i really like the the guy but i just dont know if he's allowed to date me or what so see all the information i can get is very good"... Yep.. I'm still seeing it. You're still saying that you really like this guy from there and you're interested in whether he can date a non-mormon.. all that after you've said that you wish to join the mormon religion.

Now, pray tell child, what else were we supposed to think? Not once did you mention your family history in those first 2 posts, and as touched as I'm supposed to be about that, you should also remember that we all have our own sad stories. Live by your words girl. Quit backpedalling. Why did you say what you said in especially the second post it if it wasn't the real reason for becoming a mormon? Hmmm? And when do you mention the reason you want to join the mormon religion? Ah yes here it is, in the third post, after you realise that we aren't that nice...

As i didn't specify in my last message i posted I did meet a guy that I like very much but the reason that i want to be mormon is not just because of him it's because I really like the religion i have never really been part of a family my dad was an alcoholic and my mother slept around and it's a miracle that i turned out the way that i brother fights with my dad when he's out of jail and also fights with my grandfather

From that Jessica, you're still admitting that the guy is one of the reason's you're joining the religion. Huh? Oh yes, then we get the full family history. And as bad as that all sounds little girl, remember that everyone has their own sad stories. And by the way, do your family know that you're pasting all their dirty laundry out for all to see? Not very Christian of you now is it?
okinrus said:
I usually end up laughing when Bells writes her overly dramatic diatribes.

Awww Oki... at least YOU have a sense of humour :p.

And overly dramatic diatribes? LOL.. :p
Bells said:
From that Jessica, you're still admitting that the guy is one of the reason's you're joining the religion. Huh? Oh yes, then we get the full family history. And as bad as that all sounds little girl, remember that everyone has their own sad stories. And by the way, do your family know that you're pasting all their dirty laundry out for all to see? Not very Christian of you now is it?

Yes he is A reason and PRAY TELL he's not the ONLY reason he opened my eyes to it....My father is in jail...My mother is GOD only knows where and i'm sure it wouldn't matter especially that you dont know their names i'm sure their are many people out in the world like you would have a bit of a problem figuring out which one out of a few million that it is.So i really dont think that it matters.Why should i care anyways?They didn't/don't care about me.....
And before you make comments MISS BELLS maybe you should know the whole age...for that matter for my age of course i'm going to be interested in a guy...I am very broad minded and look to things ahead of're probably old enough to be my mother for that matter.I have had a hard life and came to this site for advice not insults from skeptics like you...In my first post i wrote PLease give me advice....!!!
I also know many people have their little stories so you call them but oh my dear they are oh so much LARGER!!!!!I'm sure you haven't been through any of it.So it don't seem like i am on the high horse my love it's you.and for my age if only you knew the things i have been through.I have every right to be interested in guys...My grandmother told me that God had me meet him so that he woul stir up my curiostity about him(God) and then decide what I believe in.I am not going to convrt to mormon because of just him but only if it's what i believe I am just trying to get advice about what people think about the religion....NOT about my reasons....My reasons are my thing not YOURS so Get OFF YOU DANG horse and shut your mouth. :eek:
LOL... this is one of the funniest things I've seen in this forum :D.

Child, how charming that you delete your second post, the one that you're trying to defend. Oh yes, here it is :). While in your first post you asked for advice, in the second post... the one which you deleted.. you go on about the cute guy who's a mormon and how you don't know if he's allowed to date a non-mormon. You remember saying that don't you child?

I am a christian but right now i am practicing in the Assembly of God religion but have friends that are mormons and i really like the the guy but i just dont know if he's allowed to date me or what so see all the information i can get is very good and then i can quit coming here and getting on your nerves!!!!

Now all that aside, Jessica, I'm still trying to figure out why you're still telling me your personal family issues? Are they supposed to make me go all mellow and be nice? Sorry kid but I'm never nice to people, especially people who only dwell on what is wrong in their lives. Quit hiding behind it all as though it were a shield. We all have had our bad times in our lives, some are probably much worse than your story, yet they don't hide behind it and hope for pity or hope that others will be nice to them because of it. Many have had bad lives Jessica, they just don't use it an excuse for everything or every choice they make in their lives. While it seems you're very young, I'd suggest you join whatever religion for the right reason. Because you believe in everything that religion preachs. Finding a family is not a good enough reason, because having such high expectations will only result in disappointments later on in your life. Sure they'll be really nice and pretty, because they know that they can pull you in by being that way. Just make sure you go in after researching as much as you can about their faith and accepting and agreeing with all that they preach.

And as for the little point of my being old enough to be your mummy. Well aren't you funny in your attempts to be catty. Now unless you're under 14, it would be impossible for me to be your mother. Actually, it would be impossible for me to be your mummy regardless of your age so it's really a moot point.

As for what your Grandmother said about the errr guy you seem to like so much, hey if you want to believe that go right ahead. Again though, don't have such high expectations, it could lead to you being very disappointed and even more disillusioned than you already are.

And you're telling me to shut up? LMAO! Yeah uh huh... LOL.. The answer is NO, I wont shut up :).
How many of you here could read the whole bible and the whole book of Mormon, unaided, uninterpreted and UNDERSTAND all of it... at the age of fourteen?

Give this girl a break. She's young, vulnerable and impressionable.

Even though I am faithless and don't believe in any religion's idea of god, I still think that some people, really need to have a faith in some god, because to them, it feels very natural and right. In Jessica's case, it seems obvious to me from what she said, that God played a very important part in her life and her sincere belief in him has guided her on the straight and narrow, up to now.

As she always puts God first. I think it's important that she strengthens her faith by yes, reading the bible (in manageable chunks) and understanding it and getting counsel by her local priest or the people who influenced her in her belief in the first place, before marching off to join a rather dubious sect.

I wouldn't trust any established conventional religion, let alone one that distorts the accepted bible to its own elitist and racist ends, such as Mormon.

Jessica... search for the God in your heart, the one you already know and that's been good for you, get to know him better. Don't search for God in man-made religions that were all designed to control people and to amass wealth on the backs of the suffering, frightened masses.
How many of you here could read the whole bible and the whole book of Mormon, unaided, uninterpreted and UNDERSTAND all of it... at the age of fourteen?
Well, I began reading a children's bible alone when I was fourteen, but became very upset about the parts that advocated killing. I put it aside for a few more years. I made the comment without checking on her age; I would not expect her to read the book of mormon unless if she was truly determined to become mormon. Although I've tried to read the book of mormon, it became so boring to me that I had to stop. Isn't it odd that mormons would try to convert a girl so young?

You do need to examine exactly why it is you're considering Mormonism. The primary concern that you communicated was whether or not this boy and his family would be able to accept you if you did not convert. While I understand the need for acceptance is it truly a measure of the truth? Granted, this may not be your only concern but my question to you is why this should matter at all? If they cannot accept you as you are, with the beliefs that you currently hold, what does it really say about their values? Are you less of a person if you do not share their beliefs entirely? There are many differing faiths and irreligious groups that would be willing to accept you and the choice is yours to make but such a decision is worth due consideration. Would you be considering Mormonism if you did not know these people?

You seem to be upset by the skepticism presented in various replies but how else do you evaluate such a decision? While you should understand the positions the church holds you should also keep your eyes open to critical examinations of what they profess as true. To look only at one side is to be blind.

Jessica_lds said:
The mormon religion is all about family values they keep away from caffine,alcohol,drugs....and many other things so the things i agree with are their moral standards.
family values are ok to start with, but what are you left with afterwards? if you belong to mormonism, you have to follow a lot of rules & believe in several things that you may not learn until you become a mormon; such as who god really is? the claim that Jesus & satan are twin brothers? what happens to good mormons after death? & the book of mormon as true history? I disagree with many of its beliefs & as a Mexican, I totally disagree with the book of mormon as anything but a romanticized novel that disguises itself as the religious history of any Native Peoples here in the Western Hemisphere.

So know I ma not going around to different churches or anything like that to find a boyfriend I'm going around to different churches to find out what believe....I just included him so that you ALL would know that there is other reasons in my question that way i wouldn't hide anything from you because I DON't BELIEVE IN THAT......So to all you rude skeptics(not you James) Please no rude comments I only want now you know my story and know that i'm not fishing for guys lets see what you have to say now.
You need to check for yourself, then decide. Several of the churches you mentioned are good, but any church that believes that Jesus is your only personal savior, will do. If BoM is true, then all of Western history will have to be re-written to include Egyptian-speaking Hebrew civilizations here in the US & Mexico, as the Book of Mormon claims. Best of luck to anyone trying to prove it.

the particular thing that attracts me is their generosity to everyone...their moral standards.....and the majority of their beliefs.
Thank you for your vague not remotley rude comment.
In Christ- Jessica
You have to ask yourself, if any one who is a mormon, is in Christ? Who is the real Jesus? Remember that muslims also claim that Jesus was a muslim, so just because people say that they believe in Jesus is not enough, even some hindus believe that he was an avatar