More proof that religion is dangerous

The concept of Karma is also rational. It's the cause and effect of feelings and moral behavior. When you do bad things to others, it adds to the possibility that bad things will come back on you.
Our higher self (real self) does not forget, and it knows what is right and wrong. Our deeds are recorded in our conscience. When we least expect, our higher self takes the chance to "punish" us, to teach us. The conscience also decides in what circumstances we'll be born in our next life. Whatever we send out comes back thrice as powerful.

- Karma
When you do bad things to others, it adds to the possibility that bad things will come back on you.

Yet, that is not the case. Bad things happen to good people while good things happen to bad people.

So much for karma.

How about reincarnation?
That doesn't disprove Karma in the least. It's more like a long-term statistical prediction. I don't think it's a cop-out to say that these concepts are a part of Buddhism, but you don't have to accept them to practice Buddhism. It's very different than other religions. I must also surmise that there are other religions besides Buddhism that are just as harmless. The nature of the Abrahamic religions seem to have infected everyone's view of religion.

What about reincarnation?

I want to add that wesmorris made a good point, anything with the power to inspire people can be dangerous and used for evil.
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Any "belief" that involves the supernatural is dangerous in the extreme as one can easily justify any action whatsoever in the name of their god.

Where have I heard that before?
If i say that you're going to be reincarnated as a cockroach according to Hinduism for not following Hindu doctrines, would you like that ? :p
You are right that reincarnation can provide the fear to make people obey, just like the threat of hell.