
EmptyForceOfChi said:
well say im not a human, and im a rock, isnt everything you humans speak of irrelevent to my existance as rock type matter,

morals and ethics are a fickle subjective subject in my personal opinion, its immoral to kill somebody to human law in all society nowdays, but its natural to kill to eat, homanid type species ate each other, homo sapien has been discovered to have ate neanderthal and the hobbit species also possibly other type of homanid animals like ourselves, cannibalism is survival of the fittest, so now it is immoral to do what we naturally are allowed to do,

in nature there is no morals or ethics, there is just the law of the land, survive or die, thats the meaning of life, (to survive) thats what we are all built for. survival, and if i have to eat one of you i will do it and not be guilty atall,

Well, not really. If you don't want to be a rock, but then you would lack the ability and I don't think it is too meaningful being a rock.

It's a matter of accepting the rules where you come.
should one blindly accept rules like a sheep?

i accpet 1 rule, and 1 rule only that is the law of nature, you survibbe or you die.

all other laws are man made.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
the other animals of nature survive just fine without a written book of laws.

and they dont destroy the earth.

Since we are put in more complex situations, more rules are needed. Most people actually don't need a written book of laws, it is for those that lack this knowledge that the book is for.

Otherwise we do just fine with the laws that are within (morals etc.).
the books of laws we have are stupid if i must be honest,

its illegal to walk backwards eating peanuts in some places, illegal to walk with an ice cream cone in your top pocket, i could go on with stupid laws,

but the most stupid law is this,

the laws of war, how the hell can war have laws, there are no laws in war, thats why its called war, how can you say its not right to use dirty bombs or long range missiles, but its ok to carpet bomb and use shock and awe tacticts, im vert versed in the art of war, and i can tell you that laws have no place in war,

morals and laws are subjective to the persons particular belief system, right and wrong is only right and wrong when its in context to different people,


dood... you're right of course in general, that laws are stupid and there is really only one law... however...

laws serve a function to placate terror, to set the mind a little easier than it might be otherwise.

laws are the socialistic aspect of society.

nature's one law is the capitalistic aspect of society.

bah, no time to go crazy on the idea.

society is a dangerous animal. ignore the laws completely and they will pounce should they catch your scent.
there was no need to explain in more detail anyways :).

i understand, and yes your right in my opinion, we do need laws if we are choosing the route of organised society, but it just kinda gets to me when laws are put forth that are absurd, i know im not usually one to bitch and complain about life usually, but laws effect me on a day to day basis, like everyone else who lives in a society. so its not like im complaining about someones personal opinion (well in a way i am) because these laws are what i must follow or i go to jail again,

it just bugs me when supposed intelligent biengs put forward a law with no real benefit to the people who the law is imposed upon, because lets face it 99% of the laws are put there so that people cant make money without the government getting a cut of it, (thats my personal opinion by the way) i think the only reason we have these laws is so that the government profits in it moneywise, or power wise,

meh ile stop now,

My purpose in writing this is to argue for the existence of an objective morality based entirely on rational and scientific reasoning. By "objective morality" I do not simply mean that morality exists in the sense that various societies consider various actions to be immoral. What I mean is that certain actions are inherently right or wrong regardless of what any society thinks about them. In other words, I mean that there is an "objective morality" which exists independently of human beliefs and human civilization. There are many people who have the opinion that it is not possible to believe in such an objective morality without also believing in concepts such as God or an eternal soul. I believe that they are wrong. I will attempt to show that an objective morality exists and that this morality is the same regardless of which religion, if any, is correct.

Oh boy.

Bad premise.



I might buy "theoretical moral baseline give the following assumptions; 1), 2), 3), ...", but "objective morals" is uhm... egotism.