Morals and multiculturalism

Should we apply our moral values to other cultures?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 10 66.7%

  • Total voters
maybe God should get on his knees and beg your forgiveness Xev.

I am sure if he thought it would achieve some value he would.

God who?
You don't mean that mythical construct created to alleviate human anxiety do you?
I heard He was dead, killed by His own
Although the forensics weren’t conclusive.

The Cager ends by the usual: ‘God loves all of us’ crap.
If that's true then god's a slut.
What value does a love have when all can share in it?
What value does a woman or a man have when anyone can have them?
What value does a club have when everyone is welcomed?
Rocks can be owned by everyone, do we value rocks?
No it is the rare that is valued: Honor, Virtue, Bravery, Dignity and Intelligence. It is like diamonds on a sea of rock. It is the discriminating in taste that value self enough and love enough that offer it sparingly and cautiously.
I don’t know what god Cager believes in but I suspect it’s the one that demands submission and groveling for his promised afterlife services; which is proper when considering what Cager might be like personally.
My god doesn’t give to all, sometimes he even takes. His love is restricted to those that earn it and his respect to those that deserve it. So, in fact my gods love is a precious gem that honors him that calls it his and rewards the worthy like a medal.
Cager’s God’s love is the love of the town prostitute, it is handed out indiscriminately and ignorantly to all for the right price. Billions have been served at her doorstep. In this case the price is total debasement. Fitting when one considers the quality of man waiting to be pleasured under her red lights. A quality of man that senses enough about themselves not to value themselves too highly. But I am not responsible for their quality, perhaps they should blame their god for that.
It is natural for those that feel themselves unworthy and weak and unwanted and unloved and incapable of changing and reinventing themselves to seek to lower the standards by which they are judged.
A midget will readily remind all that height is a superficial characteristic and an ugly fellow will exhibit his disdain for beauty on every occasion.
So when Christians, such as Cager, remind us and mostly themselves, that God loves us all he’s really telling us that he is only worthy of a love that is handed out to all and that there is no special quality about him that warrants a love reserved only for him.
The only light Cager and his kind can enjoy is the suns light that shines on all. There is no inner light there to make the sun superfluous, only the darkness of a spirit seeking redemption through vengeance on all that is noble and strong.
When a midget can’t make himself grow then he attempts to cut all down to his level.
How ironic that this Christian/Jewish/Muslim God of ‘love’ demands such servitude to quench His vanity and offers only eternity under His shadow for a life lived on ones knees.
My god dares me to knock him off his pedestal and to take his place. Nothing less than total dominion is my promised reward.
Now which God sounds better to you?
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Originally posted by Xev
God hates us all.
And he especially hates me.
Trust me, Xev, I concede that many of these false representatives of God hates you, but the Living God loves you. God does not make junk and God made you.

Signed off by Xev

"Healthy animalism is the foundation of all virtues whatsoever."
-Ragnar Redbeard, "Love and Women and War"
I have to say that one is funny!

Being gay, I just assume let some other men have the ladies.
I definitely prefer the handsome gay men!!!!!

That's all and may God :) bless you...

God Loves All Of Us
Hello WANDERER: Just simply ignore the likes of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson when it comes to theological and moral issues. Yes, I am a Christian, no, you do not even have to believe in God nor Jesus in order for you to be saved from eternal damnation. We are either saved or damned by how we treat the Lord Jesus Christ. As written in Matthew 25:31-45, how we treat our fellow man is EXACTLY how we treat the Lord Jesus Christ. Even atheists who is good to the Lord Jesus Christ (and not even realize that it's Jesus) will be brought into Heaven and Christians who shat on Jesus (and not even realize that person he shat on was Jesus) will not be brought into Heaven.

That is the God and Jesus I believe in.

Remember, God :) loves all of us and God wants much better from each of us.
God Loves All Of Us
This is just too sad to mock.

No, last I knew, it held the opposite, that ethnic identity sholdnt play any part in policy decisions, except insofar as you understand that an individuals ethnic/ cultural identity is part of them, and that decisions might adversly affect them simply becuase their culture/ ethnicity happens to be different.

Wordnet defines it as:
n : the doctrine that several different cultures (rather than
one national culture) can co-exist peacefully and
equitably in a single country [ant: nationalism]

The implications are different, are they not?

James R:
My point is, therefore, that those who say we should not impose our morality on other cultures cannot condemn us for doing just that, without being hypocritical.

True, but "judging" is not the same thing is "imposing morality".
Having a moral objection to your neighbor's lavish lifestyle is not the same thing as torching his house because you feel he is a greedy pig.

Moral relativism generally comes in the style of "live and let live". You don't like the religious customs of a culture and they don't like your method of policing, but the two of you forgo forcing your lifestyle on the other.

This is a sensible way to maintain peace, if an over-idealistic view. The problem arises when you try to make it a moral view rather than a practical one. As you pointed out, it leads to hypocrisy.

Who cares? Hypocrisy is an integral part of modern life.

When the Vikings raided Ordwulf's monastery, did they say "we oppose Christ and call on Thor"? No! They wanted gold and the reknown that a fighting man was known for.

Those days are over. When America invades Iraq, they do not say they want the Iraqi's black gold and to prove their prowess. They say they want to "liberate" Iraq or they lie and say that Iraq is a threat.

To achieve cooperation among all, we've lied cooperation into the nature of things. Those who call on amoralism will not be followed. So while the hypocrisy may be lamentable, it is not going to change any time soon.
Originally posted by Xev


Wordnet defines it as:
n : the doctrine that several different cultures (rather than
one national culture) can co-exist peacefully and
equitably in a single country [ant: nationalism]

The implications are different, are they not?
Interestingly enough, youll find that most of the different cultural entities are coexisting quite peaceably in the UK just now. What else are you trying to say?

Actually that was in answer to this:
"Multiculturalism holds that ethnic identity should be a central factor in educational and social policy decisions."

If you coudl explain a bit more, perhaps I might be able to understand what your getting at.

An aside: Animalism? Is that related to beastiality?
Originally posted by James R
Is it acceptable to judge the practices of other cultures by our own standards of morality?

Why ... or why not?
What other standard could you judge them by?

If your morality includes tolerance of other moralities, then... you are tolerant of them.

If it doesn't, then you aren't.

Regardless you're gonna judge people by your own standards of morality right? The purpose of morals is for a person to have a standard to judge fairness or rightness right? From that standard, one can gain a sense of fairness or rightness by analyzing whatever scenario per that standard.What sense of "rightness" or "fairness" could be ascertained by judging them by a standard in which you have no investment?
Interestingly enough, youll find that most of the different cultural entities are coexisting quite peaceably in the UK just now. What else are you trying to say?

I've forgotten.

An aside: Animalism? Is that related to beastiality?

Healthy animalism - aknowledgement of the primitive. Not trying to tame it but to celebrate it.
Basically, multiculturalism might work if the cultures were noble, but if they aren't the resulting mix is even worse than the origional.
You end up with degenerate white males trying to act like degenerate black males and hispanic houri waving welfare vouchers in an attempt to woo them.

Although this can be attributed as well to what Julius Evola called "American interiour formlessness" and not to multiculturalism per se.

I think that was my point. I'm sure it was something antisocial and indicative of my ultimate impotence.
Xev's been reading Evola? How interesting. Ive been doing that myself recently, he's entertaining, ultimately pointless, since he idolises a mythological past, without any evidence that things really were that way.
AS for nobility, well, hey, thats alway the problem, goes back to PLAto and before. Why do yuo think LOTR is so popular? In part because we have a wise and beneficient king who also gets his hands dirty etc.

AS for your impotence, how are you feeling? If you want to go kill people, let us know, I'm sure we can tell you interesting ways of doing it. Me, I'm wondering how to foment revolution and upheavals in Scotland.