Morality and atheism....

Atheists base their morality on politically correct behaviour.

I made the statement, Saiyyadati?

My memory must be going finally...

I merely coughed at the perceived personal slur. :D
Being politically correct mean interpreting actions within the context of that society. Religion does the same thing, only within the context of that religion.

But religion lays down the mores that any society deems acceptable or inacceptable. Even a secular society arrests and imprisons thieves and murderers.
But religion lays down the mores that any society deems acceptable or inacceptable. Even a secular society arrests and imprisons thieves and murderers.

If religion is a big part of that society, then yes, it contributes it's values to it, but secular values do not require a religious basis. You don't need religion to see that thieves and murderers are harmful to the well being of society.
If religion is a big part of that society, then yes, it contributes it's values to it, but secular values do not require a religious basis. You don't need religion to see that thieves and murderers are harmful to the well being of society.

But why would you be concerned by the well being of society?
Because if you design something from the beginning, you wouldn't need to adapt ill-suited parts from a previous form. Pandas, to give a famous example, would have a real thumb rather than a deformed wrist bone common in all bears.

So it is limited by observation?
Natural causes have been observed either directly or indirectly for many phenomenon previously explained only by religion.
Because if you design something from the beginning, you wouldn't need to adapt ill-suited parts from a previous form. Pandas, to give a famous example, would have a real thumb rather than a deformed wrist bone common in all bears.

But thats your opinion.
If there is no design, why is it "deformed" or "mutated" or "deficient"? ;)

Natural causes have been observed either directly or indirectly for many phenomenon previously explained only by religion.

Thats based on interpretation by people.
I did; I said all moral atheists are politically correct.

Why would they be?
Political correctness is an unneccessary wishy-washy fad.
Morality has nothing to do with using the "correct" or "incorrect" (i.e. currently fashionable) terminology.
But thats your opinion.
If there is no design, why is it "deformed" or "mutated" or "deficient"? ;)

I think it's a reasonable deduction. Animals arising from a previous form do not require the intercession of a diety. Indeed, the more science is understood, the less there is for a diety to do.

I call such structures deformed, since they obviously evolved for a different function and were adapted for a new function, for which they serve imperfectly.