Moral Standards and a Caste System

Cris said:

why is this thread in the religion forum?

In the formation of a Civilization, Religion will be the Unifying Moral Force which cements the cohesion of Ruling Class -- a healthy Aristocracy must be an effective Theocracy. It is only by Religion that the Lower Classes will accept the Authority of the Ruling Classes. Religion guarantees Legitimacy.
leo is vanity you favourite sin: self-love all natural opiate.
why do you think that man, would want or allow themselves, to go back to the dark ages.
and why is it, that only theists,(marian catholics) understand morality.
you do believe, you are the lord and master.
Knife said:
1 - please provide examples of how human society has changed over history. and i dont mean the invention of television. this change you refer has not a) stoppped violence, b) not stopped injustice, c) has not eliminated famine, or d) made everyone love each other in the past.

2 - everyone knows it "begins within you", that statement has been repeated so many times it is starting to make me sick! so why hasnt everybody "begun within themselves". it aint gonna happen buddy.

3 - why not start yourself and use more polite language.

4 - life just is. it is not supposed to be anything other than what it is today and now.

1 - More laziness on your part. Here, I'll do some of the work for you: The culture of East India of the Vedic Age contrasted with the present day. The Roman Empire before the advent of Christianity, as compared with the modern era of dominant Roman Catholicism. The invention of television only occurred because our society began to revolve around the need for entertainment and to further the industrial interests of the age. This need has only exponentially increased over time. Humanity is living in a vast, neurotic state of denial.

a) Violence will always occur. Pacifists are oblivious fools who refuse to see reality for what it is: competition, achievement, pain, pride, struggle, and in the end, a grand feast for death.

b) "Justice" in modern, liberal democratic terms carries none of the same implications it did two thousand years ago.

c) Since we are all competing for the same resources, and the population steadily expands by the second, this will be an unavoidable phenomenon.

d) This is an irrelevant point. Disagreements will always arise.

2 - Humanity's values are fat and lazy, and this is reflected not only in their physical appearances, but in their stated opinions, such as this one. Self-discipline seems to be a four-letter word. No one has yet done it because there is no impetus to do so; an individualist praises their own comfort and self-satisfaction over every other concern, and this society encourages such behaviour.

3 - I already have, and polite language is the least of my worries. Raising non-issues to deflect and evade my point is poor argumentation, and reflects poorly on your maturity.

4 - Apathy. Who cares, right? :rolleyes:
the preacher said:
leo is vanity you favourite sin: self-love all natural opiate.
why do you think that man, would want or allow themselves, to go back to the dark ages.
and why is it, that only theists,(marian catholics) understand morality.
you do believe, you are the lord and master.

Have you read "Study of History" by Arnold Toynbee. There have been 21 Civilizations up until now, and they have all failed. Did any of these People's really want to "go back to the dark ages"? Well, yes!

Look at Modern Western Politics. The Emphasis is on distrust of Government and destroying the ability for Centralized Governments to collect taxes. Once Centralized Governments can no longer collect taxes, then it becomes possible for Wealthy Private Individuals to successfully defy Government regulations and restrictions. Economic and Social Infrastructures fall out of repair, and Domestic and Foreign Security Apparatuses become defunct. Eventually Civilization Collapses and all power devolves first to the Powerful Individuals who brought down the Governments, but then to opportunistic War Lords and Bandit Chieftans who find it easy enough to murder off the old Oligarches who had more Money then Charisma.

It doesn't take much to destroy a Civilization. Sometimes just one Bad Law can do it. During one of China's ephemeral Dynasties, the Large Landowners were able to force through a Law that exempted them from Taxation. They had already given themselves many 'loopholes' and as the common people paid the large part of Tax Revenues, the Imperial Authorities were not overly concerned. However, the Rich Land Lords turned around and convinced the majority of the small farmers that if they sold their Holdings to the Rich, and leased it back for a smaller amount then they would have to pay in taxes, that all would be the same for them, but cheaper. In just a few years, the Imperial Government was stripped almost entirely of every source of revenue. Then China collapsed into one of its many periods of Chaos -- what we would call a Dark Age.

Today, in America we are getting dangerously close to the same mechanisms for Civilized Failure and Collapse. Conservatives repealling Taxes and then implementing Laws whereby New Taxes require Approval by Popular Referendum -- it becomes impossible for Government to collect Revenues. Money has to be either borrowed, which creates a debilitating Debt, or Money is printed which cheapens currency. Civilization becomes unsustainable.

And, Yes, although it does not seem to make much sense, the Rich People do all this damaging stuff deliberately and intentionally. This is why it seems to be that they are under the influence of Satan, because it is so difficult to understand why any reasonable and rational line of thought would propell people toward the destruction of everything that is Good and Beautiful for what can best be described as only Solitary, Poor, Nasty, Brutish, and Short (The Hobbesian definition of the Barbarian Condition).