Moral Distinctions

Dear Medicine Woman,

I wonder sometimes that it seems that women are the most adept at flinging the worst insults into Our Lady the Blessed Virgines Face.

Are you familiar with the Prophecy of Simeon (Luke 2:35), the sense of which is that by Stabbing the Heart of Mary with the Sword of Insult, you lay bare your own Evil.

As nice as you may wish to show yourself, otherwise, we now know that you are contemptably Evil.
The Church's position became Morally Bankrupt as soon as they began advocating the Rhythm Method. It surrendered to the Notion that Sex is an acceptable Form of Recreation. After conceding Recreational Sex then why does it matter what form of Contraception is used?
It could be sinful, depending on the intentions of the couple, but spacing out the children born doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

But the proof is everywhere that it is Unhealthy for Men to Roomate with Women. Men and Women, even when sexually active, should Live in separate Apartments. Women nag. They can't seem to help themselves. When they are together they cluck like chickens and apparently do not listen to each others cattiness. But men, who talk far less to each other, think that conversation must certainly mean something, and are soon overloaded by the useless talk of Females, as they try to discern Meaning where there usually isn't any. Frustration is released as Violence.
I knew there was a reason why some men are more violent.
Leo Volont said:
But the proof is everywhere that it is Unhealthy for Men to Roomate with Women. Men and Women, even when sexually active, should Live in separate Apartments. Women nag. They can't seem to help themselves. When they are together they cluck like chickens and apparently do not listen to each others cattiness. But men, who talk far less to each other, think that conversation must certainly mean something, and are soon overloaded by the useless talk of Females, as they try to discern Meaning where there usually isn't any. Frustration is released as Violence.
That's good Leo. Free men of all blame for the abuse that some men commit on their wives. Hell the women deserved it. They "nag". You've solved the age old problem of spousal abuse. You really should publish Leo. You're a hero to all the women bashing men out there in the world.

Your hatred of women is quite disgusting. Especially when viewed in light of your love for Mary.

Men should live in peace and quiet, that is, men should have a separate abode where they can go to rest and recoup.
And women should be allowed to live in peace without fear of abuse from men who have the same attitude as you do.

As for Celibacy. Is it not better to have fewer appetites than more. It is Liberating to no longer require Copulation. Most men identify with their sexuality, but do not stop to consider how much they must demean their Masculine Dignity in order to 'suck up to' Women. They should consider how happy they would be if, by shedding this Appetite, they could make themselves Free to Sneer at the wiles of the Fairer Sex.
How repulsive. You really do have a hatred for women don't you? Yet you can pray to and glorify a woman? The hypocrisy would be amusing if it wasn't so repulsive.

okinrus said:
Bells, even the Church *wanted* to support distributing condoms and abortion, the nuns and aidworkers who are catholic and do the actual work on this would revolt because they believe it's sinful. Why should the Church support something it doesn't even believe, that it knows is harmful?
I'm assuming there's an 'if' missing somewhere there. But if the Church did change its stance on the use of condoms okinrus, the amount of lives it would save.... that would far outweigh the moral arguments they have used as their religious dogma. The aidworkers and the nuns who work there on the ground where the use of condoms is seen as necessary would probably be glad if the Church took such a stance. It would result in less babies becoming orphans and being born with AIDS for a start.

Married couples can plan out their children using the rhythm method.
Yes it can, but it is one of the least successful means of contraception. Not to mention that the rhythm method does not prevent STD's.

There's never a situation where distributing condoms is a matter between life and death. If people stayed in monogamous relationships, they would not have this problem.
Yes there is okinrus. People do not stay in monogamous relationships and by taking the stand that the Church has taken, they are not only punishing the adulterers, but also their innocent spouses and children, because it is they who suffer.

The Church has power and influence in these countries because the church does the health programs.
Yes but at what cost? I'm not discounting the fact that the Church does a lot for people in these countries through their health programs. But it could do so much more. Instead of blackmailing countries who may want to educate and distribute condoms, telling them that the aid will stop if they did, so much more could be done.