Moral Distinctions

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Moral Distinctions

When we say ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’, it is difficult to know what people are thinking. We have Politicians willing screw over their own People and commit Genocide against the entire rest of the World, but they think themselves ‘Good’ when compared to a former President who is ‘Evil’ because he once relaxed with a young lady for a minute and a half against a context of 8 years of 24/7 Work. We need to de-trivialize ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’.

We should rather think in terms of ‘Civilized’ and ‘Barbarian’. A ‘Civilized’ attitude is one that is intent upon cooperation and sharing, where the welfare of the Entire Society becomes the central concern. Barbarism, however, is concerned with Individual Liberties and Freedoms, that is, rape and pillage.

But, yes, there are the Spiritual Virtues. The thing to be remembered about the Spiritual Virtues, is that one cannot expect to derive much practical advantage from their cultivation, or at least, practical advantage is not the point of it all. The Spiritual Virtues – abstinence from the Appetites of Lust and Gluttony, and the Impulses of Jealousy and Anger – are exercised so as to make oneself fitting company in Heaven, the Spiritual Realm. The Appetites and the Impulses do indeed have their practical side while we are Incarnate and not really much different from the brute animals doing their utmost to merely survive. But taken out of that context of Mortal Survival, the Appetites and the Impulses become ridiculous.

For instance, sex. Spiritual Beings do not need to copulate. Reproduction is not a concern in the Spiritual Realm. Therefore, Souls are expected to transcend the urge to be poking and wrapping around the other Spiritual Entities. While still Mortal, if a person sees sex as a ‘want’ – an important part of their life definition – then they will take this attitude with them into the Spiritual Realm, where it will be most embarrassing for them. They will be like the Dog at the cocktail party that humps the legs of the guests. Nobody wears a tuxedo to have his leg humped. The most charitable view that can be taken of such behavior is one of bemused disgust. Such dogs are ushered out and not invited back.

So, for this World we should be ‘Civilized’. And in preparation of the Next, we should practice Virtue – making sure we do not want what we merely only need.
For instance, sex. Spiritual Beings do not need to copulate. Reproduction is not a concern in the Spiritual Realm. Therefore, Souls are expected to transcend the urge to be poking and wrapping around the other Spiritual Entities. While still Mortal, if a person sees sex as a ‘want’ – an important part of their life definition – then they will take this attitude with them into the Spiritual Realm, where it will be most embarrassing for them. They will be like the Dog at the cocktail party that humps the legs of the guests. Nobody wears a tuxedo to have his leg humped. The most charitable view that can be taken of such behavior is one of bemused disgust. Such dogs are ushered out and not invited bac

Someone told me there was this discussion between an Imam and a Catholic Priest (I think), and they were talking about marriage. The dialogue went something like this:

Imam: So, you don't get married or have sex?

Priest: No

Imam: Why is that?

Priest: I don't because it's filth, and I want to remain pure.

Imam: So, you don't procreate because it's filth, but it's OK for God to have a son?

Think about that Leo :cool: ....Salaam
Leo Volont said:
For instance, sex. Spiritual Beings do not need to copulate. Reproduction is not a concern in the Spiritual Realm. Therefore, Souls are expected to transcend the urge to be poking and wrapping around the other Spiritual Entities. While still Mortal, if a person sees sex as a ‘want’ – an important part of their life definition – then they will take this attitude with them into the Spiritual Realm, where it will be most embarrassing for them. They will be like the Dog at the cocktail party that humps the legs of the guests. Nobody wears a tuxedo to have his leg humped. The most charitable view that can be taken of such behavior is one of bemused disgust. Such dogs are ushered out and not invited back.
I'm guessing you're thankful your parents didn't feel the same way as you when you were 'created'. :rolleyes: We're not too thankful that your parents did the deed, but I'm guessing you are. How hypocritical of you Leo. Blame all others who do have sex for being sinners, when you yourself are an object of a sexual act. I'm also hoping that you've never accused your mother of being a dog humping the legs of party goers at a cocktail party. :confused:

Reproduction is essential to life Leo. Like all animals, we have sexual and reproductive organs. Maybe you should put the bible and the rosary down and just 'get some'. Might make you sound less like a prat.
Someone told me there was this discussion between an Imam and a Catholic Priest (I think), and they were talking about marriage. The dialogue went something like this:

Imam: So, you don't get married or have sex?
Priest: No
Imam: Why is that?
Priest: I don't because it's filth, and I want to remain pure.
Imam: So, you don't procreate because it's filth, but it's OK for God to have a son?
Interesting how much this story has changed.
did'nt you know, Leo is a product of emaculate conception.
I know, he like's to think so.
surenderer said:
Someone told me there was this discussion between an Imam and a Catholic Priest (I think), and they were talking about marriage. The dialogue went something like this:

Imam: So, you don't get married or have sex?

Priest: No

Imam: Why is that?

Priest: I don't because it's filth, and I want to remain pure.

Imam: So, you don't procreate because it's filth, but it's OK for God to have a son?

Think about that Leo :cool: ....Salaam

God has a Son by Divine Creation.

People spawn children through biological copulation.

God's Creation is of the Spiritual Realm. Human Reproduction of of the Animal

But such distinction would be difficult for an Iman to understand -- somebody whose only notion of Heavenly Reward consists in getting a bevy of Virgins to deflower. So what Christianity calls Perverts, Islam calls Holy Men.
Leo we know that's you (faith vanity angel) in a different guise dont be silly.
as only you would say that.
Bells said:
I'm guessing you're thankful your parents didn't feel the same way as you when you were 'created'.

The Sexual Urge is extremely persuasive. Nobody needs to argue for sex, or make little intellectual justifications for sex. There will always be enough sex. So, no, I don't think it is necessary that I be so grateful for having been born. On last count didn't we find that there must be at least 7 Billion People alive on Earth today. Does that make it appear as though we are darn lucky that anybody is being born anymore? Certainly, if my Parents had not had me, some other parents would have.

what we need is more people willing NOT to be parents. Humanity is covering the face of the Earth like a virus. Land, Rivers, Lakes and Oceans are being ******** by our biological and industrial filth. The Atmosphere is being stunk up by our methane. Honestly, I would be thankful if 99% of the World's Population were to curl up and drop dead before they could reproduce themselves. Then maybe Humanity could come into a healthy balance with our environment.
Faith*Vanity Angel said:
I never really thought of that. Thanks Leo for giving me something to think of.

Why, thank you so very much. Often entire weeks go by without a single word of appreciation, and so I am delighted whenever I am told that I was able to please, inform, or amuse.
mis-t-highs said:
Leo we know that's you (faith vanity angel) in a different guise dont be silly.
as only you would say that.


I told you I had my Angels. We must have just heard from one!
mis-t-highs said:
you'll get a lot, more now you, and your faith are together.

It would be nice to have an ally; however, this isn't my first Forum, and I've discerned a trend -- the Forum Managements tolerate me while they think I am cornered and on the defensive. It is when people begin to join my side that I am banned. The people who spend money to conduct these Propaganda Forums aren't shelling out the Cash so that I can score all the points and undermine their Doctrines and Orthodoxies, whether they be Religious or Quasi-Scientific.
Civilized and barbarism? There isnt much of a difference. A so called Civilized people is a group of humans with the same morals and eithics--therefore a social group. A barbarian can be someone of a social group who opposes this so called veiw of "right" or what u call civilized. It is not about rights and wrongs, its a fight of ideals. It is a war of ideas and how a social group perceives right and wrong. Just becauce a person lives in a expensive house or anything capitalistic does NOT mean they are civilized. Since we live in a society ruled by money we automatically think that anyone who doesnt use or have it is "wrong" and that will be the downfall of the western civilization.
Leo Volont said:
what we need is more people willing NOT to be parents. Humanity is covering the face of the Earth like a virus. Land, Rivers, Lakes and Oceans are being ******** by our biological and industrial filth. The Atmosphere is being stunk up by our methane. Honestly, I would be thankful if 99% of the World's Population were to curl up and drop dead before they could reproduce themselves. Then maybe Humanity could come into a healthy balance with our environment.
And yet here you are Leo, destroying the environment while using electricity to run your computer. And how Christian of you to say that you wished 99% of humanity drop dead before they can reproduce. If you feel so strongly about it, why don't you start petitioning the Catholic Church, of which you are a member, to advocate the use of contraception, especially in some countries in Asia and Africa where the crisis has reached dangerous levels. How can you say what you have said above, yet still belong to a religious institution that tells its followers that contraceptions such as condoms is evil? A tad hypocritical don't you think?

Tell me something Leo. Seeing your stance stated above, do you advocate abortion?
mis-t-highs said:
no one's, going to ban you, unless you cause it.

Statements like that are silly. There is never a due process hearing. One day you go to log on and you can't. Sure, I suppose they always have their reasons, but my Freedom of Speech is never one of them. Usually I can guess that some moron complained that I offended them. And I am always going to do that. Morons need to know they are morons. If I am of any use to the Universe at all it is in disabusing these idiots of their vain selfdelusions of intellectual sufficiency. If they finally understand that they cannot rely upon their own questionable, stunted, and malinformed Judgments, then my job there is done.

Besides, every Forum has only a few regulars. I have no idea how many people might have read my stuff, learned from it, and never replied, but I don't suppose there have been many. After a few months, all the regulars no my opinions and doctrines about as well as I do, and then it is almost necessary to get banned, so that I can move on and indoctrinate the next little group somewhere.