Moon Landing, A Hoax?


Registered Member
There is lots of people who think the moon landing was faked by the government. I just wanted to know what my fellow Sciforum Writers think.
Numerous threads in Pseudoscience and possibly the cesspool.
Also a Scipedia entry:[ENC]Moon landing conspiracy[/ENC]
As per usual here you can find (with varying degrees of rationality) both sides of the argument.
I think that the moon landing was not faked by the gvernment because what would the government benifit form lieing to its "Followers".

I also think that The U.S. had the technology to go to the moon so why fake it?
I figured the Russians had to have been watching closely and if it was faked they would have been all over us about it.
WOW! That is one hell of a hoax. How many thousands of people would that kind of hoax involve then?
Well obviously they acknowledge orbital flight. Most think the missions to the moon could not occur because of Van Allen belts. Passage through these belts, while at least as risky as say getting an x-ray done a couple times a day for 2 days(1960's xrays), does not mean for sure damage to cells. Pretty quick and dirty exposure.

They cannot fathom people willing to subject themselves to that kind of danger for that kind of adventure.
There is lots of people who think the moon landing was faked by the government. I just wanted to know what my fellow Sciforum Writers think.

It could have been faked, (yes i will get shouted at because of this), simply because the light from the sun did not corrolate to the position of the flag.

That is all i know.
And they say the starbursts on their helmets, the lack of starlights on the moon pictures, indicate a hoax. They cannot prove what effect light reflection off the moon's surface would have on these effects.

I'm the type that's pretty open minded to ideas that the government would fake this kind of thing. I just don't buy it. There ARE some kinda questionable pictures about Apollo 11-15, I will admit. Most are absolutely impossible to fake in 1969-70s, in my opinion.
the day after the supposed moon landing the news in finland said that it might have been faked. the russians knew they faked it and the information got spread to finland.
If the earth is flat like a plate, and all teh continents are on one side, what is on the other side?