Mohammed coveting others wives

skywalker said:
Read the Bible and you will get it. :cool:

Goodness me, do you mean Jesus was as bad as Mohammed - under aged girls and stealing the women from relatives - surely not. :)
Vienna said:
Goodness me, do you mean Jesus was as bad as Mohammed - under aged girls and stealing the women from relatives - surely not. :)
M*W: Come'on Vienna. You're just jealous. Jesus was monogous with Mary Magdalene. They were married and had children who were the forefathers of the Kings of France.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Come'on Vienna. You're just jealous. Jesus was monogous with Mary Magdalene. They were married and had children who were the forefathers of the Kings of France.

Do you know of a family tree which supports this?
Care to elaborate...
David Koresh.

Or, to be more philosophical about it ... do you have any idea how many prophets there have been? I can't count them. I don't care to. As I believe people create gods, well ....

And the Ultimate Reality, whatever it is .... I suppose if one believes in a shoebox deity, prophecy becomes somehow more magnified, but humans aren't imaginative enough to tap the essence of reality; human language itself is insufficient, which is one of the reasons fictional literature persists. Only by suspending reality as we are capable of recognizing it can we begin to work with what lies beyond our grasp of reality. But seriously ... the idea that it talks to us? I always thought God would have more to say.

A billion babbling monkeys might not be enough to do Hamlet, but it should be sufficient for monotheism. In fact, I think it was. (In both cases, it looks like. Holy monkey-poop!)
You are no better than I.
I agree. We're human beings. However, it doesn't change the fact that you're not carrying out much of an argument. Quit ducking the issues and try using your brain when you post.
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The koran is supposed to be a TIMELESS guide for ALL TIME ask a muslim if you don't believe me.

The Quran doesn't necessarily change. People do, however.
I have, here are 3 different translations just to be sure the verse is understood
try Al Quran
Thanks, I was actually poking around for this link but got distracted by the Tuscon Masjid bit.
Valid question but too broad for this topic
Whatever you say, Path. Whatever you say.
The Tuscon Masjid is obviously very americanized and PC. To be honest if islam admitted to fallibility I don't think I would have much of a problem with it.
I quoted from Morey's site as a matter of expedience after cross checking the content of that passage with islamic sources.
Part of my point, there IS confusion because There are documented occurences in quran haith and sunnah which don't show mohammed as "an example for mankind for all time"
The whole world doesn't look at things the same way as you or I.

Since you don't have the time to state your case, I'm not sure what else to tell you.
You mean like the islamic hadith site I quoted in an earlier post or the 3 versions of the koran I just gave you?
then you and I have a different take on morality, fair enough.
Islams treatment of women islams morality are linked to the example set by Muhammed.
And yet it's too much to go into right now for you to make the connection between this passage and today?
Fine we just leave Morey out of it and stick to islamic sources it is no skin off my nose
Well enough.
An absurd argument backed up by quran, sunnah, hadith and contemporary biography.
You've backed your argument as such?
are not parables inspired by god they are the DIRECT words of god. God considers women inferior.
This is news?
Are also inferior I could go on and on but I prefer to divide these up into individual topics since it makes discussing the issues easier and I just don't have the time to respond to these long posts of yours that are mainly a sidetrack.
Fine. Do so.
Forget morey stick to islamic sources from now on
You are just trying to turn the topic towards christianity again I am not defending christianity and that is off topic.
You're kidding me, right?

Okay, look ... I hadn't realized it was amateur night and the comedy club.

I was demonstrating the lack of content in the Morey article--the original foundation of your topic which you've now disavowed.
And I assure you my foundation is as steady as the Kabbah :cool: But I will address those issues in other threads I promise
Okay. Whatever you say.
Again christianity go ahead and start a thread deriding christianity I have a few tasty bits to support you on it.
You know, Path ... this is getting really annoying.

Here ... try this:

"Apple is to fruit as carrot is to _______?" (Fill in the blank.)
And my hope however naive it may be is to possibly prevent someone from hurting themselves
It's not your hope that's naîve, but rather your outlook on the issues you hope to alleviate.
I don't think so but it is hard to see the tree for the forest
Whatever you say.