Mohammad's Character


Valued Senior Member
Lets dissect the literary character Mohammad. What sort of person were his authors trying to create? Why? Many Muslims tell me that, even though I do not believe the Qur'an was God inspired, that, I should still recognize that Mohammad was of fine character and that even though I'm atheist, I must accept that he was an upright and moral honest individual.

OK, well, this is my rational:

There is no God, there's no good evidence to suggest there are any, therefor that means Mohammad lied and did so very often. Each time he said an angel told him such and such - this was a lie. There's nothing to argue here. If Mohammad wasn't psychotic then he was simply a profuse liar.

That's simply a truth.
If there is no God, Then Mohammad was a liar.

Priest can believe in God, they can interpret what they think God wants or likes or doesn't like. But, once you say you are a Prophet and KNOW what God wants because he's telling you, assuming your not a babbling psychopath, you're a con and a liar.

It really is that simple.

Was Mohammad genius or even very clever? Well, due to the profuse plagiarism of the Bible in the Qur'an I'd have to say no. I mean, Mohammad had the chance to build his own philosophy. Did he do that? No. He instead copied the bible and set about building a cult of personality. Unliek say Buddha, who sat around thinking and writing his thought's Mohammad sat around copying the Bible and lying to people.

If Mohammad has some good ideas, THEN he wouldn't have had to appeal to authority (Allah) to give his ideas credence - they'd have been meaningful on their own.

This is again very very simple to understand. If you have a good idea, then you do not need to pretend it came from God to get people to believe you.

Was he of fine character? Well, at the age 25 Muhammad wed his 40 year old boss Khadijah. That must have been for love. I mean, it's not like he married her for her money and because she was powerful or anything like that. He simply wanted to marry his boss. Many secretaries do the same and marry their bosses even today. BUT... .... BUT ... ... some secretaries do marry their bosses for the money and power. Now, given that Mohammad was a liar, no doubt about that, and a con, hmmmm... well, one does have to wonder.

Mohammad's treatment of Meccan Heritage. After assembling a bunch of thugs, Mohammad refused to set his little toe into the city of Mecca until after his thugs had destroyed all of the Arabic heritage. In essence destroy centuries of culture and tradition. Exactly like when the Taliban blew up the 2500 year old Buddha Statues in Afghanistan. They actually used Mohammad's own actions to justify theirs.

History also has it that Mohammad had a little young singing girls' head removed from her shoulders for making fun of him in a poem back when he was not so powerful. After he got a bit of power - well, off with her head. His mate brings back this little girl's head and Mohammad is well pleased. Well pleased with this girls chopped off and bloody head. Mohammad was also said to have lopped off the heads of 600 Jewish men.

Now, as I understand it. Muslims can have 4 wives. Their God likes it when men have 4. Not 5. But 4 is OK. 5 is a sin. The Muslim God is displeased when a man has 5 wives. 4 wives - yep, very good. Very good. Except in the case of Mohammad - well he needed many many many more than 4. This is because God said it was OK that he has a lot of sex with many different wives. Now, given there is no God..... :bugeye: I think the answer here is obvious.

I have to say, for the illiterate superstitious nomadic camel herder - perhaps these are the actions of a glorious fellow camel herder. You know: A Big Man. But to me, well, he seems like a very small minded egocentric con-man who created a cult of personality.

Once you remove the pretend "Allah" it all becomes quite clear. Sadly, this then means it's going to be all but impossible for Muslims to move into the modern era as their culture is tied strongly to this fiction. Not impossible, but, very difficult. Any Muslims who becomes atheist all tell me they see Mohammad the same way as me. Even more so as they know more about Mohammad. It's a shame really, that Mohammad was such a person.
OK, well, this is my rational:

Lets dissect your rationale before anything else.

There is no God, there's no good evidence to suggest there are any, therefor that means Mohammad lied and did so very often. Each time he said an angel told him such and such - this was a lie. There's nothing to argue here. If Mohammad wasn't psychotic then he was simply a profuse liar.

"There is no God" is an assumption and not proven to be true, I know the opposite hasn't been proven either but the fact is that you are using an unproven statement as part of your rationale. Secondly you say "there's nothing to argue here"? This is called self-delusion. Isn't this what you point out religious folk for? Your assumption is unprovable and so everything about it is arguable, to make the second assertion that "there is nothing to argue here" is equivalently ridiculously stupid.

That's simply a truth.

Yes its the truth that your head was dissected and there was no trace of a brain :bugeye:

If there is no God, Then Mohammad was a liar.

True, but your rationale above does not show any of this to be true.

Priest can believe in God, they can interpret what they think God wants or likes or doesn't like. But, once you say you are a Prophet and KNOW what God wants because he's telling you, assuming your not a babbling psychopath, you're a con and a liar.

It really is that simple.

The only thing that is really simple is that you don't know anything about rationalizing. This thread of yours is just as pointless as the rest of them.

Was Mohammad genius or even very clever? Well, due to the profuse plagiarism of the Bible in the Qur'an I'd have to say no. I mean, Mohammad had the chance to build his own philosophy. Did he do that? No. He instead copied the bible and set about building a cult of personality.

If a something is correct then repeating it does not mean copying it. If I get a question 2 + 2 = ? and I write 4, that doesn't mean that if 600 years later you had the same answer and you wrote 4 would be copying me. (If so, then wow :eek:)

Unlike say Buddha, who sat around thinking and writing his thought's Mohammad sat around copying the Bible and lying to people.

Your evidence for everything you say is your opinion. I wonder if you failed in English classes about "Research Writing"- I thought they had made this type of writing a standard.

If Mohammad has some good ideas, THEN he wouldn't have had to appeal to authority (Allah) to give his ideas credence - they'd have been meaningful on their own.

That is if they were his ideas. If you claim your source is God then to cite him is only logical, otherwise it would be plagarism. For someone who accused this man for plagarism, you sure don't know what it is. Until you can learn to rationalize I think this response should suffice.

Peace be unto you ;)
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There is no God, there's no good evidence to suggest there are any, therefor that means Mohammad lied and did so very often. Each time he said an angel told him such and such - this was a lie. There's nothing to argue here. If Mohammad wasn't psychotic then he was simply a profuse liar.

The fact that Mohammed believed in God doesn't make him unusual or a liar. Plenty of honest people believe in God. They honestly believe God exists.

But, once you say you are a Prophet and KNOW what God wants because he's telling you, assuming your not a babbling psychopath, you're a con and a liar.

And no middle ground, eh? It's either babbling psychopathology or lying con artist. Hmm....

See, the thing is, it seems to me that lots of intelligent, balanced people believe that God tells them things, and in no other sense could they be called babbling psychopaths. Therefore, your claim seems more like an attempt to define and stereotype people than an honest attempt at understanding.

Was Mohammad genius or even very clever? Well, due to the profuse plagiarism of the Bible in the Qur'an I'd have to say no. I mean, Mohammad had the chance to build his own philosophy. Did he do that? No. He instead copied the bible and set about building a cult of personality. Unliek say Buddha, who sat around thinking and writing his thought's Mohammad sat around copying the Bible and lying to people.

Mohammed clearly did not just copy the bible. Islam is not the same as Christianity. Enough said.

If Mohammad has some good ideas, THEN he wouldn't have had to appeal to authority (Allah) to give his ideas credence - they'd have been meaningful on their own.

Have you considered that, just possibly, they are meaningful on their own?

Was he of fine character? Well, at the age 25 Muhammad wed his 40 year old boss Khadijah. That must have been for love. I mean, it's not like he married her for her money and because she was powerful or anything like that. He simply wanted to marry his boss. Many secretaries do the same and marry their bosses even today. BUT... .... BUT ... ... some secretaries do marry their bosses for the money and power. Now, given that Mohammad was a liar, no doubt about that, and a con, hmmmm... well, one does have to wonder.

Meh. You're applying modern standards to events that occurred in a different time and place. Again, it doesn't read like you've really given this any serious thought.

History also has it that Mohammad had a little young singing girls' head removed from her shoulders for making fun of him in a poem back when he was not so powerful. After he got a bit of power - well, off with her head. His mate brings back this little girl's head and Mohammad is well pleased. Well pleased with this girls chopped off and bloody head. Mohammad was also said to have lopped off the heads of 600 Jewish men.

What are the sources of these claims?

Now, as I understand it. Muslims can have 4 wives. Their God likes it when men have 4. Not 5. But 4 is OK. 5 is a sin. The Muslim God is displeased when a man has 5 wives. 4 wives - yep, very good. Very good. Except in the case of Mohammad - well he needed many many many more than 4. This is because God said it was OK that he has a lot of sex with many different wives. Now, given there is no God..... :bugeye: I think the answer here is obvious.

I don't see how this goes to the character of Mohammed, if we accept that he had an honest belief.

I have to say, for the illiterate superstitious nomadic camel herder - perhaps these are the actions of a glorious fellow camel herder. You know: A Big Man. But to me, well, he seems like a very small minded egocentric con-man who created a cult of personality.

And you'd say approximately the same of the carpenter Jesus of Nazareth, presumably.

Once you remove the pretend "Allah" it all becomes quite clear.

Only you have no evidence that Allah is pretend. That's just your assumption.

Sadly, this then means it's going to be all but impossible for Muslims to move into the modern era as their culture is tied strongly to this fiction. Not impossible, but, very difficult. Any Muslims who becomes atheist all tell me they see Mohammad the same way as me. Even more so as they know more about Mohammad. It's a shame really, that Mohammad was such a person.

Sadly, it looks like it's going to be all but impossible for atheists such as yourself to move into the modern era as your culture is tied strongly to an unbending dogma that gods are impossible. Not impossible but very difficult. Any atheist who becomes Muslim tells us that they see Mohammed in the same way as other Muslim converts. Even more so as they often know more about Mohammed. It's a shame that some atheists have such closed minds. They give other atheists a bad reputation.
True, but your rationale above does not show any of this to be true.
786, I know this is a hard pill to swallow, but there is no Gods or Goddesses.

Sorry mate, that's the way it is.

So, why don't you do me a favor and open up a post of Arab accomplishments that are non-Islamic. That is something I would really be interested in reading about.

It would probably do you some good too,
The fact that Mohammed believed in God doesn't make him unusual or a liar. Plenty of honest people believe in God. They honestly believe God exists.
No that’s not what I said. Yes, people believe God exists. People who say God specifically told them something – as in they specifically heard the voice of GOD inside their HEAD is either psychotic or a liar.

Yeah, plenty of honest people believe in God. I don’t know anyone who thinks they can heard God’s words, from an Angel. Not even just the mumblings of God, not the wishful thinking of a devout person, but say that an Angel has come down and are telling them word-for-word details to be relayed AND, and get this, these words just happen to be the Bible stories.

Come on James.

If I said God told me… and then relayed the Harry Pottery novels to you, in general, you would know me to be a liar. I see no difference here.

Mohammed clearly did not just copy the bible. Islam is not the same as Christianity. Enough said.
Plagiarism is not just copying word for word but copying the essence. The Qur’an is essentially the Bible. The same stories make up the back-bone of Islam. The rest is modelling with Mohammad’s actions were or stories of Mohammad himself. Which is where things often go horribly wrong.

Have you considered that, just possibly, they are meaningful on their own?
Could you post something that is meaningful and not plagiarized from the Bible or Biblical traditions?

Lets take the Islamic ideas about not eating Pork. Is this meaningful? No. Is this original? No. So why do Muslims follow it? Because “Allah” told them to.

Does this make sense?

Meh. You're applying modern standards to events that occurred in a different time and place. Again, it doesn't read like you've really given this any serious thought.
I suppose we’d have to know their customs. Which is why I said, it does make one wonder.

Jesus is obviously a literary creation. Yes his authors were liars as well.

I don't see how this goes to the character of Mohammed, if we accept that he had an honest belief.
You mean if he honestly believed God told him he and he alone could have many many many more wives? Again, there is no God. God didn’t tell him anything. So, I fail to see how this doesn’t go to his character. He’s lying again. And it’s so obvious too. Mohammad just so happens to get a “revelation” informing him that he can have sex with a lot of women – but no one else can.

Come on James, please.

Only you have no evidence that Allah is pretend. That's just your assumption.
In a science form that’s a valid assumption within a thread topic isn’t it?

Sadly, it looks like it's going to be all but impossible for atheists such as yourself to move into the modern era as your culture is tied strongly to an unbending dogma that gods are impossible. Not impossible but very difficult. Any atheist who becomes Muslim tells us that they see Mohammed in the same way as other Muslim converts. Even more so as they often know more about Mohammed. It's a shame that some atheists have such closed minds. They give other atheists a bad reputation.
I often say that people do need religion and that I’m all for helping to make one for them. The first thing we should do is remove intolerant ideas like “One God”. Secondly we could base it on something a little more apt to the modern-minded like Buddhism.

Yes, people believe God exists. People who say God specifically told them something – as in they specifically heard the voice of GOD inside their HEAD is either psychotic or a liar.

How can you be sure?

I guess you have never heard a voice in your head, but that doesn't tell us much except about you.

Yeah, plenty of honest people believe in God. I don’t know anyone who thinks they can heard God’s words, from an Angel.

Maybe you don't get out enough.

Plagiarism is not just copying word for word but copying the essence. The Qur’an is essentially the Bible. The same stories make up the back-bone of Islam. The rest is modelling with Mohammad’s actions were or stories of Mohammad himself. Which is where things often go horribly wrong.

It's not surprising that the Qur'an and the bible contain some of the same stories. Mohammed regarded Christians and Jews as "people of the book". Part of the traditions of all three monotheisms are shared. Islam accepts Jesus as a prophet; it does not set out to refute Christianity or Judaism.

Lets take the Islamic ideas about not eating Pork. Is this meaningful? No. Is this original? No. So why do Muslims follow it? Because “Allah” told them to.

Yes. Although it may have made some kind of sense in the Old Testament times when the law was first introduced. Then it became part of a tradition.

Jesus is obviously a literary creation.

That's not obvious to me, and take it from me I'm a very smart guy. :)

Michael said:
JR said:
I don't see how this goes to the character of Mohammed, if we accept that he had an honest belief.

You mean if he honestly believed God told him he and he alone could have many many many more wives? Again, there is no God. God didn’t tell him anything. So, I fail to see how this doesn’t go to his character. He’s lying again. And it’s so obvious too. Mohammad just so happens to get a “revelation” informing him that he can have sex with a lot of women – but no one else can.

You point of view is just an assumption, again. The opposite point of view is that there really is a God, God really did communicate with Mohammed etc. Your argument is too simplistic to get you anywhere. You're doing no more than stridently asserting your point of view. That's really no different from the preaching the religious people do.

Michael said:
JR said:
Only you have no evidence that Allah is pretend. That's just your assumption.

In a science form that’s a valid assumption within a thread topic isn’t it?

You're posting in the Religion subforum of the Philosophy subsection of this particular science forum. Only you don't want to discuss Religion. You want to preach that there is no God.

Your personal point of view is as valid as anybody else's, of course. But I wonder what you're trying to achieve with this thread? Do you hope to convert people to atheism? Or are you just angry that Muslims dare to believe in God and you want to vent?

The way you're going about whatever it is you're trying to achieve seems unlikely to bear any fruit, although it might make you feel better in the short term. If you're not really interested in a discussion, why post in a discussion forum? It just seems a bit pointless to me.

I often say that people do need religion and that I’m all for helping to make one for them. The first thing we should do is remove intolerant ideas like “One God”. Secondly we could base it on something a little more apt to the modern-minded like Buddhism.

Now there's an idea for a thread that might actually have some legs.

Firstly, thank you for your post.

Secondly, I don't see why it's such a mental-leap to open a thread about Mohammad assuming there's no God. To me it seems a basic assumption that MUST be made. I mean, we open threads about ice formation and we just assume we're not going to invoke the GOD DID IT line of reasoning. We assume a priori ice forms without help from the Gods.

Don't we?

Think about this: By positing there is no God (which there isn't) we can actually learn something new about Mohammad's character because we are viewing his actions from this new perspective.

Doesn't that seem fair enough?

As for ruffling feathers - yeah, sure, Muslims have a hard time comprehending there is no God. This is why I like to posit Xenu. Because Scientologist believe in Xenu in the exact same way Muslims believe in Allah. It is my hope people of both superstitions come to the understanding they are both equally valid belief systems.
It is my hope people of both superstitions come to the understanding they are both equally valid belief systems.

I think both Muslims and Scientologists will cheerfully agree that you have no clue.
The fact that Mohammed believed in God doesn't make him unusual or a liar. Plenty of honest people believe in God. They honestly believe God exists.

Why do they "honestly" believe, James? If you can answer honestly, then perhaps Michael has a point.

And no middle ground, eh? It's either babbling psychopathology or lying con artist. Hmm....

Or, gross ignorance based on previous myths and superstitions. Either way, for a man to create a cult like Islam, Muhammad most certainly had an agenda. Which agenda do you think he was a proponent?

See, the thing is, it seems to me that lots of intelligent, balanced people believe that God tells them things, and in no other sense could they be called babbling psychopaths. Therefore, your claim seems more like an attempt to define and stereotype people than an honest attempt at understanding.

An honest attempt, James? Why is that an honest attempt to educate these people fails miserably in favor of their so-called honest attempts to understand?

Mohammed clearly did not just copy the bible. Islam is not the same as Christianity. Enough said.

No, not enough said. Michael was most likely referring to the Old Testament.

Have you considered that, just possibly, they are meaningful on their own?

Then, why the need to support them with myths and superstitions that demand obedience and offer only a fiery pit of eternal suffering for those who do not obey?

Meh. You're applying modern standards to events that occurred in a different time and place.

Yet, many people still believe the myths and superstitions of that time, so his point is valid.

I don't see how this goes to the character of Mohammed, if we accept that he had an honest belief.

Was it an honest belief that Muhammad spoke with an angel? He wasn't lying about that?

And you'd say approximately the same of the carpenter Jesus of Nazareth, presumably.

Don't you mean the "myth" of Jesus of Nazareth?

Only you have no evidence that Allah is pretend.

What about the talking with an angel? Is that not evidence of pretend?

Sadly, it looks like it's going to be all but impossible for atheists such as yourself to move into the modern era as your culture is tied strongly to an unbending dogma that gods are impossible. Not impossible but very difficult. Any atheist who becomes Muslim tells us that they see Mohammed in the same way as other Muslim converts. Even more so as they often know more about Mohammed. It's a shame that some atheists have such closed minds. They give other atheists a bad reputation.

What's sadder is those who purport to be intelligent, but would defend a cult of personality and label others as closed minded when they themselves argue against the possibilities of the supernatural.

I smell a big fat hypocrite, James.
is equivalently ridiculously stupid.

... your head was dissected and there was no trace of a brain

This thread of yours is just as pointless as the rest of them.

I wonder if you failed in English classes ...

Peace be unto you ;)

Wonderful! Thank you! :bravo: