Modern rise in diabetesII/IR-Non-Genetic?

WellCookedFetus said:

temperature is also a environmental factor, a slight change in body temperature could have huge effects on protein function and enzymes, just like a slight change in pH. Why don’t you focus on temperature then? It could be the answer to all your hypothesises! When you get older your average body tempature drops, so we are all getting colder.

WCF, yes, I included it in internal environment factor (pH, temp. etc.) in some of my posting on reproductive system/sperm's production. I was thinking it to take up next time as it looks pH & temp. can both be inter-dependant or inter-related. In enzymes/hormones/gemete making & working--Optimal pH & Optimal Tempreture can be more relevant. However, I am trying to understand that which is basic in these two. Can you indicate something? Can damage to genes/genetic code possible by some tempreture imbalance?
Hercules Rockefeller said:
:rolleyes: It's funny, isn't it? It's the sure sign of a crackpot - every conceivable topic gets twisted and contorted to conform to, or at least include, their pet crackpot theory.<P>

It is not so. It may be due to less importance given to our environments--internal or outer. :) However, Optimal pH & Optimal tempreture may mean environments & can be of prime importance. Some/most ancient/old systems do indicate constitutional/systematic/inherited chracteristics/imbalances keeping in mind acid,base & water imbalances as root cause of all or most problems(even infections).
I have made the kook consider 2 variables now, lets see if we can't give him some more to think about? Oh I got a good one: Co2, in effects that pH variable but does so much more, carbonate is the bodies natural buffer, I wonder if environmental Co2 levels have a effect?
Basic ones will be matter & energy, but we can see those forms to which we are exposed physically & accordingly.

Now, which naturally existing body substances (in their similar existing forms) can cause genetic mutations, defects or damages, if these or any of these are imbalanced?
WellCookedFetus said:

temperature is also a environmental factor, a slight change in body temperature could have huge effects on protein function and enzymes, just like a slight change in pH. Why don’t you focus on temperature then? It could be the answer to all your hypothesises! When you get older your average body tempature drops, so we are all getting colder.

There is evidence to show that a low body temperature ealry in life, corresponds to increased longevity. Lower than average thyroid function also correlates with this!
ah its low later in life but yes low thyroid function could correlate, is that another variable Kumar needs to consider?
John, is it acidic in GIT or internal. Is it due to sugar base. I don't take much may be diabetic.:D Low temp. on testis also relevant. How our warm,tight, clothes & underwear or sitting for long can effect testes work. Can these cause heriditary/genetic changes??:D

WCF, can you tell me genetic/hereditary relevance to tempreture imbalances? I have to understand it becuse optimal temp. is important. It is also relevant to cancer tumor.
Ugh. I was under the impression that Type II diabetes was not considered a genetic disease to begin with. Buit rather a factor of lifestyle.

And thats going back.... 5 years? to University Honours. Thats what we were taught anyhow.
WCF, Thanks for the suggestion. Don't you like that we discuss here something like it.

Anyway, I give below few aspects related to Histones & Non-Histones protiens as available on various sites. Acid, base & tempreture control may be related to these protiens. Can't these be destabilized, on their exposure to imbalanced temp., alkaline & acidic atmosphere as present in various parts of reproductive systems leadind to some genetic/hereditary changes?

Histones: Proteins rich in lysine and arginine( basic amino acids)

Histones are subject to posttranslational modification Posttranslational modification means the chemical modification of a protein after its translation. It is one of the later steps in protein biosynthesis for many proteins.

Histones are water-soluble.

Histones have been evolutionarily conserved.

Non-Histones: non-histone chromosomal proteins
Chromatin consists of DNA, histones and a very heterogeneous group of other proteins, that include DNA polymerases, regulator proteins, etc. They are often generically referred to as non-histone proteins, or acidic proteins, to distinguish them from the basic histones.The scaffold structure is made of nonhistone proteins which lowers the melting temperature when compared to pure DNA. It is concluded that chromatin non-histone proteins contain different fractions of proteins which are causing stabilizing and destabilizing effect on DNA structure."
I hate diabetes it bores me to tears.
posting here is too much like working but I'll throw in a clue or two.

Krebs is relativly ph tolerant. No joy for you there.
The reported increase in incidence?
Check your social factors. Increasing obesity within populations, demographics of old age, racial differences. Improved diagnostics ect ect.

Quick link

Be wary whenever you try to tease the truth out of complex non-linear systems.

Go for it.
Dee Cee
WellCookedFetus said:
yes but we are talking about excessive pH change and temperature change.
Can't destabilized Histones & non-histones due to excessive change in pH & tempreture(because outer env. factors & modern lifestyles)) destablize us? Histones & non-histones seems to be environmental (ph & temp.) sesitive?

DeeCee, We can't hate diabetes as becoming alike our family member. Tears for it are ok. :( Thanks for clues. But modern social factors. Increasing obesity within populations, demographics of old age, racial(dietry) differences) all can alter our internal environmental factors(mental stress increase gastric secretions) and any/many effect/s can be via these env. factors.

Lastly, to discuss here, working can be something special but repeating is just normal--can also be read on internet.
Kumar said:
John, is it acidic in GIT or internal.

Whatever acid is taken continuously will eventually be acidic internally as well as GIT.

Is it due to sugar base.

I'm not sure exactly what causes the pH.

I don't take much may be diabetic.:D

Are u really a diabetic?

Low temp. on testis also relevant. How our warm,tight, clothes & underwear or sitting for long can effect testes work. Can these cause heriditary/genetic changes??:D

It depends what effects they have. Can u provide me with some examples? All I know is that it can just decrease sperm count temporarily.

WCF, can you tell me genetic/hereditary relevance to tempreture imbalances?

Thyroid function may be genetic.
DeeCee, We can't hate diabetes as becoming alike our family member. Tears for it are ok. Thanks for clues. But modern social factors. Increasing obesity within populations, demographics of old age, racial(dietry) differences) all can alter our internal environmental factors(mental stress increase gastric secretions) and any/many effect/s can be via these env. factors.

As far as endocrine disorders go the physiological mechanisms underlying diabetes are pretty well understood.
If you want to rewrite the textbooks and win your Nobel then feel free to do some research.

Good Luck
Dee Cee
DeeCee, True causes of diabetes, insulin resistance & so many aspects seems to be not yet known or not yet well understood.

The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and lack of exercise appear to play roles.

Btw, can we get high blood gulcose levels due to excess insulin(how it can be excess)?

Can you tell something odd/new in these details on metabolic syndrome:-
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John Connellan said:
Whatever acid is taken continuously will eventually be acidic internally as well as GIT.

Can you pls explain this mechanism bit more?