Modern Prophecy - God's Best Guess

okinrus said:
Well, I wouldn't be suprised if John Paul isn't the second to last Pope.

I don't think any claim to supernatural cause can be asserted because the description of the Popes are only a few lines long. Are you aware of any other prophets and seers that specifically said the Malachi prophesies were genuine?

Our Lady The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to a number of Seers in Garabandal Spain in the nineteensixties. One of them asserted that John Paul would be the last Pope. This conflicts with Malachi, but I think I can explain.

In a Dream the Blessed Virgin brought me to an interview with Pope John Paul who told me that his successor would be assasinated and that the successor to this Pope would be a Usurpor whom I should not recognize. In other words, John Paul would be the last Pope who would actually serve legitimately. Saint Malachi's Prophecies counted everybody -- even when there were two or three Popes at a time, Malachi enumerated them all.

This brings up an interesting aside concerning Cathholic Spiritual History -- when there were more than two Popes, was one of them necessarily without spiritual authority. Catherine of Sienna, an obvious Saint, lived at the same time as the Greatest Saint of all Time, Vincent Ferrer. Ferrer was patronized by the Avignon Pope while Catherine was a partisan for the Roman Pope. She wrote him letters asking him to swing the Dominican's support over to Rome. He saw the issue largely as not one of his greater priorities. But even today we hear less about Vincent Ferrer then we should because Rome still nurses a grudge against him and the Dominicans in general for not having supported the obnoxious and corrupt Roman mafia Popes.
leo said:
Also, Dreams are sometimes quite objective. Some 40-some years ago when I was at University I shared a dream with a young lady -seeing the opportunity we each simultaneously repeated the dialogue from the dream.
You must be wrong... or at least broadly oversimplistic.

I'm not going to get sucked in to your trap.
regarding the oversimplyfied, answer your wrong.
however you can have connection, a feeling, an intuative thought,but to dream the same dream is not possible, it was just co-incidental.
I've done it, we've all done it, bumped into someone, and was about to say the same thing.

If the firings are random then why are the images coherent?
The same reason when you look at clouds in the sky you can see faces and recognizable images among the shapes. The same reason when you see only a miniscule part of someone’s face but you completely recognize them. The brain is exceptionally good at filling in blanks and interpreting incomplete images.

Also, Dreams are sometimes quite objective. Some 40-some years ago when I was at University I shared a dream with a young lady -- in the dream we met in the Cafeteria... two starving students scavenging for food in our dream bodies. In the dream we stopped and had a conversation. The next day we met in the hallway and each saw the look in each other's eyes --seeing the opportunity we each simultaneously repeated the dialogue from the dream. Shared Experience is very key to determining that something is Objective, no?
Your dreams will almost always be based on partial and recent memories and brain activity. Remember that the neuronal firings will be random and will react on recent brain activity. Simple cause and effect and nothing mystical.

You must be wrong... or at least broadly oversimplistic. Like most of Science, you think that if you can give something a Category Name, then you have explained it. But you don't know it... you just catalogued it.
Hmm, I don’t think you have studied much science have you? And I’m sure you must realize that I could not have taught you the entire discipline of neuroscience in a couple of sentences. So of course I was summarizing and simplifying for you. But it was a significant correction to your baseless imaginary concepts of dreams.

Remember when you choose to follow superstitions such as religions which have no factual basis then you must expect to be totally wrong most of the time. If you ever stumble upon a truth it will certainly only be by accident or if someone who actually knows chooses to teach you.

While in Meditation the angels come as Voices

What does the voice sound like? Is it husky, feminine? Does it have an accent or make other distinct vocal noises that would help one distinguish it as an individual? You might very well say that they weren't audible voices, but I would then like to point out that an inaudible voice is called a thought- and they are self generated.

In dreams, Angels Ordinaire, are characters who look you square in the eyes and give cryptic messages.

And what colour eyes do they have? Do they have eyebrows? Pick the most recent and describe it. It would also be of help if you could relay the most recent cryptic message that you were given in entirety.

But Angels do vary in degree of Splendor

You've seen many?

The Highest Angel I have seen was as large as an Oak Tree and was luminous, as though on fire with flames of every color of the rainbow

Did it have feet?

before an Angel such as that, Souls automatically drop upon their knees.


I would call such an Angel 'An Angel of God'

What you'd call them is of no importance. What do they call themselves? Do they have names?
pavlosmarcos said:
I'm not going to get sucked in to your trap.
regarding the oversimplyfied, answer your wrong.
however you can have connection, a feeling, an intuative thought,but to dream the same dream is not possible, it was just co-incidental.
I've done it, we've all done it, bumped into someone, and was about to say the same thing.

Coincidence, huh. Run these variables through your statistics calculator: we each reproduced the following dialogue independently -- Hello. Is anything on Line One. No, just a few desserts... how about Two and Three? Nothing or I'd already be eating.

Combine this with the knowledge of the Dream Scene and I would have to say that it all being a coincidence would be a Trillion to One.

Besides, in the 12th Century -- the Golden Age of Islamic Civilization (it was all down hill after the Mongol and then Turkish Invasions... they never recovered) there was a Sufi Sect that specialized in Objective and Collective Dreaming. Members of this Dream Sect were assigned to the Sultan's Embassies all over the Muslim World, from Bagdad to Mahdrid. They were used as transmitters and receivers for communications -- they would pass diplomatic messages in their dreams. They would be audited occassionally. Random messages would be passed and then answers returned by ordinary carrier. The Mongols and Turks brought in a Fundamentalist Style of Religious Interpretation that was Anti-Mystical (like Christian Fundamentalist rejection of Spirituality -- describing it as heretical Gnosticism), and most of the really cool Institutionalizations of Sufism were shut down.
Katazia said:

The same reason when you look at clouds in the sky you can see faces and recognizable images among the shapes. Kat

So you are saying that when YOU look at clouds you "see faces and recognizable images". Really? I just see clouds. Apparently your idea of coherence and my idea of coherence are different. To you coherence involves alot of squinting and a great deal of imagination to impose a fanciful pattern on what must be the vaguest is templates. When I speak of coherence I am implying that I am seeing an image with the reality resolution of a color photograph.
Katazia said:

Hmm, I don’t think you have studied much science have you?


What I can infer from the numerous and conflicting schools of psychology is that Science does not know anything yet.

I have a friend who is a psychologist... he has me read his papers before he sends them off for publication. Those guys mean well, but they ARE still just trying to figure things out.

Why is it that you are the only one who knows everything?
SnakeLord said:
What does the voice sound like?

Years ago I once heard externalized voices -- they seemed sinister. The Angelic Voices originate in my own head. No accent, and not feminine. A clean tenor voice.

There is also the question of the 30 Angels... why so many? I was told I had 30 Angels years ago. But just a few years ago I heard the Story of Our Lady of Grace and the Miraculous Medal. Our Lady distributes the Graces, and this is symbolized by Graces projecting from Rings on her fingers -- 3 Rings on each finger. Do the Math... that would add up to 30 Graces. So, in my case, Angels may be the Agents of Grace.
Years ago I once heard externalized voices -- they seemed sinister.

Do you have an explanation for what these sinister voices were coming from?

Unfortunately it's all in the details. You can't really just give one short line and think it explains anything. I have now asked you a couple of times for further explanation about a number of things you have made claim to. I have asked you to relay the cryptic message you received - which I still await, aswell as certain other questions that should be answerable if you have indeed witnessed these supposed beings.

Instead, you give one liners, (like above), without providing any real details so those of us who have not yet met angels can get a somewhat all-round description of them.

Please elaborate on your above sentence. Where were the voices coming from? (behind a tree/in the garage), how many voices were there? (you said "voices" and "they", which implies more than one), what was your state of mind at the time? (depressed, drunk, paranoid). Questions like these are of utmost importance.

The Angelic Voices originate in my own head

So basically, these angelic voices are known to the rest of the world as "thoughts"?

There is also the question of the 30 Angels... why so many? I was told I had 30 Angels years ago.

This is where it starts to go downhill. You mention that you were 'told'. Would it then be possible that you perhaps took what this person said a bit too literally and created 30 angels because someone had told you there are 30 angels?

It's the 'norm' in cases like this. Nobody ever says anything that is actually original to them, but merely clutches onto something they heard years beforehand. I'm not interested in your lady of grace, nor am I interested in what the bible or some other book has to say. You made some claims, and I'm asking you to provide details regarding your case, and not to waffle on about what a book/another person has told you.

So far, you've managed to tell me nothing aside from the fact that these angelic voices originate in your own head.
SnakeLord said:
(To the statement that "I hear the voices internally in my head")
So basically, these angelic voices are known to the rest of the world as "thoughts"?


No. I DO know the difference between HEARING and THINKING.

It reminds me of a funny story my oldest brother tells. He is very smart. In one of the Wars of the 20th Century he was swept up into the killing frenzy like everyone else -- some governments insist that everyone actively join into their policies... not being optional whichever side you think you are on. Anyway, being in the military he was thrown in with many of average or even below average intelligences. Anyway, it was noticed that he could arrive at clever solutions to practical problems, and that he was forever making wise comments about this, that, and everything else. So one day one of the less bright soldiers said, "Richardo, how is it that you are so smart? Is it like all these smart things are being said in your head?" "Yes, that's it", is what my brother told him, because he thought that if the soldier did not know anything about how the process of thought worked, it would be useless to tell him.

So now we have you demonstrating that you do not seem to know how thought works. You think it is like 'smart things being said in your head'.

A 'voice' seems to be audible, as though sound is being generated, though that may actually be impossible, but that is how it seems. Ordinary thoughts are not audible. Though we say that we cannot hear ourselves think, this only is a droll way to say we are distracted by noise, not ecllipsed by it. gthou
SnakeLord said:
Do you have an explanation for what these sinister voices were coming from?

Psychologically, sinister voices are psychotic. Spiritually, sinister voices are demonic. Just happened once. I was in the Peace Corps in one ungodly third world country. I had recently had dissentory, while it can be wondered whether what native foods I could hold down and retain amounted to a balanced diet,and was compiling my health problems by taking a vacation in a remote provincial town and drinking perhaps more than a young man should. I was in a hotel room when I heard this sinister voice. I forget what it said -- nothing profound. It was not in the native language or accent, but seemed to be a sinister version of my own language and accent, and so I judged it to be psychotic. I thought it would probably be wise to take better care of my health. I suppose if there is a moment where one goes from being a care free young man, to being a care-ridden old man, that this was that moment for me.
SnakeLord said:
I have asked you to relay the cryptic message you received.

Okay. Here are a few:

To be your own master, you must be your own servant.

You have seen it, you have heard it. Now all you have to do is feel it.

Be not one thing. Be not the other.

Birth is but an illusion and Christ is the life in all things.

Only those at the bottom, cannot go to the top.

You kill one snake with another.

The Principalities of Heaven and Hell vie for your Soul.

Higher vibrations are safe. The lower vibrations are more stressful but carry more power. Take vitiman B6.

You and your worthy horse have rested long enough. The road ascends before you.

The Church of Paul has one last role to play.

This last diction from an Angel came to me as I spent about month wondering about the contradictions between Christ and Paul and how they could be resolved. After I heard it... "The Church of Paul" ... at first I wanted to suppose that the Angel was speaking of the Protestant Church's. Being a Catholic it would be reassuring to suppose my Church was not basically wrong and about to become historically, and spiritually useless. However, it seems that when an Angel speaks it opens up certain mental doors that must have previously been shut. It soon became quite clear to me that the Catholic Church was not Apostolic in the least -- that it all sourced out of Paul and the congregations that paul had established. We only retain Baptism and the Holy Sacrament from Christ, which, indeed, are the saving Graces by which Our Lady the Blessed Virgin can still give Her sponsorship to the Church. But Paul's influence has largely cut into the right practice of the Holy Sacrament. Paul taught that those who are not worthy would be ******** by the Holy Sacrament, and then in the next breath he said that all Christians are still sinners, though forgiven, but still not be considered worthy of Christ. This pauline paranoia has cause the Church to limit the Holy Sacrament. The Protestant Churchs stay away from it altogether. I would rather have supposed that Christ would have freely distributed the Holy Sacrament -- the Real Body of Christ can never be an evil, which is what Paul assumes. Paul was the Anti-christ.