Modern Prophecy - God's Best Guess

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Modern Prophecy

Many Christians put great store in two thousand year old prophecy – they quote from the Book of Revelation which is so obscure as to be meaningless. By believing that such prophecy must still take place exactly as described, they must be supposing that Humanity has no Free Will – that Destiny is immutable, and all of our actions do not matter in the least. The Christ who gave us a Moral Teaching and enjoined us to perfect ourselves must have thought that our actions certainly mattered, thus putting the Future into our hands. If such is the True Scheme of Things, how could we possibly believe in a two thousand year old prophecy? Given our Free Will, God could not be certain of the state of the World after 80 generations. Even God’s Best Guess would likely be a bit hazy peering through that much smoke.

So, if Divine Prophecy is only God’s Best Guess, then it would make sense that recent guesses are better than old guesses. And what are the recent prophecies? Saint Malachi in the 12th Century saw Pope John Paul as the second to last Pope. One of the Seers of Garabandal Spain saw John Paul as the last Roman Catholic Pope. There have been a surge of Marian Apparitions over the last few hundred years which speak of major chastisements and the End of the This Age, and the Beginning of a New Age of the Holy Spirit. Remote Viewers see nothing pass the year 2012. My own prophecies, regarding what the Angels have told me personally, say that “the Church of Paul has one last role to play”, whatever that may mean, and that there will be an effort made to bring the Three Higher Religions of the World together into a New Dispensation.
fadeaway humper said:
So, you consort with angels, huh?

Amazing. Simply amazing.

I think the Angels are given to me in the way of Spiritual Rewards for correct spiritual Behavior during the Tests. We are tested in our Dreams. If we can behave bravely and nobly in our Dreams, then I think that we are given Angels.

Certainly, those who behave bravely and nobly in Life are given Angels too. But in the 9 to 5 Same-ol Same Old it is perhaps difficult to find opportunity to be brave or noble when all that is expected of us is monotonous servility. So possibilities are presented in our Dreams.
Enigma'07 said:
Joseph Smith also saw angels.

It would be more proper to say that he 'said' that he saw angels. Just because somebody claims something does not mean that it is so. There are many liars in the quasi-Religious Community.

I suppose that God provides both True Prophets and equally plausible liars as a Test for our Faculties of Discernment. In the same way as God gave us first Jesus Christ and then followed Him with Paul -- we were given the Truth and then Falsehood and asked to choose. It is surprising how many nominal Christians choose Paul.

Anyway, the best tact to take when someone claims to see and hear Angels is to find out what the Angels did and said. If the Angels seem better and wiser then the person telling the story, we must wonder that a higher influence did come over the person, no?
It would be more proper to say that he 'said' that he saw angels. Just because somebody claims something does not mean that it is so. There are many liars in the quasi-Religious Community.

The same applies to you.
Enigma'07 said:
The same applies to you.

Yes, but is that all the further you wish to take this? Are not not concerned as to whether my Angels are real or not? Or do you totally distrust your Faculty of True Discernment?

paul made it easy for his faction of 'Christians' by insisting that they simply relegate every 'angel of light' into the category of disquised demons. He supposed it safer to just suppose everything evil except himself. It was odd that he could get away with telling people that he, a known murderer, was speaking with the Words of Christ, and then claim in the same breath that Angels of Light were actually evil. I would more easily suppose just the opposite.
How is anyone suppose to determine whether your revelation is from insanity or not? The book of Sirach says not to put your trust in dreams.

Saint Malachi in the 12th Century saw Pope John Paul as the second to last Pope.
It's not been proven that St. Malachi wrote those prophesies due to them being discovered 200 or so years after his death.
Leo Volont said:
Or do you totally distrust your Faculty of True Discernment?

What if my trusty "Faculty of True Discernment" tells me you are a nutcase?
Would that be satisfying to you?
I believe that one should be cautious of an angel that tells something that isn't in the Bible, for it is clearly stated nothing shall be added to nor taken from.
Quick check: What did these angels look like, What did they sound like, and what did they say exactly?
Leo Volont said:
I think the Angels are given to me in the way of Spiritual Rewards for correct spiritual Behavior during the Tests. We are tested in our Dreams. If we can behave bravely and nobly in our Dreams, then I think that we are given Angels.

Certainly, those who behave bravely and nobly in Life are given Angels too. But in the 9 to 5 Same-ol Same Old it is perhaps difficult to find opportunity to be brave or noble when all that is expected of us is monotonous servility. So possibilities are presented in our Dreams.
I don't understand what you mean when you say that you are given angels? Angels belong to God, though a angel can watch over you. Angels can even be gíven the task of showing themselves to you. But that they are given to you is hard to understand for me.

I understand though what you mean when you say that you were tested in your dreams, I have had similar "tests" in my dreams. But I believe that the tests are constructed in a way that show you who you are, it's not really a test, you see dreams are reflecting yourself. Thus maybe (if I am allowed to speculate) reflecting your wish to be tested, and reflecting your belief that you will succeed, it may actually be by that belief that you succeeded - otherwise it wouldn't be a real test if the outcome was "staged", the dreams must in some way remain true to the concepts that they are presenting.

This is what I believe. If you believe that the tests were given to you by God, and that angels were given to you as a reward then that's up to you, I just find it very hard to understand as angels follow the same God as you, and can't obey you, if not by Gods command. You might have been given a helper that has the mission to help you, then you may have some influence, but the angel must either way have to confirm with God that it's good for you.

The only other option, are the so-called fallen angels. I hope they are not the ones you reffer to.

Again, this is what I believe.
Leo Volont,

We are tested in our Dreams. If we can behave bravely and nobly in our Dreams, then I think that we are given Angels.
Dreams are caused by changes in the synapses as they undergo protein replacement. The synapses are largely protein and form the connections between neurons. During normal brain function the synapses consume protein which is replaced during sleep. As the refueling process takes place the changes cause random firings of adjacent neurons which we experience as dreams. This is normal daily maintenance needed to sustain normal brain operation.

Claims that dreams have any mystical association is simple ignorance.

okinrus said:
How is anyone suppose to determine whether your revelation is from insanity or not? The book of Sirach says not to put your trust in dreams.

It's not been proven that St. Malachi wrote those prophesies due to them being discovered 200 or so years after his death.

The Book of Sirach was their version of a Common Sense Almanac. Of course I wouldn't stay home from work because I had a bad dream. That is what they are talking about. Certainly the Book of Sirach was not closing down the avenue of Dreams for the passage of Divine Revelation. What would this say about Jacob's only good son, Joseph, who certainly trusted in not only his own dreams but those of others. Also, isn't it said somewhere in Biblical Prophecy that "The young will Prophecize and the Old will dream dreams". I am old and I am dreaming dreams.

Yes, it could be technical insanity. But the Science of Psychiatry is still in its infancy and mostly under the supervision of scientists who would be ashamed to admit the suspicion that there is any objectivity in the psychotic vision. Scientists have their own Religion with its orthodoxies, and they are so far very carefully atheistic.

Regarding Saint Malachi, yes, it took a few hundred years before his prophecies surfaced, which makes skeptics question whether Saint Malachi was their genuine source. However, though this could have posed a problem for those prophecies up to the time of their discovery, the Papal Prophecies of 'St. Malachi' have proven largely accurate even after their discovery.
fadeaway humper said:
What if my trusty "Faculty of True Discernment" tells me you are a nutcase?
Would that be satisfying to you?

Yes, if you had the faculty of true discernment, but so few people do. I would rather suspect you are as blind as anybody else. But I will stay on the page and watch what you have to say and determine at some future point whether you have the 'faculty' or not. That you start out so rude is not very much in the positive.
Enigma'07 said:
I believe that one should be cautious of an angel that tells something that isn't in the Bible, for it is clearly stated nothing shall be added to nor taken from.

The Bible is two thousand years old -- written by violent factions of Greeks and renegade Jews. Certainly not much in it can be deemed trustworthy.

You seem to be saying that you believe other people when they claim Divine Inspiration but would not believe yourself -- a case where you would believe others before belieiving your own eyes and ears. Saint Paul has well indoctrinated you -- he did not wish anything to obstruct 'his' Gospel... not even The Truth.
SnakeLord said:
Quick check: What did these angels look like, What did they sound like, and what did they say exactly?

Oh good, somebody finally asking sensible questions. While in Meditation the angels come as Voices. In dreams, Angels Ordinaire, are characters who look you square in the eyes and give cryptic messages. But Angels do vary in degree of Splendor. The Highest Angel I have seen was as large as an Oak Tree and was luminous, as though on fire with flames of every color of the rainbow -- before an Angel such as that, Souls automatically drop upon their knees. I would call such an Angel 'An Angel of God' -- either being God or having direct access.

Divine Revelations can also be given directly to one's vision... which is why such things are called 'Visions'. Visions can come in Meditations or from Dreams. Often I have Visions of the Divine Light... recently a Vision in which Our Lady of Grace stood on a twilight Mountain against a grey sky -- light was emitting from just under her neck, but above that part of Her chest containing Her Heart (knowing about Chakras, it was between Her Throat Chakra and Her Heart Chakra... which is puzzling). One would dismiss a Vision as a mere flash of subjectivity except that one 'feels' the Light long after the Vision has stopped, which leads one to consider it has having been a special 'Event'.
Cyperium said:
I don't understand what you mean when you say that you are given angels? Angels belong to God, though a angel can watch over you. Angels can even be gíven the task of showing themselves to you. But that they are given to you is hard to understand for me.

This is what I believe. If you believe that the tests were given to you by God, and that angels were given to you as a reward then that's up to you, I just find it very hard to understand as angels follow the same God as you, and can't obey you, if not by Gods command. You might have been given a helper that has the mission to help you, then you may have some influence, but the angel must either way have to confirm with God that it's good for you.

The only other option, are the so-called fallen angels. I hope they are not the ones you reffer to.

Again, this is what I believe.

Heaven has a great deal of Delegation of Authority. Yes it all sources from God who is Head of the Chain of Command. But then Mary is Queen of Heaven of the Angels, although Michael, as Commander of the Avenging Angels would ignore Mary's pleas for Mercy for Humanity if God gave Him direct orders to launch a Chastisement. Jesus Christ spoke of having Legions of Angels dedicated to His Mission. Saint Vincent Ferrer also had numerous Angels at his service.

When you pray, how do you suppose the prayer is answered? There must be some Agency from God, no? This Agency is nearly always Angelic.

Saints in the Marian Devotion mention that Our Lady often will not appear in Person, but will send Angels with Messages.

Practical Divinity simply involves a lot of Angels.

Yes, I've heard that most people have a single Guardian Angel. But I have seemingly worked myself into a Mission and have more than 30 Angels.

You seem to think that God must be the Perfect Micro-Manager -- that all things... even the smallest affairs... must be His explicitly spoken Will. It is not like that. For instance, Christ came to be the Messiah. The Three Kings came to pay homage to "The King of Kings". That Jesus Christ was murdered a bare three years into His active Ministry was simply the outcome of Humanity's Free Will... God DID withdraw Angelic Protection from Christ -- God probably deciding that He wouldn't force a Messiah on Humanity.

So I suppose that God gives Angelic help to those whom He believes may further His ends on Earth. Free Will is quite real. A King Angel came to me and gave me a Briefing on the End Times. I wasn't given any direct orders. I was merely shown what needed to be done, and it was entirely left up to me what I would do about it. If I should screw up, then I am consoled that Jesus Christ Himself quite fell on His Face too.
Katazia said:
Leo Volont,

Dreams are caused by changes in the synapses as they undergo protein replacement. The synapses are largely protein and form the connections between neurons. During normal brain function the synapses consume protein which is replaced during sleep. As the refueling process takes place the changes cause random firings of adjacent neurons which we experience as dreams. This is normal daily maintenance needed to sustain normal brain operation.

Claims that dreams have any mystical association is simple ignorance.


If the firings are random then why are the images coherent?

Also, Dreams are sometimes quite objective. Some 40-some years ago when I was at University I shared a dream with a young lady -- in the dream we met in the Cafeteria... two starving students scavenging for food in our dream bodies. In the dream we stopped and had a conversation. The next day we met in the hallway and each saw the look in each other's eyes --seeing the opportunity we each simultaneously repeated the dialogue from the dream. Shared Experience is very key to determining that something is Objective, no?

You must be wrong... or at least broadly oversimplistic. Like most of Science, you think that if you can give something a Category Name, then you have explained it. But you don't know it... you just catalogued it.
The Book of Sirach was their version of a Common Sense Almanac. Of course I wouldn't stay home from work because I had a bad dream. That is what they are talking about. Certainly the Book of Sirach was not closing down the avenue of Dreams for the passage of Divine Revelation.
No, it's more of a warning. If God intends for someone to receive a revelation of public importance, then the person will clearly know it's from God. God gives each person signs to believe who He is but it's our job to listen, trusting that God will indeed give us all that we need to believe.

What would this say about Jacob's only good son, Joseph, who certainly trusted in not only his own dreams but those of others. Also, isn't it said somewhere in Biblical Prophecy that "The young will Prophecize and the Old will dream dreams". I am old and I am dreaming dreams.
Yes, this is true.

Yes, it could be technical insanity. But the Science of Psychiatry is still in its infancy and mostly under the supervision of scientists who would be ashamed to admit the suspicion that there is any objectivity in the psychotic vision.
This is somewhat true. I think you should at least eliminate the obvious causes before putting undue trust on any revelation. No doctor will force you to believe something, however.

Regarding Saint Malachi, yes, it took a few hundred years before his prophecies surfaced, which makes skeptics question whether Saint Malachi was their genuine source.
Well, I wouldn't be suprised if John Paul isn't the second to last Pope.

However, though this could have posed a problem for those prophecies up to the time of their discovery, the Papal Prophecies of 'St. Malachi' have proven largely accurate even after their discovery.
I don't think any claim to supernatural cause can be asserted because the description of the Popes are only a few lines long. Are you aware of any other prophets and seers that specifically said the Malachi prophesies were genuine?