Modern Day Jesus


Go to church? I am the church!
Registered Senior Member
I have a hypothetical for you...

If Jesus Christ was reincarnated into the body of a modern day man, what do think He would be like and why? Where would He live? How would He look? What would He do for a living? What would His purpose be this time around? Would He go to church? Would He marry? Would He have sex? Would He be happy? What do you think His demeanor or personality would be like? Would He fit in with the rest of us? Would He be satisfied with the way things are?
Interesting question

I have a hypothetical for you...

If Jesus Christ was reincarnated into the body of a modern day man...
Your question implies Jesus never came in the form of a Roman era Jewish carpenter. The Jewish scriptures promised the Messiah would be given to Israel and therefore the world once. The second appearance of the Messiah is to take over Universal authority and establish His reign as God on earth. There is no reason for Jesus to 'reincarnate' as a human being again. Among other things, that means the Christian church would not exist. The New Testament would not exist. Billy Sunday would be remembered as a professional baseball player. Many of our colleges and universities would not exist. Modern day Jewish people would not be blamed for Christ's death. Modern Jewish people would not be blamed and vilified because they could loan at interest and Christians could not. I don't know if some other reason would derive to provide an excuse to hate them.

Keep that in mind while assessing my answers and comments.
...what do think He would be like and why?
He would be the promised Messiah. He would be a direct lineage descendant of King David of Israel. He would be in all regards in conformity to the inspired predictions of the Old Testament prophets. Why? Because that is who Jesus is.
Where would He live?
Probably Israel. By the way, without Jesus' life, I don't think the Roman Empire would have dispersed the Jewish nation throughout the world and without a Roman Catholic Church, the Inquisition would have never further displaced the Jewish nation. I have a feeling Israel as a geo-political entity would have existed continuously without the break from 72 AD (more or less) to 1948 AD.
How would He look?
Rather ordinary for a healthy Jewish man of today. The prophet Isaiah said He would not be admired or respected for His physical appearance.
What would He do for a living?
Something honorable and honest. He would not be a political figure except in passing; just like He was in real history.
What would His purpose be this time around?
Since this would be the only 'time around' His purpose would be exactly what it was in real history. He would establish Himself as Messiah and God. He would then die as the ultimate sacrifice for all mankind.
Would He go to church?
What church? No Christ, no Christianity. He would - just like He did in real history - regularly and scrupulously attend Jewish worship, the synagoge and the Temple.
Would He marry?
No. Not part of His program, just like He didn't in real history; no reason for Him to marry.
Would He have sex?
No. He would in no wise or respect violate the Mosaic Law.
Would He be happy?
Yes. He would be the one man on earth knowing absolutely both His place in Life and His complete sucess in that function. Which is not to say He would be happy about all that which transpired in the world.
What do you think His demeanor or personality would be like?
Cheerful and upbeat. Interested in everything and everyone without being superior. Very easy with whom to talk, charming and charisma that would make Bill Clinton jealous.
Would He fit in with the rest of us?
Not any more than He did in real history. No, He would not 'fit in with us'; we would have to fit in with Him. Just like real history.
Would He be satisfied with the way things are?
Not any more than He was in real history.

Intersting question. I'm interested in seeing your reaction to the answer.
I have a hypothetical for you...

If Jesus Christ was reincarnated into the body of a modern day man, what do think He would be like and why? Where would He live? How would He look? What would He do for a living? What would His purpose be this time around? Would He go to church? Would He marry? Would He have sex? Would He be happy? What do you think His demeanor or personality would be like? Would He fit in with the rest of us? Would He be satisfied with the way things are?

Do you remember that movie with Eddie Murphy in it, called Holy Man? That's how I would imagine him.
i think he would be an autistic child and as an adult he would be in a mental institution heavily medicated.
All because we didn't understand.
he would be pretty much like everyone else, but nicer and happier. he could even be your neighbour. and he could also incarnate into a woman because god is not male or female, "he" is a spirit.

No. He would in no wise or respect violate the Mosaic Law.

lol, why would sex be a sin?
Your question implies Jesus never came in the form of a Roman era Jewish carpenter. The Jewish scriptures promised the Messiah would be given to Israel and therefore the world once. The second appearance of the Messiah is to take over Universal authority and establish His reign as God on earth. There is no reason for Jesus to 'reincarnate' as a human being again. Among other things, that means the Christian church would not exist. The New Testament would not exist. Billy Sunday would be remembered as a professional baseball player. Many of our colleges and universities would not exist. Modern day Jewish people would not be blamed for Christ's death. Modern Jewish people would not be blamed and vilified because they could loan at interest and Christians could not. I don't know if some other reason would derive to provide an excuse to hate them.

Keep that in mind while assessing my answers and comments.
He would be the promised Messiah. He would be a direct lineage descendant of King David of Israel. He would be in all regards in conformity to the inspired predictions of the Old Testament prophets. Why? Because that is who Jesus is.

well archie, i suppose you could look at this way, but it's not exactly what i had in mind when i posed the hypothetical (emphasis on hypothetical). what i meant was that he had been here and done that 2000 years ago...went up to heaven in his resurrected body, but for whatever reason was reincarnated in this day and age. not born of the holy spirit this time, but a sinner like the rest of us. so he would be the same (in spirit), but very different in his body.

Probably Israel. By the way, without Jesus' life, I don't think the Roman Empire would have dispersed the Jewish nation throughout the world and without a Roman Catholic Church, the Inquisition would have never further displaced the Jewish nation. I have a feeling Israel as a geo-political entity would have existed continuously without the break from 72 AD (more or less) to 1948 AD.

i can see how you would say that. jewish poeple are being reunited in their homeland. and maybe even if he had not been born a jewish man this time, he might feel drawn to isreal because of his past life or because of his spirit. i think though, that he would probably be an american this time. and i'd say that because first of all, though our liberties are being stripped away from us at an alarming rate today, this country was founded on the biblical principles of freedom. and also, if he were to have an important message for the world today, and i think he would, he would have a wider audience as an american.

Rather ordinary for a healthy Jewish man of today. The prophet Isaiah said He would not be admired or respected for His physical appearance.

i think that the outside is generally a reflection of the inside, and i can't help but wonder if he might feel some inner turmoil...with a spirit such as his in a body and a world as broken as ours. i know this world frustrates the hell out of me. and it's lead me to do some pretty self-destructive things at times. i know that he would find a way to rise above it. and with his help, i will too.

Something honorable and honest. He would not be a political figure except in passing; just like He was in real history.

yeah, good god, definitely NOT a politician, as i'm pretty sure you have to be a criminal and a liar to be successful at it. and that's why Ron Paul won't be elected to the presidency this year unfortunately. but i digress. in the bible it says that the most noble profession is to be a servant though. i suppose a politician is SUPPOSED to be a public servant, but i would bet that he'd find a better way. i also think he would have a message. i just can't imagine Jesus not having something really important to say. so i think he would be a public figure of some kind. maybe a musician. people pay a lot of attention to rock stars. and music would be a beautiful and efficient way to voice a message.

Since this would be the only 'time around' His purpose would be exactly what it was in real history. He would establish Himself as Messiah and God. He would then die as the ultimate sacrifice for all mankind.

yeah, i mean, he would still be exactly who he is...the messiah. i just wonder what that would mean in this day and age. how would he save us this time?

What church? No Christ, no Christianity. He would - just like He did in real history - regularly and scrupulously attend Jewish worship, the synagoge and the Temple.

synagoge, quite possibly. protestant or catholic church, hell no.

No. Not part of His program, just like He didn't in real history; no reason for Him to marry.
No. He would in no wise or respect violate the Mosaic Law.

how do you know that's not part of his program? who exactly do you think mary magdalane was? helllooooo. and i don't understand how having sex violates mosaic law, maybe you could explain what you mean. if he were to be married then sex would be encouraged. and if unmarried, then he's still a sinner in this day and virginity is certainly a rarity in today's society of sex. i do think he would have good intentions whatever his relationship status was.

Yes. He would be the one man on earth knowing absolutely both His place in Life and His complete sucess in that function. Which is not to say He would be happy about all that which transpired in the world.

i agree that he would succeed in his purpose perfectly however difficult it is.

Cheerful and upbeat. Interested in everything and everyone without being superior. Very easy with whom to talk, charming and charisma that would make Bill Clinton jealous.

i think he would be loving, honest, and genuine, but not cheerful and upbeat.

Not any more than He did in real history. No, He would not 'fit in with us'; we would have to fit in with Him. Just like real history.

i agree with you here 100%. he would set a new standard for our sorry butts.

Not any more than He was in real history.

yep. and i bet he would do something to change it too. just like he did in real history. *sigh, my hero*

Intersting question. I'm interested in seeing your reaction to the answer.

thank you so much for taking the time to answer this post and maybe even discuss this further! you really put a lot of thought into this and i appreciate it very much. i can tell you love jesus like i do. i would love to see him back here again someday real soon. and with the world the way it is right now, i don't think we'll be waiting on him much longer. god help us all. much love...
I have a hypothetical for you...

If Jesus Christ was reincarnated into the body of a modern day man, what do think He would be like and why? Where would He live? How would He look? What would He do for a living? What would His purpose be this time around? Would He go to church? Would He marry? Would He have sex? Would He be happy? What do you think His demeanor or personality would be like? Would He fit in with the rest of us? Would He be satisfied with the way things are?

His name is Richard Dawkins.
i think he would be an autistic child and as an adult he would be in a mental institution heavily medicated.
All because we didn't understand.

you know, i totally see your point but i believe he would have the strength to overcome his challenges, however great. i could imagine a turmultous growth though, and a lot of frustration in this life. i mean gosh, he's used to perfect.
He would be like the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz......

yeah, i'm feelin' that...with the spirit of god in the body of a's very metaphorical. i do though think he would have the strength and fortitude to overcome his limitations, and triumph in this facade of flesh that we all live in.
you know, i totally see your point but i believe he would have the strength to overcome his challenges, however great. i could imagine a turmultous growth though, and a lot of frustration in this life. i mean gosh, he's used to perfect.

even as a child? Would he have the mother telling him that god got her pregnant?