

§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
As is clear, Free Thoughts has been invaded by a troll. Several threads have been entirely diverted and now revolve entirely around this troll. This person uses such horrible things as rape and child abuse as mere gaming ammunition in his/her little flame wars.

Personally, I prefer civil behaviour, and I prefer that it be the choice of individuals rather than an enforced standard. But clearly some individuals are incapable of determining to be civil by their own free will. After all, this is why the world has police officers. People are weak, and can not be responsible.

I hope recent activities in the Free Thoughts forum demonstrate why moderators, such as Banshee (regardless of personal differences a couple of you may have with her or other Moderators) are necessary. Some people just can not be civil without such behaviour being forced on them.

In public space, one has the ability to simply walk away to any other place. But this is not a public place. This is a private place where people come to discuss things because it's where they want to be. They should not have to walk away to any other place.

I think this clearly demonstrates the need for, and purpose of, Moderators in such a medium.
When the fuck did I ever use child abuse as gaming ammunition? Never. I love children. Bbcboy kept talking about my father raping me...are you sure you're not thinking of him?
I don't even remember talking about rape either...:confused:

I think it's clear Malicious Mal and Malicious Nox, etc., are not me.
I have not claimed to be Mallory Knox, my handle and avatar are complete different.

I have not said anything distasteful or mentioned anything on the subject of anything that was sick or perverse.

This handle is just to make people think, and it's done a good job by having Adam point out that such trolls as this, need moderators to keep them inline.

(Please be gentle Porfiry)
Originally posted by Malicious Nox
I have not claimed to be Mallory Knox, my handle and avatar are complete different.
I have not said anything distasteful or mentioned anything on the subject of anything that was sick or perverse.
This handle is just to make people think, and it's done a good job by having Adam point out that such trolls as this, need moderators to keep them inline.
(Please be gentle Porfiry)

Well my initial reaction was "Bullshit" but I checked and you're telling the truth. Go figure. It's all Malicious Mal claiming to be me and talking about blowing goats and raping people...

What exactly are you trying to make people think of, pray tell?
I could be a good moderator:p


altough on the other hand I'm too democratic
Originally Maly-one I thought your commentary was a bit strong, so I thought I would just add a little twist to your tale in the form of this clone.

My intension wasn't to start negotiating you with vigor, but just draw attention to what blatently undisaplined emotion filled responses were being thrown at people.

I didn't start this to be as bad as I perceive you. As it's not written in the good book.
Primeval Beauty

Wow, if you want to talk about sick fucks who ought to be should see the bedtime story this bitch told me...
Slyle, Nexaband, etc....

We need some good banners (no, not advertisements, but people designated to remove others) on these forums.

On forums and message boards actually run by big companies, there are full time official webmasters paid to maintain various aspects of the company's website (though alot of it may be things like updates, and Shockwave Flash designs, they have people around to take care of their forums).

It seems Porfiry has the Sciforums up as a personal hobby of his and for fun. This type of measure obviously would not apply here.

That doesn't mean we can't have some good banners though :)

As GoofyFish has mentioned, if this type of thing persist, these forums might go down hill.

I guess Bebelina's love isn't able to save everybody

I don't see any reason at all why this type of thing should be tolerated. It's sick. People come here to discuss philosophy, not get cursed out. I think we have a right to a peaceful environment around here. Perhaps it's time we take some action.
No, actually it was Mallory Knox who wished

"Drinking. Yeah, good idea. I wish all the drunk drivers and date rapers in whatever city you live in upon you."

Not Malicious Mal and not Malicious Nox.

I am sorry, everybody. And don't listen to me when I say I am not, or when I say "I didn't say that!"
Originally posted by Malicious Nox
Originally Maly-one I thought your commentary was a bit strong, so I thought I would just add a little twist to your tale in the form of this clone.
My intension wasn't to start negotiating you with vigor, but just draw attention to what blatently undisaplined emotion filled responses were being thrown at people.
I didn't start this to be as bad as I perceive you. As it's not written in the good book.


Who are you?
Originally posted by Malicious Mal
No, actually it was Mallory Knox who wished
"Drinking. Yeah, good idea. I wish all the drunk drivers and date rapers in whatever city you live in upon you."
Not Malicious Mal and not Malicious Nox.
I am sorry, everybody. And don't listen to me when I say I am not, or when I say "I didn't say that!"

We have two completely different usernames. These people aren't mentally retarded like you appear to be.

Oh, stRgrl, eh? I was told you had too much class to do something like this...but I tend to bring out the worst in people. :D

Actually I did say that date rape thing, oh yeah.... I didn't flat-out deny the rape part, I couldn't recall, but now I do...but child abuse, that was bbcboy and Xev, not I.
Originally posted by Clarentavious
I don't see any reason at all why this type of thing should be tolerated. It's sick. People come here to discuss philosophy, not get cursed out. I think we have a right to a peaceful environment around here. Perhaps it's time we take some action.

Tolerated? It isn't tolerated. You just can't do a damn thing about it, because you have no moderators.
<AOL>I agree with Beauty. </AOL>

This unmoderated forum is an experiment. I think it's been going rather well.

We have a troll in our midst. Ignoring trolls is the best way to get rid of them. Unfortunatly, it's also the most difficult.

Flaming trolls is another strategy. The troll is a stupid creature, though, and this one is exceedingly so. I do not think it is responding to flameing.

I don't know what to do. As long as others feed it, there's no point in ignoring it. I presume it will go away, eventually.

Now, I'd love it if we could ignore the troll. If people would say 'aye', we could get back to normal.

It'll be difficult to ignore, though.

Well, anyways, in spite of this, and because of this, I think that free thoughts should remain un-moderated.
Originally posted by Xev
<AOL>I agree with Beauty. </AOL>
This unmoderated forum is an experiment. I think it's been going rather well.
We have a troll in our midst. Ignoring trolls is the best way to get rid of them. Unfortunatly, it's also the most difficult.
Flaming trolls is another strategy. The troll is a stupid creature, though, and this one is exceedingly so. I do not think it is responding to flameing.
I don't know what to do. As long as others feed it, there's no point in ignoring it. I presume it will go away, eventually.
Now, I'd love it if we could ignore the troll. If people would say 'aye', we could get back to normal.
It'll be difficult to ignore, though.
Well, anyways, in spite of this, and because of this, I think that free thoughts should remain un-moderated.

Look who showed up just as Malicious Mal/Malicious Nox took a walk. Which one were you? Or were you both?

There you go trying to get people to ignore me know how well that worked the first ten times...:rolleyes:

You're tired of flaming after only 2 or 3 days? Wow, this is not a very resilient forum. At it took months...