Moderate Faith vs Pure Atheism: Society


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
Which is better? I have already stated why I believe faith, in a moderate form, is an enhancing element to society as it establishes much common ground and just an "element" which ties people together, as well as adds to the people as hope, happiness, and FAITH in each other and in that which is beyond, and I don't believe atheism is beneficial because then society disentegrates into purely money, and a loss of MOST culture because most is based on faith.

Not to mention, it would completely destroy life as we know it: we couldn't use the Gregorian calendar, no Christmas (and many other holidays), alot of culture destroyed because there is no longer the faith to sustain them (as they were established on faith), can't use the words Hell, Heaven, Christ, God, etc, so no more *OMG* (OMG):)

But really, being serious now, faith is such a massive part of our lives, it should be preserved, not destroyed.
Of course. Pure Atheism would result in a war with otters.

these cute otters?

Of course. Pure Atheism would result in a war with otters.

Those bastard otters are some seriously bad ass warriors, I hear they have more seashell based weapons of mass destruction then anyone, and if that doesnt work they would just cute all the atheists to death.:D

So...Atheism will destroy all life as we know it? Wow, the more you know.

LOL, no silly, I mean it would completely destroy SOCIETY as we know it; in other words, life as we know it on how we live not in actual life. Our way of life.
LOL, no silly, I mean it would completely destroy SOCIETY as we know it; in other words, life as we know it on how we live not in actual life. Our way of life.

Society is always changing, and its going to keep changing. Sorry:shrug:
Society is always changing, and its going to keep changing. Sorry:shrug:

But removing faith is a MASSIVE change to almost every single aspect of our way of life; also, change isn't always good...........that's why it's called CONSERVING. If "change" meant a world where everybody just cared about money, job, media, and nobody cared about their country or embedding themselves into history or honor or doing something great, that isn't an improvement in my book
But removing faith is a MASSIVE change to almost every single aspect of our way of life; also, change isn't always good...........that's why it's called CONSERVING. If "change" meant a world where everybody just cared about money, job, media, and nobody cared about their country or embedding themselves into history or honor or doing something great, that isn't an improvement in my book

You act like it would be cut from society like a tumor and the wound would be left there gaping and bleeding. No, if faith ceases to exist in society it will gradually die out over a long period of time.
Can you name one good thing faith has done for mankind?

Apart from provided the very basis we base society off of, nah:rolleyes:

In fact, without faith we'd effectively be cavemen, (or would have been); hell, atheists probably dump their dead on the side of the road, I don't know, and if they DON'T, they are hypocrites.

See, that's the thing. Even funerals are based off of FAITH.
You act like it would be cut from society like a tumor and the wound would be left there gaping and bleeding. No, if faith ceases to exist in society it will gradually die out over a long period of time.

As would all that it has provided; besides, it is something, as I've stated, something which is an important element to society and humanity as a whole. More and more today, people care more about some random fucking singer than their own country, WTF? :shrug:
Enforcing private beliefs is not a matter for society, it's personal. I recognize the literary, art, and philosophical contributions of religious people. Atheism doesn't mean having to destroy the calendar or cathedrals.
As would all that it has provided; besides, it is something, as I've stated, something which is an important element to society and humanity as a whole. More and more today, people care more about some random fucking singer than their own country, WTF? :shrug:

Maybe that because faith is becomming less important?

At one time slavery was a common part of society, just because its here now doesnt mean it should always be there or that it has to be there at all. Things change its inevitable.
But really, being serious now, faith is such a massive part of our lives, it should be preserved, not destroyed.

We have politics and politicans to spread pure bullshit, so why do we need religion?

But to be in a good spirit, what you describe exists in England. The British is one of the LESS religious nation nowadays and they are not taking incredibly hard the atheist part either.

So there you have it, atheists and mild believers living in harmony....

Also don't feel so bad about the lack of Christmas, we could just invent a holiday at the end of the year when we say thanks to our good luck during the year. Just like Christians took over the lagan holidays, atheists could pick Dec. 24th and be done with it....

Eastern could be the holiday for welcoming the Spring! Wait, we already have that from the pagan traditions...