Misconceptions about Islam.

Originally posted by Flores
In a sinosoidal or cosine wave, which are functions used to describe most phenomenas, the troughs are ahead of the peaks, why can't the arab's trough be ahead of the west peak?

Humanity started in the east, so the east by default is ahead of the west.

Well......the fact that the western world is the culture that
are the most advanced both in technology and economics
kinda prooves the east dropped out of the race somewhat
600-1000 years ago (in my opinion)

Examples of western rethinking/inventions

The clock
Air crafts
Space crafts
Modern weapons
Modern Textile`s
Modern western philosofy
Satelite technology
Solar power

the list goes on and on, and when i think about eastern
rethinking all i can think of is stuff like early building techniques
and stuff like that. No offence, i dont look down opun eastern
culture. The way i see it,"it" has the same potensial as any
"culture", but its beein held back by religion. Take banking loans
for instance. Isnt it true that according to the muslim belief that
a bank cannot charge people with intrests?
Originally posted by Mucker
Yeah I've thought this for a while. To be quite honest I was even taught it, and it seems to be quite widespread Western propaganda: women cover thei bodies because they are oppressed, and they are less than men. Women cover their bodies because it is wrong to abuse sex, and abuses of sex come from lust! Thus women cover their skin, as well as because of the climate.

I think it's fucking disgusting that children of other countries are lied to to justify their countries position, especially when the lies are probably there because the custom wasn't even understood!

The problem is this lies and propaganda are fed by main stream western media.....!!

they dont tell them for example that UNTIL NOW(2003) America never had a woman as its president, while NOW (2003) Indonesia, the largest muslim country in the world has a MUSLIM WOMAN as its president !!! isnt that amazing ??

in 1991, when Benazir butu (muslim pakistani woman ) was the PRIME MINISTER OF PAKISTAN, one of the typically ignorant CNN anchors claimed so pathetically that muslim women have no right to vote in the muslim world !!!!

Originally posted by Robban
In sweden the women was decapitated and then burned. How is was in the rest of europe I do not know.

_One_ case in Stockholm describes a woman being burned alive but thats because she insisted in being this. Talk of pride there!

She was Malin Matsdotter and the year was 1676. All well documented in the wellknown swedish burocracy.


Indeed my friend, at that time, muslim women were running the affairs of the ottoman empire behind the seens.
USA... the land where most conspiracy-theories usually turns out to be true... When USA say something, you'd better put it into context, and figure out what it means.

Whattabout this power-failure? Was is really an accident? Or was is an attack? We will never know. Considered the context it would not be wise to admit the vulnerability to the american people.
bah, the power failure was because of the pre-historic
el-system they got. Starting to think otherwise is wishfull
thinking and dumb.
Originally posted by Judas
bah, the power failure was because of the pre-historic
el-system they got. Starting to think otherwise is wishfull
thinking and dumb.

Indeed, it is really disgusting to see some idiots start poiniting the fingers on us (muslims ) STRAIGHT AWAY.....I am really sick and tired from making muslims always the scapegoat.
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
The problem is this lies and propaganda are fed by main stream western media.....!!

they dont tell them for example that UNTIL NOW(2003) America never had a woman as its president, while NOW (2003) Indonesia, the largest muslim country in the world has a MUSLIM WOMAN as its president !!! isnt that amazing ??

in 1991, when Benazir butu (muslim pakistani woman ) was the PRIME MINISTER OF PAKISTAN, one of the typically ignorant CNN anchors claimed so pathetically that muslim women have no right to vote in the muslim world !!!!


If you travel to a muslim country, you will discover there are a HUGE
difference between a city and a village. What about the story
that spread world wide about 5 months ago? There were a 14
year old girl in Punjab Pakistan who read the Koran to people.
She once read the Koran to a young boy, and the tribe elders decided this were immoral and sentenced her to gang rape.
Muslims are the prime example of the duality of man. They
accuse the west of double standards but they are the false ones.
What has the arab-league ever accomplished? All they do is
fight amungst their selves, and agree on that they all hate
The Us, and Israel.If it hadnt been for the Us Israel would been
destroyed a long time ago.And the occupied terrotory?
Thats land that Israel conquered after defeating the country`s
that attacked em back in the 60`s. The way i see it, the arabs
can blame themseves for their stupidety. They claim western people supress them, and look down opun em. The real supressors are arabs. My neighbor are from Pakistan, they had to
flee, because they were Christians. They couldnt get jobs because
the people in their neighbourhood thought of them as "unclean".
Lesser worth. His sister were also thrown stones at when she walked to school.His family tried to complain to the local police, but they didnt bother to help.Arabs are some of the most agressive people on this planet. Why do you think terrorism is so wide spread in the middle east? Poverty? Look at South America,
people got less money there than in the middle east. The middle east has also some of the richest countries in the world. And yet,
its mostly western countries that gives most of the aid to the Palestinians.The arab comunity are more occupied with telling the world how greeat they are, that they fail to see the errors of their
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Originally posted by Robban
Dont always assume its muslims behind an attack just because the target is usa.

The rest of the world is sivilized enough to know that just cause you disagree with something does not nessearly give you the rigth to blow it up.
Muslims on the other hand...
Originally posted by Ren
The rest of the world is sivilized enough to know that just cause you disagree with something does not nessearly give you the rigth to blow it up.
Muslims on the other hand...

Have you never heard of Timothy McVeigh or Ted Kresynski, or the Symbionese Liberation Army? Let's not forget the KKK who bombed Black schools and churches in the 50s and 60s. I lived in the South as a child and I saw first hand what the white man did to the Blacks. Didn't you watch your TV as the FBI bombed the Waco compound of David Koresh and killed all those innocent children? There are plenty of white folk who have done their share of bombing their homeland. Look what the US Government did to the Native Americans. Need I say more? Making an assumption that only Muslims blow things up is disgusting stereotyping. Most Muslims are peace-loving people. They have their radicals, too. The Qur'an has more truths in it than the Bible. I'm not Muslim, but I have a great deal of respect for them. Have any of you ever compared the compassion toward his/her patients that an American doctor has? You would be shocked or stunned to make this comparison. Muslim doctors have real compassion and respect for their patients, something sorely lacking in American medical school curricula. I've taught both American and Muslim medical students. Muslim students make better grades and try harder than spoiled American kids who think they're getting into medicine for the money--big joke. Muslim students get into medicine because they really care about people and have compassion for them.
To set things clear once and for all.


What the society of USA does is not very typical for the western world.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Have you never heard of Timothy McVeigh or Ted Kresynski, or the Symbionese Liberation Army? Let's not forget the KKK who bombed Black schools and churches in the 50s and 60s. I lived in the South as a child and I saw first hand what the white man did to the Blacks. Didn't you watch your TV as the FBI bombed the Waco compound of David Koresh and killed all those innocent children? There are plenty of white folk who have done their share of bombing their homeland. Look what the US Government did to the Native Americans. Need I say more? Making an assumption that only Muslims blow things up is disgusting stereotyping. Most Muslims are peace-loving people. They have their radicals, too. The Qur'an has more truths in it than the Bible. I'm not Muslim, but I have a great deal of respect for them. Have any of you ever compared the compassion toward his/her patients that an American doctor has? You would be shocked or stunned to make this comparison. Muslim doctors have real compassion and respect for their patients, something sorely lacking in American medical school curricula. I've taught both American and Muslim medical students. Muslim students make better grades and try harder than spoiled American kids who think they're getting into medicine for the money--big joke. Muslim students get into medicine because they really care about people and have compassion for them.

The millitias/groupings you mention are small isolated political
groupings. Theese grouings are also social outcasts and does
not represent the majority of the population. While with muslims
its the other way around.Right aftre 9-11 people all over the arab
world were dancing and selebrating in joy.Even mimen and
childeren were waving the palestine flag and singing.There were
alos plenty of people burning the american, and the Israeli flag.

What does that tell you?Did you see people in the west burning Iraqi flags during the Gulf wars? No, people protested.
All over the western world.Because her we can say whatever we
want without beeing arrested. Unless you syy outloud that you
want to commit a serious criminal act. Then you probably would.
In my coutry muslims, were protesting against Afghanistan.
There were muslim wimen there too.There were a group of muslim
females that were interviued by a television station. While they
were expressioning their opinions a group of muslim men approached and told them to shut up and go home. This was
the start of a looooong debate here. Questioning females muslims
rights.After 30 years of heavy imigration here, most western people here has learned to memorise the duality if Islam.
Many of our supicions about muslims might be slightly exagerated.
But muslims doesnt do much to prove us wrong.
They arrange riots all over Europe, claiming their dont get treated
good enough.Are they better of in their homelands?
>While with muslims´its the other way around.Right aftre 9-11 people all over the arab world were dancing and selebrating in joy.Even mimen and childeren were waving the palestine flag and singing.There were alos plenty of people burning the american, and the Israeli flag.

Pleeeease. Are you really that stupid? Dont you ever question what you see on CNN ?

What do you think the american journalists will film? Have you ever seen the movie "wag the dog"? You think its a comedy?

When bagdad fell we all saw the images of the statue of hussein, then the tank was pulling it loose. Didnt we see all the celebrating masses that was happy and dancing when statue fell?
We saw it! Didnt we?! So 1000ths of people was celebrating...

Well... propaganda again.. as usual...

Some weeks later we (at least in Sweden) did see the same scene shot by another journalist, swedish I guess. On this image we can se the same statue falling so its the same scene. The only difference is that it is zoomed out.

Now we see a completely empty place. Where are all the 1000th of celebrating people? Well there are people present, about 10 - 20 maybe and they are very close to the statue. If you zoom in you cant see the whole picture and the image tells its propaganda-message of the infinite justice.
Originally posted by Robban
>While with muslims´its the other way around.Right aftre 9-11 people all over the arab world were dancing and selebrating in joy.Even mimen and childeren were waving the palestine flag and singing.There were alos plenty of people burning the american, and the Israeli flag.

Pleeeease. Are you really that stupid? Dont you ever question what you see on CNN ?

What do you think the american journalists will film? Have you ever seen the movie "wag the dog"? You think its a comedy?

When bagdad fell we all saw the images of the statue of hussein, then the tank was pulling it loose. Didnt we see all the celebrating masses that was happy and dancing when statue fell?
We saw it! Didnt we?! So 1000ths of people was celebrating...

Well... propaganda again.. as usual...

Some weeks later we (at least in Sweden) did see the same scene shot by another journalist, swedish I guess. On this image we can se the same statue falling so its the same scene. The only difference is that it is zoomed out.

Now we see a completely empty place. Where are all the 1000th of celebrating people? Well there are people present, about 10 - 20 maybe and they are very close to the statue. If you zoom in you cant see the whole picture and the image tells its propaganda-message of the infinite justice.

My primary source of news is BBC. Its been claimed the most
Objective news spreader for several years in a row now.
I think the international crew in BBC will film exactly
What happens. They have proven that time after time.
I shall really enjoy shattering your tabloid-based opinions,
Piece by piece. You in Sweden must be the only ones in the world that has in someway managed to get a hold of these "secret revelations" regarding the propaganda plot by the evil Bush administration. Is it because of Swedish intelligence?
Since Swedes isn’t known for their intelligence, we shall let that
Rest. Why would you refuse to realise that when a dictator that has committed genocide for 30 years fall, people will actually
Be happy about it? The people in Iraq today aren’t celebrating.
They are desperately trying to make a better world for themselves.
But since there is a gigantic power Vacuum all sorts a groupings
Are doing their best to confuse and create instability.
You should never base your opinions from what happens in your
Own backyard...you just present a narrow view of the world in
"secret revelations"

There is no secrets. Just news.

"will film exactly what happens"

Im sure they do. How you interpret "exactly what happens" is a matter of context. I think you know that.

"Why would you refuse to realise that when a dictator that has committed genocide for 30 years fall"

Thats not the issue. Ofcource people will be happy get rid of a dictator of that calibre.

If you say US does NOT bend the truth to fit their needs, maybe you should look again.

Btw.. what happened to the hard evidences of weapons of mass destruction?
werent there someone from "your country" that had discovered
something? Besides, hiding something in a that big country isnt a big deal. Ohhh well......gues we will be forced to settle with mass
graves for the moment.

Usa yes, but i dont watch Cnn, cant you read?
>werent there someone from "your country" that had discovered

hehe.. you dont have to "discover" a world public event as the fall of bagdad. You can just sit on your ass watching the different reports and read the different mags.

Time after time, cricital media, even us-media digs in whats underneath the stories we are told.

Another q:
Who is believed to be the mastermind behind 911?

A) Usama Bin Ladin
B) Saddam Hussein
C) Mickey Mouse
Originally posted by Robban

Another q:
Who is believed to be the mastermind behind 911?

A) Usama Bin Ladin
B) Saddam Hussein
C) Mickey Mouse

well since Osama Bin Laden has admitted he was the one staging it, that pretty much aswers your question.
Yep. Still I have seen several articles and serveys from us where the average person believed it was Hussein. And it seemed to fit quite nice to have the general public believe it was Hussein, when trying to get the public opinion to aprove a war on iraq.

(Im not saying it was wrong to kick some hussein-butts)
Originally posted by Robban
Yep. Still I have seen several articles and serveys from us where the average person believed it was Hussein. And it seemed to fit quite nice to have the general public believe it was Hussein, when trying to get the public opinion to aprove a war on iraq.

(Im not saying it was wrong to kick some hussein-butts)

Presents theese articles you say u have seen!
No one, not even president Bush has said it was Saddam.
They said he had wepons of mass destruction, and that it could
fall into the hand of terrorists. You proove over and over again that you dont pay much attention to international events.