Misconceptions about Islam.




Muslims are violent, terrorists, and extremists! or are they ?

Re: Re: Misconceptions about Islam.

Originally posted by Scooby Doo
I, for one, do not have any problems with Islamic people whatsoever. I certainly question some of their beliefs, buy I also question things in the Holy Bible as well.

Just my two pennies worth...

I see my 2 by 4 timber rod worked very well.:D

Welcome to the site.:)
True Islam is about beeing tolerant and nice to folks, just
a pity its not that way in real life. Example the Imans in Iraq
told Iraqis to go to holy war against americans, anyone
who didnt werent a real muslim. They are at a state of mind
that the west were centuries ago
Do not forget the carnage that took place in the name of jesus in the crusadors times.

From an extraterestrial aliens perspective the worship of Jesus might as well be the worship of the devil.

But then again... that was medeval times.. The debate of islam is in present time.

BUT the propagandic war is very similar today as it was then. People were told to believe that muslims were the devils. They were told the muslims was not even human and did not have a soul. Therefor could be killed as animals.

In fact they did fry human babies on open fire and had them for supper and what kind of human behaivor is that?

Ofcource, as the modern intelegent man of today knows, this was not true.

Then.. in the late 1600 the lowlife of christian worshippers desided to decapitade several hundred (just in Sweden!) innocent women because they indeed were the servant of the devil himself in the hunt for witches.

When you judge other distant people based on their religion, be a modern intelegent man.
Originally posted by Robban
Do not forget the carnage that took place in the name of jesus in the crusadors times.

From an extraterestrial aliens perspective the worship of Jesus might as well be the worship of the devil.

But then again... that was medeval times.. The debate of islam is in present time.

BUT the propagandic war is very similar today as it was then. People were told to believe that muslims were the devils. They were told the muslims was not even human and did not have a soul. Therefor could be killed as animals.

In fact they did fry human babies on open fire and had them for supper and what kind of human behaivor is that?

Ofcource, as the modern intelegent man of today knows, this was not true.

Then.. in the late 1600 the lowlife of christian worshippers desided to decapitade several hundred (just in Sweden!) innocent women because they indeed were the servant of the devil himself in the hunt for witches.

When you judge other distant people based on their religion, be a modern intelegent man.

Like ive stated, they are at a state of mind we were centuries ago. I didnt need you to tell me what christians did centuries ago, i know my history. If you want to give proper examples you should referr to the heretic percecution in france, or the spanish
inquisitions.One more thing, the wimen you referr to werent decapitated.....they were burnt or strangeled.

Iam a modern man, i base my opinions from what Islam represents today. Why does 99% of all terrorism come from Islamic groups? Poverty? Pffft! There are plenty of poor Christian,Budhist countries and they dont blow up bombs.
Its a religion went wrong.
Islam oppresses women...
Yeah I've thought this for a while. To be quite honest I was even taught it, and it seems to be quite widespread Western propaganda: women cover thei bodies because they are oppressed, and they are less than men. Women cover their bodies because it is wrong to abuse sex, and abuses of sex come from lust! Thus women cover their skin, as well as because of the climate.

I think it's fucking disgusting that children of other countries are lied to to justify their countries position, especially when the lies are probably there because the custom wasn't even understood!
In sweden the women was decapitated and then burned. How is was in the rest of europe I do not know.

_One_ case in Stockholm describes a woman being burned alive but thats because she insisted in being this. Talk of pride there!

She was Malin Matsdotter and the year was 1676. All well documented in the wellknown swedish burocracy.
Originally posted by Judas
Like ive stated, they are at a state of mind we were centuries ago.

Oh really, it seems to me that you are in the same state of mind, just that the westerns have grown from a little donkey to established mules now.

You can't claim that the west were misguided then all of a sudden was set on the straight path...that's rediculous. The west have pretty disgusting basis and roots that they have used to build what they have today on and a sky scrapper of rotten timber foundations doesn't fool an intelligent mind.....I'd rather be in a tent erected a couple of feet off the gound exposed to the elements that be temporarily protected in your skyscrapper of shaky foundation, for me it's much safer.
Its rather pointless to make some kind of clash of civilizations... actually it plain foolish!

The west has nothing in history to be proud of. What the west has is a technological enlightenment. But knowledge without wisdom is a dangerous thing.

On the other hand.. the arabian world is a strange place to me. I must say it looks like there is a higher tendency to solve problems with violence.. but it looks like that has more to do with the longitude than civilization (?)

In sweden, norway, finland, denmark, canada there are very few wars. USA, central europe, russia, china, mongolia japan is a bit more. Middle america, southern europe, nothern sahara, middle east, india, east-asia even more... South america, central africa a lot of violence.. then chile, argentina, south africa, australia less wars again...

Is it something with the heat?

Erh.. the theory is not very proven :)
Originally posted by Robban
Is it something with the heat?

Erh.. the theory is not very proven :)

Robban, quit making theories because your functions are all indeterminante yucky situations that will not be solved by a Robban.

Developement and civilizations go through a growth similar to everything else we see. You start barren, then you build new things, then you expand, then you maintain what you have, then you are basically done developing unless you demolish the old and build new things. Arabia, specifically Egypt, Iraq, Persia, are countries that have experienced a huge eleqouent productive history and development, and the people who are the same people of the past with much potential and intelligence are caught in the dilemma of the past. If you have ever spoken with an Egyptian poor boy born in the street, you'll detect much wisdom, passion, and inteligence that I find no where else. For the arabs to move forward and develop, they must destroy the past to build new instead, but how hard is it to abolish your grandfather tomb and the place of worship of your parents to build a science lab or to build a night club instead...It's very hard and the problem appears to be an emotional one, where peole don't want to let go of their history and to preserve it as much as possible that it's preventing them from moving forward.

America is currently going through something similar, but it will not be a while until they reach the state which the arab is in. And yes, it's not that the arab are like the crusaders, but more like the west will be like the arabs you see now, only 500 years from now.....

I work with the development industry, and there are more and more regulations now regarding preserving historic sites that are preventing new development. For example, an old church site will remain as such for generations to come as an obstacle to other development. An old antique bridge can not be touched no longer to accomodate the demanding traffic, ect, ect....Europe and specifically northern europe have a very unappealing climate that happened to keep immigration and population to a minimum, so growth in these areas is more stable and saturation has not been quite a problem.

The east is finished building and is currently living on ruins, while the west is building full speed on new barren grounds...One day the west will just catch up to the east, and the technological enlightement that you speak off will take the west to the east position just much faster.
Sorry to disapoint you flores, but i will never stop making theories so dont waste time trying to convince me there.

It sounds like you think its a bad thing to preserve antique buildings. Am I right?

You say the developement of a civilization stops completely a the moment it has filled each space with a building. Do I understand you correct?

You also say that the civilization of the arabs would be able to take its next leap the moment they deside do build nightclubs and sciencelabs?

Are you sure the next logical and wise step for a civilization like the arabic is to walk in the footsteps of west?
Originally posted by Robban
Sorry to disapoint you flores, but i will never stop making theories so dont waste time trying to convince me there.

You are welcome to making theories, don't expect them to work though.

Originally posted by Robban
It sounds like you think its a bad thing to preserve antique buildings. Am I right?

I'm talking in metaphors and here are you completely misunderstanding me on purpose. I take it that you don't know how to dance Tango, Salsa, Meringue, ect. Discussions on the internet are like a dance, and I'm a female, so get your two left feet straight and lead subtely.

Originally posted by Robban
You say the developement of a civilization stops completely a the moment it has filled each space with a building. Do I understand you correct?

Yes absolutely correct, why do you think that the republicans are avid believers that wars improve economy. Why the hell did America spend billions destroying rocks and cheap tents in Afganistan and Iraq? To rid the world of terrorism? of course not....What good is our weapons if we don't use them...it's an economic failure not to use a product and weapons are included. Why did world war II get us out of depression? and what caused the depression to start with.....saturation perhaps?

Originally posted by Robban
You also say that the civilization of the arabs would be able to take its next leap the moment they deside do build nightclubs and sciencelabs?

The civilization of the arabs would take a leap upon a total memory loss leading to forgetting their ruins that includes ruin buildings and ideas inorder to develop new ones. We are currently saturated with old information, no room to make new stuff. Ever try to read Egypt's second grade history curriculum.....Lucky you, I counted at least half a million historic dates to remember. An arabic second grader who knows the Quran by heard and knows the history and the dates by heart have absolutely no remaining brain power to develop anything or even to understand new things......Just take a look at Afganistan kids nodding in rythmic motion as they memorize more text. Their brain is so optimized that only rythmic moving forward and backward would allow for concentration.

Originally posted by Robban
Are you sure the next logical and wise step for a civilization like the arabic is to walk in the footsteps of west?

You didn't get a word I was saying, didn't I just demonstrate to you that the west are the ones moving in the footsteps of the east and not vice versa. The future footsteps of the east are so unknown and nothing that anybody before them have done. The east are known as ground rule setters and not vice versa.
Originally posted by Robban
In sweden the women was decapitated and then burned. How is was in the rest of europe I do not know.

_One_ case in Stockholm describes a woman being burned alive but thats because she insisted in being this. Talk of pride there!

She was Malin Matsdotter and the year was 1676. All well documented in the wellknown swedish burocracy.

I know all about your history......i live in the country west of you:D
>You are welcome to making theories, don't expect them to work though.

Nope. I dont. Thats the general idea of a theory. When it works we can call it a fact or something like that. Wild and sometimes plain stupid theories are often the groundwork for good ideas that eventually leads to something well thought.

>internet are like a dance, and I'm a female

Why dont you tell a bit about yourself. It would be interesting.

>Yes absolutely correct,

Interesting idéa. I have never thought of it that the arabic community are ahead of the west in "developement". I get your point and will brainprocess it for a while.

>The civilization of the arabs would take a leap upon a total memory loss leading to forgetting their ruins that includes ruin buildings and ideas inorder to develop new ones.

That would be a pity. If you (as I now assume) live (have lived) in an arabic country maybe you are what we in Sweden call "home-blind" meaning you dont realize the value of your home just because you live in it. The ancient ruins is a memory of our history that must not be forgotten. Especially the very very old ruins in former mesopotamia.

But is ruins really such a brake in the development? I see how you think but it sounds a bit exagerated.

>I counted at least half a million historic dates to remember. An

That is something to work on. Enlightment comes from understanding connections. If you are not trained by teachers to see this the teacher is not doing a very good job.

>You didn't get a word I was saying, didn't I just demonstrate to you that the west are the ones moving in the footsteps of the east and not vice versa.

But what happened? In the year 1400 something the arabic world was an advanced world in both filosophy, science, art etc. Then it slowed down. That cant possibly be because they had used up all avaiable space. There must be something else.

Dont you think religion has anything to do with this? The whole medival period was a complete stop in science and filosophy-developement (in west) and I blame the church completely for this. Then the western world got secularized and the development could continue again.

At some point in a civilization the religion is very important. To lift a stoneage-tribe into the next step I think you need religion of some sort. This makes people think about filosophy. Then there is a time when religion represses. The west has come to a point now when we are so secularized that we have forgotten real values like taking care of the planet, each other etc. Now its time for religion to work again, but you cant use 1500-ideas now. I guess thats why we see you much of "new age" now. There is a need for it. Do you see any "new age" in the arab world?
Originally posted by Robban
[B I guess thats why we see you much of "new age" now. There is a need for it. Do you see any "new age" in the arab world? [/B]

The new age you speak of might be just the end of our world, judgement of god's creations, and eternal life. I don't take life for granted to the point of relying on a new age to snatch me out of a miserable age. The arabs don't await any age, they live their life the best they can in an era where they're economically inferior, until we are alike gathered like moth infront of god to give account.
the arab world.....ahead of the west?

that must be the over statment of the decade.
Originally posted by Judas
the arab world.....ahead of the west?

that must be the over statment of the decade.

In a sinosoidal or cosine wave, which are functions used to describe most phenomenas, the troughs are ahead of the peaks, why can't the arab's trough be ahead of the west peak?

Humanity started in the east, so the east by default is ahead of the west.
Originally posted by Robban
Its a matter of speed I would say.

In what country do you live?

I live in that country that is heading with speed toward the trough, the United States of America. I'm born in the US of Egyptian Father, half English, half Turkish mother, and married to a hispanic.