misconceptions about islam v.2.0

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yusuf estes was a texan baptist evangelical preacher, one of the the people least likely to embrace islam

Not at all, they both enjoy proselytizing, and the basic premise is very much the same.
The title of this thread is misleading. After careful review its apparent that the OP didn't intend to actually discuss misconceptions but is intent on preaching. There exists a very "my religious superstition is better than yours" air with the posts Outlandish has made, moreover the proselytizing of religion is not permitted in the Religion subforum.

Please review the Forum Rules on this.

This is a science forum. The religion subforum is concerned with the intersection of science and religion; the scientific examination of religion; and the discussion of religious claims that profess to reveal the nature of the universe. Evangelizing a given cult is not within these expectations.
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