miracles...do they exist?

mario said:
Along with their dry clothes shouldn't they have also had 3rd degree sunburns as well?

Are you trying to be funny?

Miracles are miracles because they are miracles. I am not saying that 500 Square Miles of Portugal were placed in an Oven. I am saying that at one moment people were soaking wet and cold, and the very next moment they noticed that everything was dry.

Try to get on the same sheet of music.
I'm just trying to be scientific. I thought that maybe their clothes being dry was due to the sun diving close to them.
Leo Volont said:
And we live in an Age when Children are volunteering to Play House with Pervert Priests. No one is holding knives to these kids throats. They know sex is wrong -- that it is dirty -- but they 'party' anyway. No innocence there. I am an old man, but I remember my childhood. I kept my little pants up. Any child old enough to leave his yard and go off by himself knows that private parts should remain private. Their willingness to do "around the world's" for new Gameboys simply indicates the pervasive decadance of our Society.
Yes Leo. Blame the child. It's the child's fault. They dared to wear pants that were just that little bit tight. Most of these children who are sexually abused by priests either end up with the rest of their lives destroyed or they commit suicide. You're saying that a 5 or 6 year old child is a partier? Or any child for that matter? That they know and want to get down and dirty with some hairy old man with a fetish for small children? You're saying that a child is not innocent? That is the most pathetic thing I've seen in a long time. You do realise that most of the children abused by the priests are children who have yet to reach puberty? That these are priests that the parents and most importantly children trusted, and were and are abused? Do you seriously think that these children want to be defiled in such a way by a dirty bastard of a priest who is supposed to care for them? Do you actually think that little boys in christian boarding schools know that some horny prick is going to come in at night, hold them down, threaten them with pain or death to themselves or their parents if they tell, and then rape them? You can actually think that they go looking for it?

I'd call you the scum of the earth right now Leo, but I don't think those words would be strong enough to describe you. I dare you to go into a child counselling centre for abused children and say what you have said. What's worse is that you consider yourself a pure Marian Catholic and dare lecture people and call people evil, sinners, etc. If I believed in Satan I'd consider you to be Satan's spawn.

Leo Volont said:
What, you 'know' how pedophilia works. What I know is that a Pedophile knows how to pick the kind of kid that will go along with it -- the 'partiers'. Just go back in your mind to your own childhood. Unless you are one of the 'partiers' you know darn well that you wouldn't have participated in any stupid hairy adults 'private' parties.
Tell that to the 5 year old boy or any other child that has just been raped by a priest. Yeah, he went looking for it and participated in an adult party when he goes to confession or is called to the principal's office and is abused. Your statements and comments has proven that you know nothing at all.

You are no better than the perverted priest and other paedophile out there who blames the child and says that the child goes out looking for it or was willing to go along with it.