Mind Brain

You are still stuck in the notion that they are separate things. They are not. Mind is a function of the brain.
It's a difficult subject for me. I don't mean to wander, but some people think about mind, body, soul. Some find the seat of self in the heart. Some find it below the diaphragm. I don't think the mind is a function of the brain, or it's just difficult for me. I think the brain only supervises the mind in a mind-body relationship. It doesn't tell the mind what to think. It only gives permission for the mind to think, to be aware, to have consciousness. Maybe. But then the mind uses the brain as storage, and uses the body as vehicle. Vehicle for oxygen, movement, and action, but those are brain (body) functions. The brain tells the body to do things: Yawn, stretch, run, focus. So they share - it seems to me. To me they look like two different things, and my rationale is that if things appear different they probably are different. Could be that evolution has fogged up the notion so much that is isn't clear to me that they are indeed one thing. Like I say, It's a difficult subject for me.
Ever taken any "mind altering" drugs? If you have, then you know that a chemical passing though the brain can really mess with the mind. IMHO, that seals it. Mind is a function of brain.
Ever taken any "mind altering" drugs? If you have, then you know that a chemical passing though the brain can really mess with the mind. IMHO, that seals it. Mind is a function of brain.
Thanks gmilam. I've seen brain surgery with an awake patient. I know that emotions, the same as limbs or senses can be stimulated and suppressed. How a person gets, processes, and expresses ideas is both difficult and amazing. I'll take mind is a function of the brain. Could be that seeing them as different things just allows studying them slightly easier.
Sure. The mind and the brain are the same thing. That is, our thoughts and perceptions are simply the functioning of the brain.
I agree with the second but not the first.

A vegetative comatose patient with no brain function still has a functioning brain (despite the poor terminology).
A brain that is functioning still regulates a wide array of bodily functions - such as hormone regulation and organ maintenance - that have nothing to do with mind.

But, to your point, I agree the mind is subsumed by the brain's functions. It is an emergent property of the brain alone.
I agree with the second but not the first.

A vegetative comatose patient with no brain function still has a functioning brain (despite the poor terminology).
A brain that is functioning still regulates a wide array of bodily functions - such as hormone regulation and organ maintenance - that have nothing to do with mind.

But, to your point, I agree the mind is subsumed by the brain's functions. It is an emergent property of the brain alone.
I think it's a brain without a mind.
If the mind is a function of the brain why is the brain not enabling the mind during those times?
I think it's a brain without a mind.
If the mind is a function of the brain why is the brain not enabling the mind during those times?

Large segments of the brain can be damaged without other regions being affected

The dictionary is a poor source of information about complex subjects.

It's not designed to be

It is there to define whatever such that people in discussion can have clarity they are discussing the same item / concept

My take is that consciousness is the observer of both body and mind. Unfortunately consciousness cannot observe itself. It is the apex of personal experience.