Mind altering drugs

All that I can say is that back in the 1960's many of the 'hits" of acid were 500 mics and above. I know this for a fact so they are probably still making that dosage today. Also all sorts of "cuts" were put into the LSD to "enhance" its high. That to is a fact so I don't believe that nothing but pure LSD is used in every hit.
Can I assume that anything that is cut to 'enhance' LSD will be a MAO (Monoamine oxidase ) inhibitor?
It basically stops your body from metabolising the stuff out of your system so the high is longer / more intense. Can be fatal though if mis-administered.
I'm sure some chemistry guys could expand?
I dunno what the rules are about links to other sites so forgive me if this is a no no.

However , for those interested or curious here are some very interesting trip reports that I can guarentee are genuine and not some bullshit off the top of someones head. I think they are pretty impartial too.



Re: MAO Inhibitors & Other issues

MAOI's work very well with psilocybin.

A MAO inhibitor actually blocks production of the enzyme monoamine oxidase. Monoamine oxidase has the effect of removing from your brain chemicals that make you feel good. It is a mood regulator. MAO inhibitors prevent the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine from the brain, thereby allowing pleasurable sensations to remain in your head for a longer period. (We have a wonderful MAO inhibitor available to us--St. John's Wort--but concerns over cattle stocks and other such things have led to its eradication in the U.S. Almost all of the SJW consumed by Americans is imported; in the 1990s, it was reported that as much as 95% of Germany's antidepressant market opted for St. John's Wort instead of a synthetic MAO inhibitor.

• • •​

Boost your vitamin C intake during the 12 hours before you drop acid.

You won't have any Morrison revelations on crystal, Ecstasy, or other speedy lab drugs.

What's odd about strichnyne is that I've never heard that LSD is actually cut with it. So all the urban-myth debunking is useless to me because I haven't found one that addresses the issue of why some acidheads come down with strichnyne poisoning. I haven't found a website yet that addresses the idea that the strichnyne is a byproduct of the maufacture process and degradation of the drug.

Oh, well. Live and learn.
While I believe everything cosmictraveler is saying is bullshit, I've never had the chance to do MAOI's with LSD and would LOVE to...

Its estimated that LSD has been synthesized less then 1,000 times on the face of the planet by the DEA....

EDIT: you kiddies that do drugs to get "fucked up" stay away from the MAOIs y'here? thanks.
Maharajah said:
EDIT: you kiddies that do drugs to get "fucked up" stay away from the MAOIs y'here? thanks.

If you disrespect any of these substances to get 'fucked up', you will just end up 'fucked up'. The trip will not mean anything to you.

This is my case against prohibition. If people who actually knew what was what could educate people properly about these things because they had experience, I believe that education would be well recieved.

If you lived in a culture where you had shamans and those shamans advised you as a young man to prepare very well before taking a journey, you would respect it and do as you were told. You would also get the help to prepare you for that journey. However if some monkey man politician says ' Dont do drugs or well throw your ass in jail.' .. well whats to stop you rebelling and going all out to get 'fucked up'.

rant over


Well said, I agree. I don't understand why the shaman isn't an integral part of our society like a psychiatrist or physician, etc, they seem just as important to me. Even in a setting where psychoactives are still illegal, many parts of life relate greatly to the psychedelic experience which the shaman could prepare you for, and help you cope with.
I could be full of bullshit as Maharajah has stated but the question is not who you believe as much as how fucking stupid you are to drop acid or Xtacy that you don't know where it was made , by who it was made or what the effects of it will be on YOUR mind and body. Those wanting to experiment with themselves sure can do so but you have the choice NOT to do so either.

Do you wabt to take a chance with your life, then please go ahead and drop some acid, I only hope that you will not go on a bad trip like Art Linkletters daughters did and commit suicide. That's not bullshit Maharajah, so don't think that acid is a fun drug, it will kill you if not taken properly or with someone who knows how to talk someone down from a "bad trip". The life you save could be your own.

I did misspeak about dosages, they are usually no more than 250 mirograms not the 500 or 1000 as I said before. The problem is that sometimes you don't think your "getting off" and you drop another hit to ensure your high that would be 500 mics. Sorry about the dosage amounts. There's allot of people making bad acid as well as good stuff so it is up to you to choose to either not drop or take the chance.
I could be full of bullshit as Maharajah has stated but the question is not who you believe as much as how fucking stupid you are to drop acid or Xtacy that you don't know where it was made , by who it was made or what the effects of it will be on YOUR mind and body. Those wanting to experiment with themselves sure can do so but you have the choice NOT to do so either.

I agree, it is not smart to ingest these things without knowledge of what they will do to you. It is also not smart to spread misinformation heard from myths or urban legends... As for LSD being cut with an MAOI, I doubt that you could find a potent enough MAOI that could fit a sufficient dosage onto a blotter. "Bad Trips" are a result of poor set and setting, and state of mind. If you are not secure with yourself before you enter the trip, you have a higher chance of panicing and things getting out of control. I hardly ever see acid around here, so I couldn't really comment on the "good acid vs bad acid", but I know that I've never gotten acid that was meant to harm me, only weak stuff.

Edit: one last thing to add, the average street coke or meth runs about 50% cut... heroin is even worse... Yet people like to crucify LSD on these meager assumptions because they can't find much else wrong with it :)
If i may mediate. i dont thing Maharajah is advocating lsd or psychedlics as a 'fun drug'.
It is not a fun drug. It is a scary drug that requires you to know what you are doing as you say cosmictraveller. Hence my call for more sane drug policies.
cosmictraveler said:
I could be full of bullshit as Maharajah has stated but the question is not who you believe as much as how fucking stupid you are to drop acid or Xtacy that you don't know where it was made , by who it was made or what the effects of it will be on YOUR mind and body.

To expect to know where it was made and by who is unrealistic, where I come from anyway.

There is a lot of myth and misinformation around acid so you should definately read up before before taking any. see http://www.erowid.org

Taking ecstacy at a rave with firends for the first time was certainly a mind altering experience.

Do they open any doors of perception? Not for me. They are just something fun to do with friends every now and then.
Here is a copy of an interview I did regarding this topic.

~ Could you please explain what it feels like to do the drug Ecstasy?

Wow. That’s a tough first question (laughs). That would be like trying to explain what it feels like to love. Or trying to explain what it feels like to be happy. The feeling is probably different for everyone, but if I were to generalize it, then I would say it feels “pleasurable” – extremely pleasurable. It’s sort of like being a kid on the night before Christmas… with all those butterflies in your stomach; all that energy.

~ Tell me about the first time you took Ecstasy.

Well. I was at a party with a bunch of people and I knew I was going to roll that night. So I was already pretty nervous about the whole thing. I’d bought the pills earlier in the day and they were burning a hole in my pocket. I showed up with some friends and almost everyone there was already rolling. It was an E party – I wasn’t really into clubs at the time. We would all just hang out and trip together. It was fun. Everyone was super happy and super open about everything. We were all in love with each other – it was like a giant orgy without the sex. But, there was a lot of hugging and kissing and touching and whatnot. Every girl was beautiful and they were all interested in me. And I was in love with all of them.

Right as I was peaking, I was dancing in the middle of the room. I felt like there was nobody else around me – like I was in Heaven, dancing on a cloud. I couldn’t feel my body because my mood was so overwhelming – so fantastic. It was like an out of body experience. One of the best feelings I have ever felt… At least I think that was the first time.

~ So you would say that taking E is a good experience?

Yeah, but not exactly… There are also a whole lot of negative things that come along with taking Ecstasy. For example, it’s very addictive. And the more you do it, the harder it is to know what real happiness is. Essentially, it’s an easy escape from reality – and no matter how real it feels, it’s not. Because the drug forces the release of obscene amounts of serotonin in your brain, biologically it really does feel like love. But it’s a false love without all of the emotional and mental bonds that support true love.

I remember the first time I took E, I was so happy that I was crying. I was talking to the most beautiful girl and telling her everything. I mean everything – my deepest, darkest secrets that I never told anyone. And I didn’t care at the time – being totally honest felt so natural and real. And she was doing the same thing. We shared our souls like we’d known each other forever… and we were closer than Romeo and Juliet. It was amazing. I never knew I could be that way.

But the next day, I had to deal with the consequences. The truth was, I barely knew the girl. And I had told her private things that I should have reserved for my true love. Emotionally, it was a real shock. I learned how to be open and honest in a way I never knew was possible, but I wasted it on the wrong person. It was pretty disappointing.

Also, taking any drug can be dangerous – especially E. When you’re on it, you’re so damned happy that you don’t care about anything – so safety isn’t really an issue. You can barely feel your body, and even if you could it wouldn’t matter. Pain would probably feel good.

~ Did you take the drug again?

Yeah, but I was more careful about my emotions. And I was much more careful about my environment. It’s a great feeling and once I did it once, I had to do it again. Like I said, it’s very addicting. Who wouldn’t want to feel like a little kid again, without a care in the world? Who wouldn’t want to dance on a cloud? Plus there are a lot of other things that happen to you physically – it opens up your mind in a way. You can learn a whole lot about yourself and about the world when you’re on Ecstasy. As long as you’re a smart a responsible person, you’ll enjoy it. It you’re not – or if you have emotional problems – then you’re going to have a really bad trip. Rolling isn’t all fun and games.

~ What do you mean by that?

Once you’re comfortable with yourself like that, you see the world in a different way. Also, there are a lot of psychedelic side effects – so it feels like you exist on a different level of consciousness. When you’re coming down off the high and the euphoria wanes, your mind starts playing tricks on you. Things look different – no, that’s not right… things are different. They feel more real.

I’m not a philosopher or anything, but I read a lot – and I’m lucky to be as smart as I am. Most people don’t really understand that tripping can be a spiritual experience. Everybody that does drugs thinks that they understand, and they use “expanding your mind” as an excuse to get fucked up. But hardly anybody I know actually uses drugs for that purpose. They sit around and stare at the wall and listen to Led Zeppelin over and over again. It’s a shame really, because the experience could be so much more than that. I’d compare it to what Socrates said about separating yourself from the body in order to understand the true nature of the universe.

I’m lucky. Or maybe I’m just smart. Before I ever took a psychedelic drug, I learned about Plato and Aristotle. I read The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley, the guy that wrote Brave New World. I’ve studied Existentialism and Buddhism. And I’m always searching for meaning and I’m always thinking about the nature of the world. I’m into poetry and religion more than I’m into partying and forgetting. So when I took E, I used it a medium to understand the teachings of Siddhartha. I guess you could say that I used it to get closer to God - to understand a little better all of the stuff I’d been reading. And it worked. It really changed me… and when I learned everything I could, I stopped.

But there are a lot of other people who don’t know anything about anything. All they want is that fake feeling of love – because they are depressed and they just can’t feel that great about life. But the truth is, anything that you can feel or see on a drug, you should be able to feel or see at the park on a nice day. And if you’re really lucky, you should be able to feel that way on a rainy day too. Nobody should ever take drugs so that they can escape reality, because then they become dependant. And nobody should ever take drugs as an excuse to “expand their mind” unless they’ve done a little bit of research first. There is so much to learn out there, but people are lazy. Ecstasy is lazy love.

~ Is that why you stopped?

That’s some of the reason. But mostly I stopped because I was becoming addicted and I couldn’t enjoy the drug anymore. Gradually, it became a party – I may be smart, but I’m not perfect. And worst of all, I was hanging out with the wrong people… Try talking to anyone about Phaedo or Crito or Metamorphoses or The Divine Comedy when your rolling; it’s just not possible. Hardly anybody cares about that stuff when they’re sober, let alone when they’re in super-love with the world. Everyone just wanted to dance and forget and fuck and draw stupid little pictures, and I got real tired of it. I wanted to learn more. And I was going on bad trips, so I stopped – and that’s when I realized how bad Ecstasy abuse actually is.

When I quit, life just wasn’t fun for a while. It took a couple of weeks before I started feeling normal again – and I had to turn down a lot of people who wanted me to keep partying. I had to separate myself from them. And I’m glad I did because they have lives that are going nowhere. Drugs are just an escape for them… and the ironic thing is, the escapee actually becomes a slave. They stop caring about the real love, because fake love is so easy to get. Most people don’t even understand that they are addicted because they are so happy. Your perception of yourself becomes so distorted – you’re almost schizophrenic. I know people that are still taking E… they’ve been taking it for years, and they won’t stop. I am so happy to be away from all that now.

The things that make me happy now are more real. The feeling isn’t as fleeting as a great trip. Even though rolling felt fantastic, I’d rather have the real love that my family offers me. I’d rather fall in love with a girl for real, and share my heart with her because I want to – not because a drug tricked me into believing I am safe, but because I actually am safe.

~ So does that mean you’ll never do drugs again?

If I said no, I wouldn’t be being honest with myself. I can’t see the future. E really did help me in a lot of ways, but that’s only because I’m smart enough to let it help me. I once saw this documentary on the Discovery Channel about Ecstasy and this 30-year-old man was dying from some sort of cancer. He was in a lot of pain and his marriage was utterly destroyed… He just couldn’t be happy. But then one of his wife’s friends suggested that they both take E before he died so that they could reconcile their love. They set a camera up on a tripod, took some pills, and recorded their last moments together. I’ll never forget how happy they were. The guy was dying but he looked like he was just born – Ecstasy really helped them, and it allowed the guy to die in peace. It was one of the most touching things I ever saw.

It really sucks that people ruin drugs by abusing them. After I saw that video, I had a whole different outlook on E. I think that it should probably be legalized for therapeutic purposes. There is no denying the positive effects it can have on the human psyche, that’s what it was invented for. But it should be used in controlled and safe environments. Also it could be used for spiritual purposes – to help one understand the nature of things. But where do you draw the line then? Who has the right to experience that fake inspiration? It’s really too hard a question – if people devoted more time learning and philosophy, then I could say everyone. But the truth is, only a select few people should ever take drugs for that reason. Most people can’t handle it – they are too sheltered. They isolate themselves.

I know that there is an answer to that question, but I’ll find it by myself and at the right time. As far as I’m concerned now, I’m too busy reading and writing and enjoying the beautiful things that life has to offer to be taking any drugs. But who know what the future holds. After everything I learned about Ecstasy, I think I’d like to take it again… long after I’ve fallen in real love with a girl. Sometimes, I think back to that girl at the party and I wonder what it would be like if I took E with my wife – instead of with a stranger. That would probably be one of the best experiences of my life. And you only live once, so why deny yourself that pleasure. But I will definitely wait until I have learned more about myself and about the world before I ever roll again – maybe I’ll wait until I’m 70 and I have a lot more wisdom. But by then I’ll probably be so out of the loop I won’t know where to score any bombs (laughs).

I’m lucky that I don’t have an addictive personality. Most people do, so I could never in good conscience suggest using E to anybody. But I can’t say that I’ll never roll again. Personally, I know that I’m strong enough to quit anything at anytime, because I have a lot of people who love me and I enjoy life. Also, I understand the pitfalls of addiction and I’m not about to let anything control me. If I ever do take E again, it certainly won’t be for recreation… I’ll probably mediate or something; try and float away into the clouds and learn even more about myself. But, if I don’t ever take E again, I’ll be doing the same thing – so it really doesn’t matter. Love is love, and once you find it, drugs are only inferior interpretations of the truth. You should be able to find ecstasy outside of the pill first; only then should you even consider experimenting with E. Otherwise, you’re doing yourself a great injustice.
Well this would be my first post, I stumbled on this site by looking for some information on E. I liked what i saw, so i signed up.

Ive done E, I do like it alot. It's a great feeling, its a happiness you have probably never felt. It really reminds me of Denis Leary's comedy act-'No Cure for Cancer ': "Happiness comes in small doses folks. It's a cigarette, or a chocolate cookie, or a five second orgasm. ". That comedy act by the way i find to be fukkin hilarious. One thing about E that I found, is I expected more of a "tripp out" feeling. It set in calmly, and before I knew it I was high and peeking. Felt great.
I actually first decided to take E, b/c i couldnt get my Cid. Which by the way I am still trying to find. It's a bitch.
The information I was looking for on E if anyone can help me, please email me if possible or msn, (punkies_12@hotmail.com) Is what happens when you do E a few days in a row, and what happens when you drink too much water. I actually just heard about drinking too much water today, and am whundring what its about.