Mima Mounds

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Throughout Cornwall, fields are dotted with tumuli, or burial mounds.Many have been destroyed over the centuries but hundreds still remain, merely grassy mounds to the naked eye but beneath them lie stone capped burial chambers, some containing no doubt ancient artefacts and ornate cremation urns from thousands of years ago.

Cornwall, megalithic chamber tombs

Actually Stryder, it seems those buriel mounds are not necessarily over turned boats.
Actually thats just Cornwall, you have to remember that Britain was invaded many times and had many different types of settlers here, not to forget to mention the number of conflicts between them.

The ones I was refering too is Viking Burials that didn't always involve a dead person being set adrift and having arrows of fire cast at them. Some involved the generation of "mounds".

I'm not suggesting I'm extremely well versed on viking rituals but there were many raids and settlements in the local region to where I live.
The eradication of archaeological sites & artifacts is most certainly going on in the Australia/ New Zealand region, where "concealment teams" are being employed to both destroy or seal away from sight any traces of anomalous discoveries...The "Artiamuri Stones", registered by Captain Mair in the 1800's and described by him as the 2nd most significant site he'd seen in New Zealand...these were, seemingly, pushed into a river by a "Forestry Department" bulldozer...Lisa and her colleagues were assigned the task of gathering up the remains and placing them into crates. Also in attendance at the site were Smithsonian Institute officials and FBI agents...The reason for this degree of secrecy stems from the fact that the skeletons were of people who were about 8 feet tall. They had six fingers on each hand and six toes per foot. They also had a strange, double row arrangement of teeth...Lisa later had official "hassles" when trying to come home to New Zealand and was severely grilled by US government functionaries as she attempted to depart from the US...One would have to probe age-old, long established, "control-freak" organizations to find out why they perceive "forbidden archaeology" to represent such an undermining danger
Forbidden History - Covered Up Again!

So with burial mounds there are artifacts, bones and remnants of their community and tools. With well-preserved remains there would be hair, clothing fragments etc., assuming the Mima Mounds are burial mounds. What if these Mima Mounds are not burial mounds?

Then ask why the need for "concealment teams" to do "eradication of archaeological sites & artifacts"? What is so significant that "government officials...in the US and elsewhere around the world" make it their business to contain archaeological anomalies?
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What if it's just simple preservation of historical artifacts. Think of how Egypts tombs weren't just exumed but were stripped clean by tomb raiders for centuries, although in the last couple of centuries the raiders were scholars it has meant that the artifacts could eventually be returned, where as stolen artifacts aren't necessarily going to find their way home since they aren't documented about in the same way.
DISPATCHES: State seeks comments on Mima Mounds plan

March 25th, 2004
Mima Mounds NAP is located northwest of Littlerock, near the Capitol State Forest in Thurston County. The preserve protects a high-quality remnant of mounded prairie, which is becoming increasingly rare. Several rare plant and animal species exist at the preserve. The boundary expansion is proposed to further protect this sensitive area and to provide biological connections to nearby prairies. The preserve protects 625 acres, and the proposed expansion could add up to 441 acres.

The department is authorized to negotiate with willing sellers interested in selling their property at market value.

Rare plants and animals, do they mean rare as the Venus Fly Trap is rare and specific to the Carolina Bays?

Why does the State Department of Natural Resources need to increase the area, 70% more than what is already protected?

From the air it kinda looks like wallpaper that someone hasn't put on properly and has bubbles in it. Anyone else think that?
Simply put, It's all very well to say the Mima Mounds are either formulated through time and climactic conditions, or to suggest they are religious burial grounds of some sort, but to start hypothesising that either some hidden government agenda for burying things, Aliens or remanents of a universal space war is in programming terms classed as "Extreme data".

("Extreme data" is when a programmer tests how an input is received by the program, he will test how the program answers a boolean "yes or no" equation, and then find out how it handles something "Extreme" something that wasn't either a "yes or no" like "null or NaN" or in the case of some of the things you propose "Alien Interstellar wars".)

I'm not suggesting that Heckling premotes discussion, is witty or shows intellect, However there overall commentary is just expressing how ludicrous most of your "Extreme data" type notions truly are. To edit/Moderate them would mean having to edit the extremeness of your posts too.
Stryder, since you have your hands on the bulls horns while riding it, please lock this thread as you have locked all the other threads that are examining specific topics of interest like the Martian Blueberry thread; also I will not discuss any further details of any information I happen to come across in research.
Lock this thread now, discussion finished.
Go for it Stryder, lock this one up also. FOCLMFAO
A prime example of bigotry and hypocritical moderation I have ever seen.

The state of mind of a bigot; obstinate and unreasoning attachment of one's own belief and opinions, with narrow-minded intolerance of beliefs opposed to them.
1. Characterized by hypocrisy: hypocritical praise.
2. Being a hypocrite: a hypocritical rogue.
Of or pertaining to a hypocrite, or to hypocrisy; as, a hypocriticalperson; a hypocritical look; a hypocritical action.
Now that is pretty rich coming from you Norval.

Afterall identify at first what your theorum is, then identify what you state on the front page of your website about not updating and how you want to be discussing your theorum out in the field.

When your theorum is suggested to be fundementally flawed and discussion terminated because of the swings and roundabouts that accompany it, you attack me as a biggot because your personal belief is under threat.

Have you thought that you might be too attached to your own belief and opinion. Complaining about me or too me in itself is a form of bigotry?
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