Mima Mounds

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Tic Toc, World in Cobalt Blue
Registered Senior Member
I would get in deep doo doo because I want to dig deep in the Mima Mounds and find out what the US is keeping under wraps there so that no one can touch it.
Mima Mounds

FieryIce said:
I would get in deep doo doo because I want to dig deep in the Mima Mounds and find out what the US is keeping under wraps there so that no one can touch it.

HAHA HAHA...*cough*...HAHA.....idiot. You just slip more and more away from reality don't you.
Ah yes, the Mima Mounds, there is some recent work and theory from a woman here in the Seattle area that (if I remember right) proposes it was a flood plane water hydraulic action that formed these.

As this is my “home” neck of the woods so to speak out here in the Pacific North West and having heard several Indian legends about them I wanted to explore them. Never got the chance till a few years ago when an incident occurred there that caused me to acquire access to an otherwise “CLOSED” Federal / State Park. Closed save for a couple small non intrusive surface mapping and measurement exploratory investigations by scientists. Of note is the caretakers quarters, which was about a 4 bedroom rambler type “home”. With swimming pool. The road from this location to the nearest airport was short and always in excellent repair. The entrance gate was remote control and camera equipped. Around the property is your typical fenced typed pasture land and some woods. I did note that there appeared to be ground sensor / movement devices in use along the fence area I was near. (Learned about them in the military.) The house had some interesting antennas also. The compass on the dash of the van went nuts and kept swing all over the place the entire time we were amongst the mounds. Even when the van was stopped it would just swing around on its own like someone was moving a magnet near it. Well that is my info about them mounds. Personally I would enjoy doing some electronic scans of them mounded areas myself.

Blackholesun seems to be having a real problem discussing topics.
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btw, The main reason such a location would be guard (if of course it is guarded) is due to "treasurer hunters" that don't care about how to excavate and area and be considerate but would just go into the area nd retrieve what ever they can at what ever the cost is. (This has been seen to happen in South America quite a bit in some of the ancient Aztec sites)

Archeology if it's allowed to be done their should be done by someone like the Smithsonian Insititue, and any finds from such excavations should be placed into housing at the actual site (building a museum of finds at the site) In doing this it stops treasure hunters spoiling what should be available to all by selling things to private collectors, and also stops the usual problem of people complaining about things having to be returned to the place of origin, since such a museum would house those things there. (and even cause "tourists to travel to the destination" and help pay for maintainence of the local area)

Admittedly to me being in the UK, our local area has had alot of "mounds" but they have all been down to upturned boat hulls being used as Viking burial chambers. Perhaps the Viking's made if further into Mainland America than first thought.

Oh just to add to that, there is actually a particular chemical that can be found in the soil when dealing with "Long since used" burial sites, A soil sample would reveal if people are buried in the vacinity.
what were u researching there, and what are these mounds believed to be (bare with me this is the first time hearing of these mounds) :D
I wasn't there doing "research".
You could try searching the net for information about them.
You may want to research it from all other search engines first, then try big brothers google.
Well thank you Stryder, I always wanted to discuss the mounds, just never got around to it. LOL

When I drove across Canada to the west coast, passing through Alberta (if memory doesn't fail me) there were fields and fields of these same mounds as Mima, with cows grazing on the mounds. There were just so many mounds; I find it amazing that more people are not asking about these mounds.

Sorry Stryder, in North America these mounds are not upside down boats like in the UK.

There are also the mounds just south of Peterborough, Ontario called Serpent Mounds that at one time excavation had started but only to be stopped and the lands were handed over to the native tribes, thus halting any further examination of those mounds.

Smithsonian Institute, now that is interesting. ROFLMAO
An interesting test program called Plowshare, Operation Whetstone, the individual test called Sulky created a mound, not a crater.

To the surprise of the test designers, who had expected a depression,it produced a permanent rubble mound called a "retarc" (an inverted crater - the word is "crater" spelled backwards). Permanent retarcs of this kind are restricted to hard rock where the shock displaced material, which has three times the volume of the original strata, is strong enough not to undergo compaction and subsidence. Strong rock like granite is especially conducive to this, since it tends to fracture in large blocks for maximum bulking effect. Sulky was in fact the only retarc producing event in the history of US nuclear testing. The mound was 24 m wide and 6 m high, and had a small depression in the center (9 x 3.5 m).


Imagine that
The Mima Mounds are "8 feet tall and 30 feet across...extended a remarkable 20 square miles", The Mima Mounds

This is comparable to the Sulky mound of "24 m wide and 6 m high",
Operation Whetstone, Sulky

Mima Mounds - 8' by 24'
Sulky Mound - 20' by 79' yeild was 0.092 kt at a depth of 89'
I think I see what your getting at there, if a meteor hid soft rock which is situated on a harder rockbed then and it was small enough it could cause that inversion I guess.
That would probably mean the compass wouldn't be the only thing to react around them, Gieger counters would probably go hectic to.
I didn't mention meteor, neither does the The Nuclear Weapon Archive, A Guide to Nuclear Weapons web site mention meteors.
You are not changing ideas when going from thread to thread in Pseudoscience Stryder, the Mima Mounds are not the result of rubble pile ice/rock/mud meteors or comets nor tidal disruption theory.
These are something completely different, the Mima Mounds are protected by Washington Department of Natural Resources. There has been no handing over of this mound site to the native peoples as their sacred site. I wonder why, there must be something more significant with this mound site than with say the Serpent Mounds in Ontario.
greywolf said:
what were u researching there, and what are these mounds believed to be (bare with me this is the first time hearing of these mounds) :D

Greywolf, maybe you never heard about these mounds before because something about the mounds are/were one of the best kept secrets around.
FieryIce said:
Greywolf, maybe you never heard about these mounds before because something about the mounds are/were one of the best kept secrets around.

How are they the best kept secrets around? Look online and you find plenty of info. Icy you just keep slipping further and further away from reality don't you. Maybe you should walk outside and get some sun.
BlackHole, your reference to some site called meta religion is rather useless for a researcher, the writer of the article is called Unexplained Earth with no name other than a pseudonym. How could an article written by someone under a pseudonym and no citation of their true identity, how can that be considered reliable?

You’re grasping at straws BlackHole, wasting forum space again by neither adding nor subtracting from the information in the thread.

Interesting also is I have not cited any fanciful conclusions only offered comparisons.
I consider that more reliable than YOU. He/she makes no conclusions about what they are; just what has be said about it in the past and what has been found there. It's just a link...that's all.

You on the other hand post plowshare, whetstone and sulky hinting to us your own conclusions about the origin. I think you're the one grasping at straws icy because you've offered nothing really in relation to these mounds.
Actually I think Blackholesun in this instance has attempted to "Look" for information regarding this subject, which has proven a significant change in dealing with the subjects on the forums. (Pat on the back for you Blackholesun)

FieryIce, I don't think he was grasping at straws, he was right to point to a site that suggests hypothesis rather than answers, if you want real answers then you are of course going to have to ask people that have worked in this area, which most of the time don't want their works published on the internet.

Also I wasn't dreaming up that they could be Meteorites because of the other thread but that kind of fitted, along with another one being that the earths magnetic pole which shifts position from time to time could have created them similar to a magnet under a sheet of paper with iron filings under it.
What most of you are reading about is the kiddy school versions of the mounds. There’s a whole lot more to them. The areas you are all talking about are miles north of the really interesting ones. Yet these too remain very intriguing as it is what they are not telling you about the excavations and the material found and at what depths that gets more of my attention.

If you continue to dig and search you may come across these relevant pieces of information.

This persons article was about the general viewing of the mounds. It is typical of what John Q public would see, read, and be told. The pass gate to the place I mentioned is about 3 miles south of this road side attraction that is talked about.

It is true that the mounds are made of an earth overlay of hand sized stones with an under-layment of much larger stones. It is those larger stones (that you aren’t told the size of.) that are covering over what I am interested in.
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