Mid life crisis

Jesus's mid-life crisis was being crusified.

Jesus never had a mid-life crisis. He was only on the earth for 33 years. And even if it happened that He was on the earth 100 years, He would have never suffered a mid-life crisis

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Jesus never had a mid-life crisis. He was only on the earth for 33 years. And even if it happened that He was on the earth 100 years, He would have never suffered a mid-life crisis

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Praise the Lord and stoke up the Lake of Fire for the next batch of sinners"!

Of course he had a crisis. He could not handle reality, an attribute of the religious mind, so he went and hid in the desert.

PS If ,as you say, he had no mid-life crisis then he was not truly human which is a claim Christians make for him. Never mind, I'm sure you'll think of some explanation to confound me.
LOL, for some reason I have no problem doing that. Naked I'm fine. In that bikini I looked like a cheap pole dancer. :eek:

I will only believe you if you pm me some photographic evidence signed by four reliable witnesses.
PS If ,as you say, he had no mid-life crisis then he was not truly human which is a claim Christians make for him. Never mind, I'm sure you'll think of some explanation to confound me.

His body was human, but in his mind/spirit he was god.
I got no beef with the J-man, he's all cool in my book. Just don't like what the fucking retards did with his cool, hippy doctrine of peace and love man.