Microsoft the NSA and you!

A more-even global distribution of resources is possible. Given our global resources, our current technology and the current distribution capabilities, noone in this world should be without adequate food, shelter, clothing or health care.

Let's encourage our respective governments to share.
Dave- The great thing about our system of capitalism is that it IS possible to improve your lot by your own merits. You can't, however, expect some fat cat to say "Look how hard he's working. Let's reward him." What you have to do is find a gap and fill it, or convince the public that it needs to be filled and you're just the one to do it. Think about it. Do we, as commoners, really NEED computers? We did fine before, yet now it's hard to imagine life without them in our homes. How DID we do homework before? How DID we meet people before? And yet, a handful of four-eyed geeks thrust these things into our hands and we've been happy as kids at Christmas ever since and the whole world knows the name of at least Bill Gates. Regardless of the flaws in his product, he is one heck of a business man. By his own hand he convinced us all to build and buy what he was selling.

In the true spirit of capitalism, open-source o/s's are coming right up behind to bite him in the butt. Will he survive? Will Microsoft be able to adapt to the new environment? Too many people are hooked on Linux to let the MS machine devour it and make it conform to their standards. If MS can't compete, it dies as open-source becomes the new standard until a new competitor comes up. It will be ultimately up to We The People to come up with that competitor.

Somewhere in that whole sordid story, somebody had an unfair advantage. Was it because Bill went to college and studied the right things? Is it because he was born with a greater understanding of business than the rest of us? Is it because he worked his butt off while the rest of us played "Pong"? Under socialism, his tactics and aims would have been supressed because they did not serve the good of the whole. Yet, we have all prospered. Because of the technology that individuals (not just Gates) were able to create and market and compete with without anyone crying 'unfair', we now have these things that you're sitting in front of and it's just as easy to make a friend in Alaska as in Australia. We can start our own companies without having to move into a downtown high-rise. We can all compete. We just have to find the right formula. We have to find the gap that needs to be filled, whether anybody knows it needs it or not. I do not believe that such opportunities are possible under socialism.

I suppose in another context I could point to my own education. A product of public schools (with one brief stint at St. Mary's), I found all of my subjects incredibly easy all the way through graduation. When my peer group would sit around and complain about how hard their classes were, I would say how easy I found it all. One of my classmates summed it up thusly;"Of course it's easy for you. You study."

If you aren't making the money that the fat cats are, you aren't managing your money properly. I live at the poverty level myself, but I don't plan to be for long. I'm managing my money and saving for some investments I've studied. It's not a sure thing, but nothing is. All it's going to take from me is a little of what this country was truly founded on; a little hard work.

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited September 25, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited September 25, 1999).]

There are a lot of Bill Gates out there. I'll tell you why he is successful
and he said it himself. Timing and luck,
simply being at the right place at the right time.Many people have good ideas but how many implement them.

" We are born millionares however very few people turn their credit into cash"

" Many people wait for their ship to come in; very few swim to meet it."
Don Lapre
He was 20 and bankrupt with a high school
diploma.With a litle help from a few of his friends he used a simple concept and
a few years later became a multi millionare.

Just a little food for thought. I wish you the best in your investments.

Your comments describe the ideal capitalist world. I have no problem with the idea of capitalism. The problem I have is with American capitalism, which is very far from the ideal.

It is quite clear that you are convinced that under a socialist system, individuals end up being entirely unmotivated. And while it is true that in a socialist system, progress (especially industrial and technological) is not as rapid, it is not absent altogether. Additionally, progress is made more carefully and is in accordance with the will of the entire population. You yourself have admitted that change in America (eg. computer tech) is very often against the will of the general populace, and must often be forced down their throats. Industrial and technological expansion in America comes at the cost of social unrest, a confused value system, and suburbian dysfunction.

I should reiterate that your faith in the American system comes not because you are right (same goes for a socialist), but because you have been raised with one key value that differs from that of a socialist.

For a capitalist, respect = money.
For a socialist, respect = acheivement.

I think that it can be conceded that money is not necessarily representative of acheivement. Very often money is allocated not according to personal value or acheivement, but rather external, uncontrollable political/social factors. Ultimately, the driving force behind the acquisition of money is not the acquisition of material goods, but rather status and respect. (though, material goods are used as a convenient way to show off money)

A socialist removes this intervening value called money and directly relates respect and status to personal acheivement. In this environment, it's obvious that there still is significant motivation to contribute and to achieve. There are no 'get-rich-schemes' or lotteries to 'cheat' your way up the ladder. You will be judged on your own abilities. In a socialist system, a man such as Bill Gates would not be suppressed, as you claim. Bill Gates would be judged on his contributions, and would be judged very favorably.

To try and convince you that people CAN contribute to the world for the sake of the contribution alone, I offer the example of Steve Jobs (Apple Computer CEO). True, the man is a billionare, but he is the most uncapitalistic billionare I know of. The return of innovation and intelligence to the computer industry over the last few years can be attributed to his role at Apple. His astounding success at that company would normally be rewarded with a great deal of money and stock options. Steve, however, has refused a salary during his stay at Apple (no doubt a stressful job) and holds no Apple stock. The man has no vested interest, yet he persists in contributing.

Again I reiterate that I fully support capitalism. The problem is that American capitalism is no longer representative of true acheivement.

[This message has been edited by DaveW (edited September 25, 1999).]
In the true spirit of capitalism, open-source o/s's are coming right up behind to bite him in the butt.

What an absurd statement! :)

The open source movement is a socialist movement. It is the perfect example of people willing to contribute to the world without any thought of monetary gain. This doesn't fit the capitalist economic model!!