Michael Phelps on hot seat for controversial photo

oh, you know you're gonna get stoned and be craving a pop tart or frosted flakes.

Yeah, but that's what General Mills, Keebler and Nabisco are for. :D

Even though I have no problem with Phelps tokin' up, he has no one to blame but himself for not being more careful of who sees, and more importantly who has a camera to take pictures. He should have known better than to allow that if he was that determined to take bong hits.
I don't think the original article mentions it but has anyone found out when that picture was taken? If it was taken after the olympics/sponsorships, etc. then yeah, it's all on him.
If it was taken before all of his sponsorships started and before he earned his medals, before the olympics, etc. then my previous stance is null and void.
I think that's shitty if Kelloggs would pull their sponsorship over something that happened before all of this, and would call for a boycott.
...I think that's shitty if Kelloggs would pull their sponsorship over something that happened before all of this, and would call for a boycott.

They said they did it because their target audience is the parents of young children. Next Olympics, they'll sponsor him again. I bet he gets more sponsorships from this. He will attract a whole new audience. ;)
I wonder if Kellogg can prove that cereal with pictures of sportsmen on the boxes actually sells more.

Maybe it was true 20-10 years ago, but nowadays anyone can get as many pics of their fav stars from the net as they want...
i wonder if he would've gotten in trouble for doing something much worse for his body, but still legal. like drinking
I am going to enjoy Kellogg products from now on, I always did, but now I am much more excited to eat those flakes.
that's the point. "because it's illegal" is a horrible reason. ESPECIALLY since marijuana should NOT be illegal in the first place. people just like to be assholes.

how is it worse than drinking

marijuana is addictive, you expect to get that same high and when you try to stop it you feel deprived of that feeling.

the mouth will dry and sore, slow coordination time

induces paranoia and hallucinations from the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in it
marijuana is addictive, you expect to get that same high and when you try to stop it you feel deprived of that feeling.
and this doesn't happen with alcohol?

the mouth will dry and sore, slow coordination time
and everyone knows temporarily dry and sore mouths are really bad health effects. alcohol will slow your coordination and impair judgment more than pot

induces paranoia and hallucinations from the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in it
paranoia isn't necessarily bad and you will only hallucinate if you smoke a shitload. alcohol will make you black out.

i don't think you've even done :m: before
wizard, you have to realize that draqon basically just assumes that anything that's illegal must be bad - because, after all, the government would NEVER outlaw something without good reason.

You could try to have an actual debate with him in which you discuss things like LD50s, statistics, etc, but my guess is that he'll just keep parroting back whatever he reads off his anti-drug pamphlets.
paranoia isn't necessarily bad and you will only hallucinate if you smoke a shitload. alcohol will make you black out.
More to the point, too much alcohol can and will KILL YOU if you drink it too fast. Or kill you slowly over a period of a few months/years, if you drink a lot of it chronically. Marijuana, on the other hand, can't be overdosed on.*

*ref:The British Medical Journal, Sept. 20, 2003; vol 327: pp 635-636.
No, why would he have? One is legal, the other isn't.
Doesn't mean it's better.
And you can bet your ass that if he had gotten a DUI, he would be in the same hot seat.
This has more to do with bad public image than it does about weed.

how is it worse than drinking
Are you serious?
How many bar fights do you know of that were started by a bunch of stoned people?
How many violent wrecks have you seen caused by someone who was high compared to someone who was piss drunk?
How many people have ever overdosed on weed?

Please crawl out from under that rock and get a fuckin clue.
marijuana is addictive, you expect to get that same high and when you try to stop it you feel deprived of that feeling.

yeah.. all kinds of progressive patterns, start smoking say in the 70's a joint a day , by the 90's you're smoking a pound a day....:wtf:
marijuana is addictive, you expect to get that same high and when you try to stop it you feel deprived of that feeling.
MJ can be psychologically addictive. It is NOT physically addictive like crack heroin or NICOTINE(which is legal).

yeah.. all kinds of progressive patterns, start smoking say in the 70's a joint a day , by the 90's you're smoking a pound a day....:wtf:
Start with a beer or two a day in the 70s, and by the 90s, you're drinking a 6 pack or more a day.
Alcoholism is no different buddy.
No Mike , alcoholism is quite different.. I was being cynical .. if one was smoking a joint a day in the 70's , they will still be smoking the same amount.. there is NO progression .. unlike alcohol ..
Doesn't mean it's better.
And you can bet your ass that if he had gotten a DUI, he would be in the same hot seat.
This has more to do with bad public image than it does about weed......

Yeah, he's already been there, done that.

In November 2004, at the age of 19, Phelps was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol in Salisbury, Maryland. He pleaded guilty to driving while impaired the following month and was granted probation before judgment and ordered to serve 18 months' probation, fined $250, obligated to speak to high school students about drinking and driving and had to attend a Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) meeting.[6][7] Questioned about the incident later that month by Matt Lauer on the Today Show, Phelps said it was an "isolated incident" and that he had "definitely let myself down and my family down...I think I let a lot of people in the country down."
I think the reason why so many people flip out over things like this is that it plainly exposes the lie behind the frequent claims that "winners don't use drugs," "drugs will destroy your life," etc. that so many people like to make, and they just can't stand it when someone proves that they're wrong in such a conclusive and spectacular manner. When these people claim that he as a special responsibility as a role model, what they really mean is that he has a responsibility to not make them look like fools by proving that a person can, in fact, use drugs and still be incredibly successful. If they were forced to accept that, they would have to modify their rhetoric from “drugs will destroy your life” to “drugs might destroy your life, or they might just be a fun way to relax and relieve stress as you rise to the top.” It’s astounding that these people insist on clinging to their hard-line “drugs will ruin you” mantra, no matter how many times it’s proven wrong. I mean, a two term president smoked pot. Bill Gates admitted to smoking pot in an interview once. Olympic champions smoke pot. This seems like pretty conclusive proof that one can use pot and still be quite successful.