Michael Phelps on hot seat for controversial photo

Every word you typed is SPECULATION. Can you prove he was actually smoking weed? STFU unless you have proof (concerning the photo and only the photo)....

a picture is worth a thousand words. You can protest all you want, but the guy was smoking weed.
I suppose you think its a photoshop and he was set up. :rolleyes:
That's right, he cannot get convicted from this picture, it will only hurt his image (why I don't know).

convicted, no. Charged???
It doesn't bother me that he smokes weed. It would bother me if he lied about it and said he uses it to smoke tobacco or he was just holding it for a friend. :rolleyes:
You can't get charged for it either. It's not probable cause to suspect he is in possession of it now, only that he may have done it at some point in the past.
What a bitch, he didn't do anything illegal why does he need to apologize?

its pot! out of a bong! nothing wrong with that.
There's nothing wrong with it, I agree, but it is still illegal in most cases, at least federally.
a picture is worth a thousand words. You can protest all you want, but the guy was smoking weed.
You can protest all you want. That picture would never hold up in a court of law, especially if they gave him a drug test and he passed it.
The only thing phelps should be sorry for is allowing that picture to be taken.
If I were him, and I was going to toke up, I would ensure no one in the room had a camera and that the door to that room was locked so no one could barge in.

I suppose you think its a photoshop and he was set up. :rolleyes:
Goddammit Orly. We have already been over what I think of this, ad nauseum.

No I don't think it was a photoshop. And yes, I would bet my ass that he was smoking weed. BUT, I also know that by the picture alone, he did not break any laws; he could have, by all accounts, been just goofing off.
We can also speculate that Brady Quinn is a closet homo; go google some of the pics he and his friends took when he was in college, quite a few of him and his guy friends making 'knob polishing' gestures. The gestures they were making in no way solidifies that they are gay anymore than the 'bong hit' pic solidifies that Phelps was tokin up.
Wasn't he somewhere in Europe though?
Where it is at least legal for personal consumption?

My mistake, although technically, it isn't legal for personal consumption in Europe, either, they just don't enforce that law very often.
..... Goddammit Orly. We have already been over what I think of this, ad nauseum.

No I don't think it was a photoshop. And yes, I would bet my ass that he was smoking weed. BUT, I also know that by the picture alone, he did not break any laws; he could have, by all accounts, been just goofing off.
We can also speculate that Brady Quinn is a closet homo; go google some of the pics he and his friends took when he was in college, quite a few of him and his guy friends making 'knob polishing' gestures. The gestures they were making in no way solidifies that they are gay anymore than the 'bong hit' pic solidifies that Phelps was tokin up.

calm down, calm down. You're so emotional. And why bring gayness into it? That's makes no logical sense at all. Emotional and illogical. You need to get laid. :bugeye:
Who's naive?

He's smoking weed? Orly, all the picture depicts is him holding up a bong doing the motions of taking a hit.
Orly, you do know that water glass pipes are legal, don't you? Smoking tobacco out of them isn't illegal either. There are two Shell stations, both within 3 miles of my house, that have selections of various glass pipes for sale that would rival most head shops. Glass pipes are perfectly legal.
Now, as you've apparently overlooked entirely, if we just go by that picture, there is NO way of telling that he actually took a hit. There could be tobacco in there for all we know. There could actually be weed smoke and all he did was put his mouth up to it. Chances are he did take a hit, but from the pic alone, you cannot assume that.

So I ask you again, Orly; exactly what law is Phelps breaking?

Drug paraphernalia is illegal in some states. It depends where he was when the picture was taken, give me the location and I can tell you if he broke a law.
calm down, calm down. You're so emotional. And why bring gayness into it? That's makes no logical sense at all. Emotional and illogical. You need to get laid. :bugeye:

You are so unbelievable sometimes(most of the time). You have to be the stereotypical bitch-dumb girl-im too pretty type, even this long after high school? :shrug:
Drug paraphernalia is illegal in some states. It depends where he was when the picture was taken, give me the location and I can tell you if he broke a law.
Please cite the law where one is illegal. Because the last time I checked, you can't make them illegal, as the shops that do sell them, sell them as tobacco pipes. That's the loophole that allows them to get away with it.

calm down, calm down. You're so emotional. And why bring gayness into it? That's makes no logical sense at all. Emotional and illogical. You need to get laid.
It's kinda hard to keep cool when someone... 1. doesn't listen or read what you're saying then... 2. turns around and wrongly criticizes you because they didn't take the time to fully read or understand what you were trying to get at.
Example, I used Brady Quinn's pictures and what not to use as a comparison; on how goofing off in pictures can be misconstrued by idiot retards in society and in the media and blown out of proportion. How you interpreted me bringing gayness into it, is beyond me.

As far as me needing to get laid, that's not exactly a huge secret Orly.
I'm probably more aware of that than anyone, but since I don't have a grand to drop on a hooker, and I refuse to put forth the lopsided effort that a man has to put in order to get sex (and subsequently dealing with all the strings attached), then I guess it's porn and tissues for now.