Michael Phelps on hot seat for controversial photo


Stop pretending you're smart!
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"I'm 23 years old, and despite the successes I have had in the pool, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner that people have come to expect from me," Phelps said. "For this, I am sorry. I promise my fans and the public -- it will not happen again."

In other words:
I'm not really regretful for the manner in which I acted, rather I'm regretful for allowing a picture to be taken of me taking a bong hit, and posted on the internet. In the future when I partake, I will know better than to allow myself to be photographed as such.

As much as I love to partake, if I was in Phelps position, I could do without the Mary Jane until I was done with all my athletics. (i.e. what Ricky Williams should have done).

However, none of this crap would happen if legislators would get their fricken heads out of their asses and legalize weed. It in no way enhances athletic performance. I see no reason why this of all substances is banned, especially for athletics. Jeez.
Just pull a Clinton.

"I never inhaled".

But yeah, Mike. You're correct as usual. To even make an issue out of it is a joke. We can thank the media swine once again.

Edit: But really, Micheal? ...A bong? Geeze,man joints are much easier to hide (or a dugout, perhaps).
Just pull a Clinton.

"I never inhaled".

But yeah, Mike. You're correct as usual. To even make an issue out of it is a joke. We can thank the media swine once again.

The media swine isn't the only one that we can blame on this. Overly-tight anal sponsors as well are just as much to blame.

And Phelps owned up to it. He didn't make up any excuses for it. I hope after he's done with all his athletics, that we wind up seeing him on the cover of every other edition of High Times magazine. Eff corporate America and Eff the Man right in his A crack.
Interesting. Canada lost one gold medal won because the snowboarder took a hit within a year of competition(not sure if that was why, that was the official story).

This guy has 8 medals. Nothing will come of it I'm sure. Kinda like how all the track stars were doing steroids in the 80s and it was only a big deal when Canada's jamacians finally got on the band wagon. Then it was like oh fuck CANADA is doing it, this is out of control...better put a stop to this shit and make an example of Ben Johnson.
Interesting. Canada lost one gold medal won because the snowboarder took a hit within a year of competition(not sure if that was why, that was the official story).

This guy has 8 medals. Nothing will come of it I'm sure. Kinda like how all the track stars were doing steroids in the 80s and it was only a big deal when Canada's jamacians finally got on the band wagon. Then it was like oh fuck CANADA is doing it, this is out of control...better put a stop to this shit and make an example of Ben Johnson.

This is just a question, as I don't know for sure, but I wonder if the Olympic committee takes into consideration Canada's much more lax laws/view on Marijana than the U.S.'s

I wish the U.S. had Canada's stance on weed.
This is just a question, as I don't know for sure, but I wonder if the Olympic committee takes into consideration Canada's much more lax laws/view on Marijana than the U.S.'s

I wish the U.S. had Canada's stance on weed.

I has much more to do with how much money countries throw "around" inside/outside the game. Canada doesn't do it. U.S does it better than anyone else. China does it, Russia not as much as they once did, etc.

'member when they fucked the Canadian paired skaters out of the gold medal because of the obviously corrupt French judge personally handed it to the Russians? That's a rare instance where you see it, because the money did not quite go far enough that time.
To be fair, Ben Johnson did go a bit overboard - his eyeballs were yellow - and no one thinks Phelps is hitting the bong to swim faster.

And figure skating is a special case. Do they even skate figures any more?
i'm all for the zero tolerance drug policy for athletes in competition.
as soon as you allow just a tiny bit of leeway you are opening the door to all kinds of BS.

sorry phelps but you lose.
i'm all for the zero tolerance drug policy for athletes in competition.
as soon as you allow just a tiny bit of leeway you are opening the door to all kinds of BS.

sorry phelps but you lose.

Why do you feel this way, particularly about weed?
Most of the focus on these substances is for the performance enhancement aspect of it.
Please tell us in your own words, leopold, how marijuana enhances an athlete's peformance?
what if he had been smoking in Amsterdam where it is legal?
Is it the drugs part of it or the breaking the law part of it that he's in trouble for?
Why do you feel this way, particularly about weed?
Most of the focus on these substances is for the performance enhancement aspect of it.
Please tell us in your own words, leopold, how marijuana enhances an athlete's peformance?

Exactly the arguments put forth for Ross Rebagliati, who I just found out actually got his Gold back, on the basis Pot is not a performance enhancing drug.

This is a non-story. Smoke away Phelps. He must have apologized just to not lose some TV ads.

what if he had been smoking in Amsterdam where it is legal?
Is it the drugs part of it or the breaking the law part of it that he's in trouble for?

Orly, it's more of an image thing than anything, especially where his sponsors are concerned. Theoretically he hasn't really done anything wrong. Even if he didn't actually toke up, his sponsors could say that pictures like that will hurt sales of their products he endorses, and pull their sponsorship of him. BFD. It's not like he couldn't get picked up by someone else.
Hell, if I owned an athletic apparel company and someone I sponsored got involved in a weed (of all drugs) scandal, I would continue sales of any item that that athlete endorsed. IMO stuff like that tends to increase sales of items.
I bet if you took that pic of Phelps takin a bong hit, put it on a T-shirt and put a caption under it something like: No wonder he eats 12,000 calories a day,
you probably couldn't keep those shirts in stock.

I'm assuming that if he did toke up, and that's not just a 'pose' pic, he knew that he didn't have any competitions coming up that would prevent him from sparking up.
Say he doesn't smoke weed at all for the next few months and goes to compete. He will test negative for weed at that point if he does compete somewhere.
are you serious? He's smoking weed. How naive can you be?
Who's naive?

He's smoking weed? Orly, all the picture depicts is him holding up a bong doing the motions of taking a hit.
Orly, you do know that water glass pipes are legal, don't you? Smoking tobacco out of them isn't illegal either. There are two Shell stations, both within 3 miles of my house, that have selections of various glass pipes for sale that would rival most head shops. Glass pipes are perfectly legal.
Now, as you've apparently overlooked entirely, if we just go by that picture, there is NO way of telling that he actually took a hit. There could be tobacco in there for all we know. There could actually be weed smoke and all he did was put his mouth up to it. Chances are he did take a hit, but from the pic alone, you cannot assume that.

So I ask you again, Orly; exactly what law is Phelps breaking?
Who's naive?

He's smoking weed? Orly, all the picture depicts is him holding up a bong doing the motions of taking a hit.
Orly, you do know that water glass pipes are legal, don't you? Smoking tobacco out of them isn't illegal either. There are two Shell stations, both within 3 miles of my house, that have selections of various glass pipes for sale that would rival most head shops. Glass pipes are perfectly legal.
Now, as you've apparently overlooked entirely, if we just go by that picture, there is NO way of telling that he actually took a hit. There could be tobacco in there for all we know. There could actually be weed smoke and all he did was put his mouth up to it. Chances are he did take a hit, but from the pic alone, you cannot assume that.

So I ask you again, Orly; exactly what law is Phelps breaking?

HE'S SMOKING WEED!!! He's not smoking tobacco in a bong. He's not just holding it cuz he likes how it feels. He's not just gonna warm his lips on it. HE'S SMOKING WEED!!!
If he had white line of power there would you say it was sugar? :rolleyes:
HE'S SMOKING WEED!!! He's not smoking tobacco in a bong. He's not just holding it cuz he likes how it feels. He's not just gonna warm his lips on it. HE'S SMOKING WEED!!!
If he had white line of power there would you say it was sugar? :rolleyes:

Every word you typed is SPECULATION. Can you prove he was actually smoking weed? STFU unless you have proof (concerning the photo and only the photo).

I could take a picture of myself with a towel wrapped around my head, a stuck on beard, holding and pointing an AK-47. Does that mean I'm a terrorist??