MIBs: What is your view on it? What do you think they should look like?

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I know a couple newspapers (aka doctors) who would like to talk to you.
I wouldnt have told you none of this if this thread didnt come up,i cant risk temptation of a thread,i wouldv'e blabbed it out sooner or later,might aswell blab it out on the internet.
Can someone delete the things i have said..im regreting this.This is bad..this isnt a joke...i mean this....
The recovered conversation between Doomz02 and the G-men:

Bigger G-man: Hey you there, yes you have been selected to be the next Hollywood movie star!
Doomz02: Wow really?!?
Bigger G-man: Yes just come with us into our spaceshi/ I mean booth.
Doomz02: wow ok!
Bigger G-man: Ok go stand over their next to him, the perfect replicant.
Doomz02: Oh god do I look like that!?!?
Replicant: HA, I am suppose to be this guy, are you insane?
Little G-man: aaaah well the clone does look a little small
Bigger G-man: Quick give him some high heels!
Doomz02: Ya aaah he looks kind of like me only deformed… alot.
Replicant: aah were the hairy breast growing out of my back a clue???
Little G-man: Well I don’t know what we did wrong in the process.
Replicant: what process? You put me in the washing machine which you kept calling a “pod”, gave me a picture of this guy and told me to “wing it” and “it will be cool”
Bigger G-man: shut up, this will be cool, now get going you have your mission *shoves replicant out the air lock*
Replicant: Aaaah no I don’t!
Doomz02 wife: who are you?
Replicant: I’m your husband aah Domz01 or 02.
Doomz02 wife: Oooook… lets get into the car… and give blood?
Replicant: Ya the Blood drive my favorite!
Doomz02 wife: That was a trick! The real Doomz02 thinks that the blood drive is pyramid scheme perpetrated by Dracula and his night slaves!
Doomz02 kid: Ya and he is not a good father either: He yells at me and scares me and locks me in attic, and pours liquid on my head that burns, Freezed me with the fire extinguisher, and a whole bunch of other stuff that I can’t remember because he shock me in the head with a car battery…. And he/

Doomz02 wife: Yayayaya ok, and we also know he doesn’t got no stereo sticking out of the side of his neck!
Replicant: Your not buy it are you?
Doomz02 kid: You need to come hit me with a 2x4 then I would believe you.
Replicant: ok well let me get out of these heels first ok?
--- back on the used space ship ---
Doomz02: So where is this movie?
Bigger G-man: Oh dam I forgot, activate the laser rings!
Little G-man: you mean the disco lights?
Bigger G-man: NO! the installer back at the base said they were a laser stasis field!
Doomz02: Nope these are disco light see *crosses over beams*
Bigger G-man: Arrrg you will die now I know it!
Little G-man: Oh look we are getting a message from the replicant,
Bigger G-man: well pick it up lets see if he has de-terraformed the earth yet.
Replicant: hey this isn’t working!
Bigger G-man: why is the de-terraforming not working? it full proof!
Replicant: De-terraforming? That’s the first I have heard of this, was that your plan?
Bigger G-man: aaah one of them, we have many plans.
Replicant: Well maybe your next plan should be to tell me what the plan is! Look that’s it I quit! *Hangs up*

Bigger G-man: Dam! now what do we do?
Little G-man: Ya and what about the Doomz02 here?
Bigger G-man: I got it we will stick him in the de-memorizing room!
Little G-man: You mean the back storage room with the open paint cans?
Bigger G-man: yes you see the paint fumes will make him forget, see how smart I am my mind is like a laser!
Doomz02: You mean like these disco lights?
Bigger G-man: shut up!, get in there now!

I bolded all the good parts because people are lazy butt-hole surfers and won't read the whole @#$%ing thing!
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Originally posted by MrMynomics
...they just are modern day spys and detectives...

I thought modern day spys and detectives were modern day spys and detectives... by describing the MIB's as modern day spys and detectives were you perhaps under the impression that those particular jobs were a part of the past?
Originally posted by MrMynomics
Can someone delete the things i have said..im regreting this.This is bad..this isnt a joke...i mean this....

I'm pretty sure that you can delete them yourself, sparky.

Oh, and are you the one who said he'd reviel something wicked badass and secret in like october or something?

Isn't that when the next matrix movie comes out? I bet that you're just involved in some sort of big promotional scheme, aren't you?

Hmm, by the way, Mynomics, we are watching you.
it is verry funny :)
maybe you should try writing for a comedy show?
one that does small skits of variouse sorts.

Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
:eek: I stool that skit sorry :eek:

You stool it? Like shat it out into the toilet?

I thought that the part about blood banks being a pyramid scheme perpetuated by Dracula nad his minions, or whatever was a really introspective bit. Really gets you thinking, you know?
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