MIBs: What is your view on it? What do you think they should look like?

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Registered Senior Member
I'm open to suggestions.. I possibly have seen them and encountered with conversation. Perhaps some enlightenment would help me as to how they should look like.
Ummm my opinion is that they should probably be dressed in black. Also, black sunglasses are optional, though not reccomended at night, especialy while driving. Other than that, they should be asian. Don't ask why, ok? I can't tell you why, they told me not to say.
The Original MIB:


Accept no substitutes.
The G-man in half-life wore a blue suit, though! He's no man in black, he's a man in blue. Also, he had no sunglasses, so it just doesn't add up!
hey thats what I think they SHOULD look like, I mean realistically they should look like old guys between the ages of 50-60, in a businessman's suit of dark color, may be very thin and have a voice that causes blood the curdle.
Hey that's a good idea, though. If you put 'em in blue suits people will never see it comming, after all, who would expect that a MIB would be wearing blue? It's the perfect cover. And yes that voice was great. I believe he did the voice of one of the agents in the Animatrix short "World Record" though I could be wrong about that.
Well, what I mean is... I would assume correctly that they DONT look like that in the movie. I mean that would just be a tad obvious. ( i would think anyway).

I beleive they have been seen as different. The ones that I witnessed did have sunglasses and wore black... but not suits, like a cloak/robe.

I also recall having a lengthy discussion with them that I have no idea about yet. That will come in time.
Originally posted by Doomz02
Well, what I mean is... I would assume correctly that they DONT look like that in the movie. I mean that would just be a tad obvious. ( i would think anyway).

I beleive they have been seen as different. The ones that I witnessed did have sunglasses and wore black... but not suits, like a cloak/robe.

I also recall having a lengthy discussion with them that I have no idea about yet. That will come in time.

Ok. . . I won't contest that you may have met some sort of government agents at some point in your life, that is quite believable. . . but are you actually trying to say that they gave you amnesia? That's not contagious, you know, they couldn't have injected you with something. They couldn’t even have hit you over the head really hard, that only works in cartoons.

On the subject of secret government agents, you know something is fishy if the department of agriculture is up to anything at all. An instructor at my school used to work with the department of Agriculture (legitimately) and he and another member of the staff were sent off to some forign nation for god knows what reason, under the pretence of attending some sort of agricultureal conference which they admitedly just really didn't have any interest in attending. They were assigned a third partner, a "new guy" who they'd never met before, and he aparently kept dissapearing for hours at a time. They learned later that they were supposed to be a cover for this "new guy" who was acctualy working for the CIA. What business he had, of course is not for we meer mortals to know, after all, it's only our tax dollars that fund his actions which are carried out in our name :p

Anyway, just found it interesting that that's the way the CIA operates, hehe.
I'm just trying.. and trying my best might I add.. to think of this as logically as possible as to what occured.. But then again.. nothing in this area is considered logical.
Originally posted by MrMynomics
Mibs look like normal detectives trust me...

Woah, man, you're spooky and mysteriously knowledgeable. I respect you.
Mystech Well what did occur?

Well. for one thing, there was an appearance of two.. one tall and one smaller.

We had an extremely long conversation about something, I don't know what it was about.
Wow, man, the way you paint it it's like I'm there!

Care to be any more spacific?
They are basically masters of disguise..i had problems with them alot because my Dad..Ex- Agent..said some bizarre things about thier actions concerning certain files on certain people...my dad lost all his rights to live,records changed,everything...my name was changed and so was the rest of my family..they ruined my house..claiming to be salesmen,mailmen,a long lost relative..you name it...they just are modern day spys and detectives...i cant really put any info on sciforums online because they will then find me...i have been moving from flat to flat for 9 years...it will be like this forever...i connect my pc to somewhere new to often,If any of you are a so-called mib tell me now and get it over with,and dont try and trace my pc.
If your being chased why would you post on this forum?? You really better know how to use a computer heh. Bullshit BNC'S wont work against anything government,
Its true.It took me an hour to find the courage to do that...i leave at 5am everyday to travel and to continue to use my inherited money,trust me.Make bullshit opinions on it then...i dont care..fuckit.
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