Message from the future?

I honestly don't think you'll find it a message from the future mainly from Observer theory and Grandfather Paradox.

Lets say an event you intended to go to was depicted as having a bomb go off showing a vision of You being blown to kingdom come. You decide that you won't go to the event even though you were suppose to of previously, in fact you phone in a call identifying there is a bomb. The event gets cancelled.

This not means that there is no Event to be broadcasted about. So the broadcasters might change what they were going to broadcast (Without realising it of course). Now this creates a rather complex mathematical model in regards to chaos, with potentially infinite alternative broadcasts being delivered all at the same time.

In essence infinite alternatives would literally be static as no singular version would stand out from the rest. If you did glimpse a portion, you'd find it completely different from anyone else's perspective, perhaps others not even seeing it. (In fact this is the theory suggested to some people that see weird things on the television that others don't see, which usually has them claimed to be psychiatric and suffering hallucinations.)

With infinite alternative futures, creating a "Bridge" would be near impossible as it too through observer theory create infinite alternative pasts.

I would suggest what people saw was a HOAX and if they identified what COUNTY they were in, you'd be able to work out which transmitters played apart in the elaborate hoax.
I honestly don't think you'll find it a message from the future mainly from Observer theory and Grandfather Paradox.

Lets say an event you intended to go to was depicted as having a bomb go off showing a vision of You being blown to kingdom come. You decide that you won't go to the event even though you were suppose to of previously, in fact you phone in a call identifying there is a bomb. The event gets cancelled.

This not means that there is no Event to be broadcasted about. So the broadcasters might change what they were going to broadcast (Without realising it of course). Now this creates a rather complex mathematical model in regards to chaos, with potentially infinite alternative broadcasts being delivered all at the same time.

In essence infinite alternatives would literally be static as no singular version would stand out from the rest. If you did glimpse a portion, you'd find it completely different from anyone else's perspective, perhaps others not even seeing it. (In fact this is the theory suggested to some people that see weird things on the television that others don't see, which usually has them claimed to be psychiatric and suffering hallucinations.)

With infinite alternative futures, creating a "Bridge" would be near impossible as it too through observer theory create infinite alternative pasts.

I would suggest what people saw was a HOAX and if they identified what COUNTY they were in, you'd be able to work out which transmitters played apart in the elaborate hoax.

Look the grandfather paradox can be solve with a parallel universe theory, if you make and change in the past you create a alternate universe (in the quantum sea of infinite alternate universe) in which your change persists, say you kill your grandfather, well now you won't ever come into being, but the you travel back still exist because it came from a different universe where your grandfather never got killed. Same goes for the transmission from the future : if it died change the past it did not change their past, rather they change the past of this universe, think of it can communication between universes.
Let me simplify it a bit better.

You would have to have a universe with a singular non-paradox enduced timeline to be able to communicate through a "bridge". Any observation of future events will create a paradox, albeit potentially a small one, a paradox no less. As with the Butterfly Effect, Entropy would ensue from any small alterations creating a larger difference.

Merely having the conversation "did you see that message from the future?" is enough to create a paradox since previously it wasn't apart of a conversation and wouldn't have been a question asked.

If you wanted to keep a timeline completely intact, it would require having both Broadcaster and Receiver already prepared for the broadcast. If it was done, it would require having the apparatus setup in a quarantined environment with researchers housed for a predetermined period that extends from before to after the actual bridge itself.
Let me simplify it a bit better.

You would have to have a universe with a singular non-paradox enduced timeline to be able to communicate through a "bridge". Any observation of future events will create a paradox, albeit potentially a small one, a paradox no less. As with the Butterfly Effect, Entropy would ensue from any small alterations creating a larger difference.

Merely having the conversation "did you see that message from the future?" is enough to create a paradox since previously it wasn't apart of a conversation and wouldn't have been a question asked.

If you wanted to keep a timeline completely intact, it would require having both Broadcaster and Receiver already prepared for the broadcast. If it was done, it would require having the apparatus setup in a quarantined environment with researchers housed for a predetermined period that extends from before to after the actual bridge itself.

First of all a small change does not unnecessarily lead to a butterfly effect, it could just fix its self. Second in parallel universe theory universe theory not matter the change the simple act of time travel splinters you into a new universe or a new time line, no matter if the new universe ends up radically different from yours or almost no difference at all.
Umm, not sure how to reply to your post Stryder & ElectricFetus. I am not familiar with the theories that you talk about.

All I can tell you that as far as I am concerned, what I saw had an effect on me and to finally (16 years +) find other people who also experienced this feels almost like a weight off my shoulders.
Sorry one final thing, I saw this when I was living in Nottinghamshire and I assume that wightadder was in the Isle of Wight at the time.
for a possible explanation type this:

"message from the future"

into google (including the quotation marks - that tells google to search for the exact phrase)

you'll find something on the third link dopwn that might help

I would post a link but I'm new here :rolleyes:
Thanks for that synthesizer-patel but this isn't what I experienced. It does sound a bit similar initially but there were no pictures shown and wasn't an advertisement at all.

If anyone comes across this posting in the future, I've cobbled together a (very!) basic website. If you experienced what I did, it would be good to hear from you:
