mental illness and the law

That just means that the state is providing pisspoor follow up care, maybe insted of worrying about making sure there are enough cosmetic plastic surgeons (as destint from those who work in trauma settings) and providing designer babies the state should provide better mental health care which isn't an optional extra but rather a basic human right.

I was just watching a US show called "most evil" which claims to be based on science and the Guy claims to have a Phd in forensic psychiatry, I say claims because he makes fundermentle mestakes with regard to definitions which arnt consistent with the DSM IV. for instance a women belives that a women who doesn't exist and the women's father are contracting assassins for billions of $ to kill her whole family. This hitman who she kills was her landlord and she claims he told her he framed the Guy for the federal building bombing. There is no claims made that she is lying but he catigorizes her as a psycopath which is plain wrong. She is having delusions caused by a scizophrenic type illness, ie she is psycoTIC not psycopathic. He makes the fundermental mestake of confusing the two completely seprate words which is the reason it was changed to antisocial personality disorder. However the main issue I have is that this women was found compitant to stand trial and responsible for the murder and sentenced to life. Further more its bloody ovious she isn't even getting antipsycotics in jail because she is still delusional and has none of the sideffects of these classes of drugs (which are really ovious if you know what to look for)
Hate to be picky (and you're not the only one) but - spellcheck. Look into it people. The mistakes make it difficult to decipher your post and it makes me question if you're intelligent enough to even have a point.

No really - spellcheck, because you care.
Person a) has a heart attack and falls holding a knife and a person gets stabbed, this would be concidered an accident and charges wouldn't even be filed

Person b) has a psycotic break and stabs someone they would not only be charged but the procutor would try everything in there power to claim they are responsible for murder

How is this right? It seems to me that these are related, if you can pretend its murder then its not societies fault that they can't be bothered paying for mental health care
Because case (a) is a freak occurance totally beyond the control of person (a) and (even more important) unlikely to ever happen again.

Whereas case (b) was caused by a mental defect for which there is no cure. Person (b) may well repeat said offense again and again. He represents a continuing danger to society.

Thus, even if found "not guilty by reason of insanity" or "guilty but mentaly ill"; all that will happen is that he'll be sent to an institute for the criminally insane from which he is unlikely to ever emerge.
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