Mental illness and parapsychology.

Valued Senior Member
The correlation between the two. What do you know? Any good articles on the subject?
Like telepathy vs schizofrenia and such. That's what I want to know.
(have to write a long report within a week)
Hilfe nerds, hilfe.
Well, my angle was to prove that sometimes paranormal abilities are wrongly labelled as mental illness.
parapsychological ability is for the good of the person/society and is useful. Also parapsychological ability can be controlled most of the time which separates it from mental illness which is not beneficial to society/person and is not controlled by the person who has this mental illness.
I don't see how the usefulness to society is relevant (because what society find useful varies a lot over time and place), but the control issue is interesting.
Can there be cases where psi-ability is out of control and causes mental illness?
Telepahty, being psychic, a medium, telekinesis and other similar abilities.
The correlation between the two. What do you know? Any good articles on the subject?
Like telepathy vs schizofrenia and such. That's what I want to know.
(have to write a long report within a week)
Hilfe nerds, hilfe.
The belief in parapsychology is probably an undiagnosed mental illness (or at least a grossly weakened critical faculty).
Telepathy etc. do not exist.
No, that is not true. It's a belief that it's a belief. Language and communication as such would not function without telepathy.
No, that is not true. It's a belief that it's a belief. Language and communication as such would not function without telepathy.
Oops, wrong.
Telepathy (mind-to-mind communication) does not exist.
Oops, wrong.
Telepathy (mind-to-mind communication) does not exist.

I am quite sure they would have said dogs could not possibly predict epileptic seizures in their humans before it turned out that they could. The truth is we do not know what is capable of being noticed or by what channels. Though we do learn about more over time and then they become natural. The same could be said for the psychic communication of elephants which turned out to be low frequency vibrations through the earth which they felt. In the beginning it was denied that the could be communicating over long distances despite what the people around the animals were quite sure about.

The brain is the most complicated thing in the universe.

We now know that birds use quantum effects to navigate and that certain bacteria use quantum assessment processes to work out the most efficient uses of individual photons.

I think a little humility is in order before people start ruling out what is possible, even if they themselves have not had any experiences. A little agnosticism seems the order of the day.
Do you have any proof of that or are you just trolling my thread again?
Actually it's up to you to prove your claim...

I am quite sure they would have said dogs could not possibly predict epileptic seizures in their humans before it turned out that they could. The truth is we do not know what is capable of being noticed or by what channels. Though we do learn about more over time and then they become natural. The same could be said for the psychic communication of elephants which turned out to be low frequency vibrations through the earth which they felt. In the beginning it was denied that the could be communicating over long distances despite what the people around the animals were quite sure about.

The brain is the most complicated thing in the universe.

We now know that birds use quantum effects to navigate and that certain bacteria use quantum assessment processes to work out the most efficient uses of individual photons.

Um, not quite: as you stated elephants use LF vibrations. Birds don't use a quantum effect as such, it's a chemical effect. The energy required to transmit thoughts as thoughts*, even if directed in a narrow cone, would cook the brain (and there's no organ for transmission or reception.

* This does not rule out something on the order of LF vibrations (i.e. actual physical/ chemical [whatever] cues) but does rule out "thought transmission.
Unless Bebelina has a definition of "telepathy" that doesn't use the "accepted" description then she's barking up the wrong tree.

I think a little humility is in order before people start ruling out what is possible, even if they themselves have not had any experiences. A little agnosticism seems the order of the day.
Except that it is possible to rule things out: we know what organs we have, we can scan all sorts of frequencies to detect signals, we know how large a transmitter and receiver have to be to use a frequency. If you don't have a TV receiver you can't pick up TV signals...
The belief in parapsychology is probably an undiagnosed mental illness (or at least a grossly weakened critical faculty).

I (and most other people with normal brain function) have to agree with this. There have been HUNDREDS of studies at universities involving THOUSANDS of subjects and not one single person has ever been found that possessed any paranormal abilities.

There have been a few - VERY, VERY few - that scored above pure chance but even those individuals couldn't repeat the results. ;)

Lest you think Dwyddyr and I are kidding you, just do some research and you'll find all the truth you'll ever need to know about such garbage. In fact, even the military and the CIA tried using it - and after wasting several years and millions of dollars, they tossed in the towel too.
Um, not quite: as you stated elephants use LF vibrations. Birds don't use a quantum effect as such, it's a chemical effect
.Some at least use the quantum zeno effect.

The energy required to transmit thoughts as thoughts*, even if directed in a narrow cone, would cook the brain (and there's no organ for transmission or reception.
Ruling out phenomena this way is poor science. I am quite sure scientists would have ruled out both peaceful and military uses of fission along similar it must be so lines, along with a lot of other things we have found out. A great example of how this kind of I can explain away a possible phenomenon is in the history of rogue waves, where sailors kept talking about solitary very large waves and oceanographers and fluid scientists kept telling them their emotions were getting away with them. Later with video cameras on all decks and satellite technology it turned out that what seemed obvious to oceanographers and fluid scientists was in fact wrong and very large, some huge, solitary waves are a rare but regular phenomenon.

* This does not rule out something on the order of LF vibrations (i.e. actual physical/ chemical [whatever] cues) but does rule out "thought transmission.Unless Bebelina has a definition of "telepathy" that doesn't use the "accepted" description then she's barking up the wrong tree.
If someone explains a specific mode of transmission then this can be attacked, of course. But a general ruling out seems in the end unscientific to me.

Except that it is possible to rule things out: we know what organs we have, we can scan all sorts of frequencies to detect signals, we know how large a transmitter and receiver have to be to use a frequency. If you don't have a TV receiver you can't pick up TV signals...
Sure and we thought we understood photosynthesis too, but as our abilities to probe increased, we found new things such as the aforementioned abilities of at least some bacteria to use quantum processes to make Psynth. much more efficient.

I actually emailed the scientist who discovered this and he led me to the research on the quantum zeno effect.

Projecting from the known is a sketchy business especially when one is ruling out.

And we are daily find out new and more complicated things out about human brains. Here's one of thousands of articles I could link to support this. Notice what they say about what they don't know and what they have been wrong about up until now....
Nope, it's only a "quantum effect" the same way everything else is: quantum physics underlies the mechanism, they don't [i[]use[/i] quantum effects per se.

Ruling out phenomena this way is poor science.
Ah no, it's actually science: what we know defines what we know to be possible. It limits what's worth exploring because some things are impossible based on what we do know.

A great example of how this kind of I can explain away a possible phenomenon is in the history of rogue waves, where sailors kept talking about solitary very large waves and oceanographers and fluid scientists kept telling them their emotions were getting away with them. Later with video cameras on all decks and satellite technology it turned out that what seemed obvious to oceanographers and fluid scientists was in fact wrong and very large, some huge, solitary waves are a rare but regular phenomenon.
Hardly the same thing at all.

If someone explains a specific mode of transmission then this can be attacked, of course. But a general ruling out seems in the end unscientific to me.
How is it unscientific? We know about energy transmission (inverse square law and all) and it's requirements, we know about transmitters/ receivers...

Sure and we thought we understood photosynthesis too, but as our abilities to probe increased, we found new things such as the aforementioned abilities of at least some bacteria to use quantum processes to make Psynth. much more efficient.
Yup, again it's not quantum effects per se.

I actually emailed the scientist who discovered this and he led me to the research on the quantum zeno effect.
Projecting from the known is a sketchy business especially when one is ruling out.
And we are daily find out new and more complicated things out about human brains. Here's one of thousands of articles I could link to support this. Notice what they say about what they don't know and what they have been wrong about up until now....
And neither is that: to maintain superposition the particle must be isolated - as soon as it comes into contact with another they both decohere and lose their "fuzziness". As David Deutsch said "the brain is too wet and hot for entanglement to take place".
(Deutsch quote from The Psychic Tourist, William Little, Icon Books 2010).
The correlation between the two. What do you know? Any good articles on the subject?
Like telepathy vs schizofrenia and such. That's what I want to know.
(have to write a long report within a week)
Hilfe nerds, hilfe.

Are you looking for media about mentally ill people who believe they have para-abilities or mentall ill people who actually have para-abilities?

I can probably find some good stuff on the former, but the latter wont exist.
The correlation between the two. What do you know? Any good articles on the subject?
Like telepathy vs schizofrenia and such. That's what I want to know.

Like Schizotypal Personality Disorder?

From Wiki:
A disorder characterized by eccentric behaviour and anomalies of thinking and affect which resemble those seen in schizophrenia, though no definite and characteristic schizophrenic anomalies have occurred at any stage. There is no dominant or typical disturbance, but any of the following may be present:
inappropriate or constricted affect (the individual appears cold and aloof);
behaviour or appearance that is odd, eccentric, or peculiar;
poor rapport with others and a tendency to social withdrawal;
odd beliefs or magical thinking, influencing behaviour and inconsistent with subcultural norms;
suspiciousness or paranoid ideas;
obsessive ruminations without inner resistance, often with dysmorphophobic, sexual or aggressive contents;
unusual perceptual experiences including somatosensory (bodily) or other illusions, depersonalization or derealization;
vague, circumstantial, metaphorical, overelaborate, or stereotyped thinking, manifested by odd speech or in other ways, without gross incoherence;
occasional transient quasi-psychotic episodes with intense illusions, auditory or other hallucinations, and delusion-like ideas, usually occurring without external provocation.

In addition: (from a related article)

Many believe that schizotypal personality disorder represents mild schizophrenia. The disorder is characterized by odd forms of thinking and perceiving, and individuals with this disorder often seek isolation from others. They sometimes believe to have extra sensory ability or that unrelated events relate to them in some important way. They generally engage in eccentric behavior and have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. Their speech is often over elaborate and difficult to follow.
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Like Schizotypal Personality Disorder?

From Wiki:

In addition: (from a related article)

Many believe that schizotypal personality disorder represents mild schizophrenia. The disorder is characterized by odd forms of thinking and perceiving, and individuals with this disorder often seek isolation from others. They sometimes believe to have extra sensory ability or that unrelated events relate to them in some important way. They generally engage in eccentric behavior and have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. Their speech is often over elaborate and difficult to follow.

Yes, and these are the same people that sometimes believe God is talking directly to them (telling them to kill, etc.), that believe others can hear their thoughts, that the government is watching them through their TVs, that the government is secretly bombarding them with EM messages to control their thinking - and the list goes on.