Men an porn.!!!

Is it natural/normal for men to like watchin porn.???

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • No

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Yes... an its misogynistic

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
Why do they put soft porn in ads, and movies and tv? You are watching virtual porn if you watch todays music vids, or movies anyway. Its everywhere.

It is Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Just one technique of many used by orators, Politicians, and ad-men,
to convince without using reason.
Why do they put soft porn in ads, and movies and tv?
Because it increases the size of the audience. Many more people (even women) are attracted to soft porn (if it's not excessively insulting to women), than are turned off by it.

You are watching virtual porn if you watch todays music vids, or movies anyway. Its everywhere.
Apparently you haven't researched the subject. Real porn is much different from this stuff

You can be sure it effects females just as much as most males.
And that's the point. Carefully-crafted and test-marketed soft porn appeals to everybody.

Remember not everyone responds to what stimulates everyone.
But both the advertising industry and the porn industry itself have discovered ways to use multiple motifs to, indeed, attract nearly everyone.

Men like to look at sexy women. Women like to look at women who are stylishly dressed and appear to have power. So it's not too difficult to develop an ad, a TV show or a movie that appeals to both genders.
So far... only 50 % of the voat thanks men likin to watch porn is natural/normal... an the other half thanks its not normal/natural... or at least misogynistic.!!!
I had a teacher once who said that if cows don't do it it isn't natural - so I'll concede that porn isn't natural. Now we need a similar definition for "normal".

As for misogynistic, apparently a lot of strippers find their jobs empowering.
I don't like looking at porn. But I DO like viewing gay erotic art. I don't know if that makes me normal, weird or what, but I don't care really. It's part of who I am.
Originally Posted by CluelussHusbund to like to watch porn... but can it be done in a non-misogynistic way.???

Of course it can.

Watch gay porn.

From what i figered shoud be obvous reasons... its jus ant that simple.!!!
Sadly... men (escept for gay men) seem to inherantly be misogynistic pigs.!!!

As for misogynistic, apparently a lot of strippers find their jobs empowering.

Grate pont... an watchin them shure as hell beats the non-sinse (from our learned nabor "Tiassa") of switchin to gay porn to avoid bein misogynistic :eek: general, they (the people making porn) take the most unusually large men, cram them repeatedly into women...

Hmmm... ive always thout (the people makin porn) chose average penis size guys to star in the movies so as not to intimidate the male viewers :shrug:

"the actually thread itself is pointless for any true demographics, since people do and don't watch porn, normal or not."

So true... but just like 78% of the polls at Sciforums... the interestin discussions that ensue are much more important than the Poll itself.!!!

I don't know if that makes me normal, weird or what, but I don't care really. It's part of who I am.

Grate atitude for happyness :)