Memphis cops beat transsexual hooker


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
Source: WMC-5
Title: "Video shows police beating at 201 Poplar", by Donna Davis
Date: June 18, 2008

Police brutality is, for many Americans, all too common. But a February incident in Memphis, Tennessee, is outstandingly macabre. According to WMC-5 television's Donna Davis:

The video, recorded February 12th, shows Duanna Johnson in the booking area at the Shelby County Criminal Justice Center after an arrest for prostitution. The tape clearly shows a Memphis police officer walk over to Johnson - a transsexual - and hit her in the face several times.

"Actually he was trying to get me to come over to where he was, and I responded by telling him that wasn't my name - that my mother didn't name me a 'faggot' or a 'he-she,' so he got upset and approached me. And that's when it started," Johnson said.

Johnson said the officer was attempting to call her over to be fingerprinted. She said she chose not respond to the derogatory name the officer called her.

"He said, 'I'm telling you, I'm giving you one more chance to get up.' So I'm looking at him, and he started putting his gloves on, and seen him take out a pair of handcuffs," Johnson said.

The officer hit Johnson several times with the handcuffs wrapped around his knuckles. In the video, you can see the flash of the metal. The tape shows another officer holding Johnson's shoulders as she tries to protect herself.


The Memphis beating is perhaps the most ridiculous thing since, well, January's disgraceful event in which a Hillsborough County (Florida) Sheriff's deputy dumped a suspect out of his wheelchair because she did not believe he was paralyzed.

In the Memphis video, the officer is seen attacking the suspect, a second officer attempts to hold her down, and other people around the intake center stand by, doing nothing except fanning at the stinging stench of mace in the air. A nurse arrives after Duanna Johnson is handcuffed, and ignores her while attending to the officer who attacked her.

According to WMC's Davis, the officer who held Johnson, already on probation, has been fired; the attacking officer has been placed on non-enforcement status at least until an administrative hearing.

A WMC follow-up notes that, according to the Shelby County Sheriff's Department, "The nurse asked Duanna Johnson if she was okay, and noticed Johnson had been sprayed with mace."

I confess ... I'm damn near speechless. At least now we know what Memphis police are made of. I mean, it's almost like a punch line: How many Memphis cops does it take to beat the shit out of an accused transsexual hooker?

It takes two to make a thing go right.
It takes two to make it outta sight.
Hit it!

(Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock)​

See Also:

Celizic, Mike. "Deputy dumps paralyzed man out of wheelchair". Today. February 13, 2008.
tiassa how weak is your internal affairs or department of police integrity ect?

These incidents seem to come up all the time in the US and i cant work out if thats a good thing or a bad one. Certanally i dont belive incidents like this happen anywhere near as often in australia as they do in the US (ours tend to be the big kinds of coruption like drug importation)

About this case if found guilty i hope both officers get the maximum alowable for assult
This brave officer should be rewarded, not fired. Has it become, without my awareness, "wrong" to call a transsexual a "faggot" or a "he-she"? What a fucking joke! Okay, get this: when the brave officer called this scumbag hooker a "faggot" and a "he-she", the transsexual responded "my mother didn't name me that". Hypocrite! Your mother didn't give birth to a transsexual either, you fucking lowlife! Just for that, the he-she deserved to be punched in the face (with steel handcuffs encircling the officer's blessed fists). My only gripe with this story is that the beating wasn't, in my opinion, severe enough. Seriously, since when did transsexual hookers who talked smack to hard-working, honest police officers become exempt from ruthless backlash? What a bizarre world.
This brave officer should be rewarded, not fired. Has it become, without my awareness, "wrong" to call a transsexual a "faggot" or a "he-she"? What a fucking joke! Okay, get this: when the brave officer called this scumbag hooker a "faggot" and a "he-she", the transsexual responded "my mother didn't name me that". Hypocrite! Your mother didn't give birth to a transsexual either, you fucking lowlife! Just for that, the he-she deserved to be punched in the face (with steel handcuffs encircling the officer's blessed fists). My only gripe with this story is that the beating wasn't, in my opinion, severe enough. Seriously, since when did transsexual hookers who talked smack to hard-working, honest police officers become exempt from ruthless backlash? What a bizarre world.

This comment will probably be deleted and I will most probably be reprimanded for saying it, but stuff it.
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This comment will probably be deleted and I will most probably be reprimanded for saying it, but stuff it.

Tiassa posted this story, and I'm offering my opinion on it just like everybody else.
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(Insert title here)

Asguard said:

tiassa how weak is your internal affairs or department of police integrity ect?

It depends on the locale. People generally haven't much faith in it, and it seems that officers don't face prosecution often enough. That it comes up a lot is a mixed bag. On the one hand, it's bad news that this shit goes on; to the other, though, it's getting harder to keep it under wraps. The offending officers' great misfortune might well be that they work in Memphis. If they were in Seattle, for instance, they would already have the police chief exonerating them.

About this case if found guilty i hope both officers get the maximum alowable for assult

Not likely. To that end, we should have virtually no confidence in the system.

• • •​

Kadark said:

This brave officer should be rewarded, not fired. Has it become, without my awareness, "wrong" to call a transsexual a "faggot" or a "he-she"? What a fucking joke! ....

Welcome to America, Kadark. Don't expect to be taken seriously and sympathetically by any but the most ignorant among us.
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doesn't look like he hits very hard, probably why he needed a weapon since it looks like the transexual took his blows pretty well.
It depends on the locale. People generally haven't much faith in it, and it seems that officers don't face prosecution often enough. That it comes up a lot is a mixed bag. On the one hand, it's bad news that this shit goes on; to the other, though, it's getting harder to keep it under wraps. The offending officers' great misfortune might well be that they work in Memphis. If they were in Seattle, for instance, they would already have the police chief exonerating them.

It's good that it is made public.

Those police officers give the other good cops a bad name. They need to be weeded out, and if that means being shamed publicly so be it. And then they should rot in a jail cell, mixed in with the general jail population.
i agree bells, thank god that some states in australia have had the corage to set up orgaisations like IKAC (the funny thing is most of there work isnt even aimed at the state goverments, oh well) and independent police obudsmen and departments of police integrety that come directly under the justice departments rather than under the police department
doesn't look like he hits very hard, probably why he needed a weapon since it looks like the transexual took his blows pretty well.

Good observation, although it isn't overly surprising when you think about it. This "she" used to be a "he", right? Makes sense that this he-she took the officer's strikes relatively well, given "her" history of being a ... well, you know, "he". I'm not expert on the structural anatomy of males and females, although it stands to reason that men can take hits better than women (expect, of course, for the testicular region). Bearing this in mind, the he-she likely benefited from her history of being a man, increasing "her" pain threshold.
god your full of crap Kadark, crawl back into whatever cave you crawled out of.
Disease! Disease! Spreading the disease ....

Asguard said:

god your full of crap Kadark, crawl back into whatever cave you crawled out of

Sunlight is the best disinfectant for certain diseases. Let him embarrass himself.
tiassa have you seen LA's thread from last night? (domestic vilonce i think or something like it)

At some point being "nice" ceases to be a sufficant responce anymore. How many people have already been insulted by that thread in paticular

However by the same token this is your forum not mine so do with my posts as you see fit:p
Dropped as a baby?

Asguard said:

At some point being "nice" ceases to be a sufficant responce anymore. How many people have already been insulted by that thread in paticular

Okay, I'll amend myself on that. Reading Kadark's post, a certain phrase came to mind, a question from adolescence. So I hopped over to YouTube, indulged my sense of outrage, and feel much better for having done so. It is enough to take my time and not spend any real worry about it. At some point, he'll shoot off again, blow off a toe, and it will start to be like that scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail: "I'll bite your legs off!"

Frankly, it's enough to simply dare him to give us something to take seriously.
Wow, my posts have that much impact on you people? Shit, don't flatter me like that. But yeah, enough with such insolent nonsense: my posts are serious to the bone. Don't agree with what I have to say? Tough shit. As for you, Tiassa, extended periods of time on Youtube may be necessary.
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Well, don't fuck with the cops. He should know better by now. They can do what they want, not that it's right. Kardard, I think you're being a little harsh. Prostitution shouldn't even be illegal.
It's always refreshing to see how much of a charge some people get from unalloyed hatred. Obviously the cop was getting a kick out of it. Verbally abuse a suspect until they give you an excuse to beat them. Because hitting people you don't like is fun, and who is easier to dislike than someone who makes you feel insecure about your manhood? Cop in question probably has a large collection of tranny porn.

In a local legal outrage, a judge gave a 31 year old man a nine year suspended sentence for drugging and raping a twenty year old woman.

A judge Thursday handed down a nine-year suspended prison sentence to a Chico rapist.

Butte County Superior Court Judge Sandra McLean said the only reason Lawrence Keith Wright, 31, was being placed on probation, was that it's his first criminal conviction and will require him to undergo sexual offender treatment.

In an emotional statement to the court before sentence was pronounced, the 20-year-old victim wept as she recounted how Wright had carried her into a bedroom and twice sexually assaulted her, after giving the intoxicated woman a pinkish colored drink during a party at a friend's Chico home last August.

"You stole something that was only mine to give," the brown-haired woman sobbed. Though Wright had contended through his attorney that the sex was consensual, last month he pleaded no contest to felony charges of rape by use of drugs and sexual battery.

Both the probation officer and prosecutor had recommended imprisonment.

The victim told Chico police she had gone with a friend to a party, where she consumed alcohol. She said she started feeling sick and went into the bathroom, after downing the pink colored drink Wright had given her.

At his sentencing Thursday, the young woman told Wright: "I remember everything; I remember you raping me and not being able to do anything about it."

"You've shaken my whole world ... I feel dirty all the time now," she added.
repo that sort of thing is the exact reason the rape laws were changed to include sex with someone who is unconiouse, asleep or drunk\druged
repo that sort of thing is the exact reason the rape laws were changed to include sex with someone who is unconiouse, asleep or drunk\druged

Fat lot of good it did. He drugged her, raped her twice, and he isn't going to jail. Now that's a great message to send.