Meeting Jesus

anonymous2 said:
It should be recognized that many people know about the Bible, know that it's supposedly the "Word of God", know that it has had a major impact in world history, have read it, or some of it, been brought up with it, and some may at least have some "residue" of prior "Bible belief". So I don't see it necessarily as strange logic. If someone were to leave Islam, or any other religion, that person might still have at least some "residue" of that belief in that person's mind.
Oh, my greatest apologies... I had no idea mustafhakofi believed the Flood occured. My criticizm is reserved for those who do not believe the bible yet criticize God for the things in it - which would be the worst kind of circular logic.
david f said:
It is interesting that you blame God for some great evil which you don't even believe happened? Strange Logic!
but you do believe it happened.
I dont blame it for anything, it would be illogical to blame a non-existent thing, I'm just trying to understand( get my head round) your xian logic, if any.
David F. said:
Oh, my greatest apologies... I had no idea mustafhakofi believed the Flood occured. My criticism is reserved for those who do not believe the bible yet criticise God for the things in it - which would be the worst kind of circular logic.

:) I don't know what his background is either. Do you? So I made that statement. :)
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anonymous2 - Jesus was a Holy Child when He was thirty three. His great love for us took Him to His death. It was the only way we could be saved and He knew it. He was God, yet He never considered Himself equal with God. He looked up as we do and saw the Magnificent Heavens. He knew how miraculous His existence was. He was fully pure. The Word of God made pure in the flesh. His blood upon the earth means God is with us. The very earth is covered in His blood. We are saved. God is good. Man is not Good. God loves us. I love God. I am saved. Eternal life. What is perishable must be made imperishable. It is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The narrow gate of Faith. From little acorns big oak trees grow.


mustafhakofi said:
6:5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
6:7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

So there ya doesn't say that He destroyed because of grief caused by "loneliness", but because of the evil and wickedness that he saw in the hearts of men, which of course grieved Him, as He would have us love as He loves us. Sounds like He was repulsed by the men of this time. And let's not forget that the wages of sin are death, and He wants us to live not die and to not suffer. He created us and He created the law. To live forever is why He created us and so we will. There is the life of the spirit and the life of the flesh which is different. In the life of this flesh, everyone will die, but that does not account for the life of your spirit, or that of what God creates in the future. This is not the end result of His creation.

At the beginning of Genesis ch6...the story of the talks about the Nephilim being on the earth then, and afterwards (which is strange considering He floods the earth and kills all save Noah, whom is found to be "pure"). The Nephilim are demi-gods...when the sons of God went to the daughters of men, and had children by them. These are fallen angels who against God's will are impregnating humans and creating hybrids. These Nephilim are what "aliens" are or what "aliens" are made from...demonically created and manipulated genetic concoctions...and they are doing this same thing to humans right now and have been for who knows how long. So it states plainly in this chapter that the corruption of the human flesh with the demon seed is why men were increasingly wicked in these days, and why God destroyed humanity at this time, save Noah and his sons whose bloodline had not been tainted and remained "relatively" pure. So at this time, and regarding the flood, God's wrath had nothing to do with our rejection of Him due to the fall of man, or due to our sin, that remains to this day, but in fact due to a genetic alteration of the human flesh, perpetuated by demons and allowed, or even sought out by the free will of man. And a genetic alteration, being the mark of the beast, which will also be perpetuated by demons, and by the Nephilim which they have created, is the reason why the earth will be destroyed again...this time by fire.

Here is the scripture...

6:1When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,
6:2the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
6:3then the Lord said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
6:4The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.


robtex said:
Lori is it a goal of yours to meet Jesus or a only a desire? I find the Christian fixation on one man fascinating. When you presented this to your fellow Christians how did they react? Do others you know have similar feelings or letters? Does your pasture or minister or priest talk about meeting Jesus too? I noticed their was a song on the radio at my old day job. A lot of the office workers there were strong Christians and they were really moved by the song which made me think they may have had ideas or notions about meeting Jesus too....the wish I knew the name of the song but it is something about a man who meets Jesus in the flesh for the first time and is in awe and falls to his knees and looks up to the sky was played alot on local country stations down here in Austin Tx.

It is a goal and a desire of mine described above. The above is not something that I made up in hope, but something that I wrote to attempt to describe in words what actually happened to me. I have met Jesus...I have heard His voice and felt His presence...that's what this writing is about...that's what I'm always talking about. We have had a relationship since then, and He has taught me so much and helped me in so many ways...He is so wonderful...He is love...unconditional. This meeting and this relationship is what being born again is, and is the source of my faith and my knowledge of God. That is why I say that faith is not a belief in something that you don't know to be true, but a belief in something that you do know to be true. I know God...I know His nature because I know Him...have interacted with a relationship that has progressively built an infinite trust in Him. That trust is my faith. That knowledge and learning directly of Him and from Him is where my "beliefs" come from. That is why I'm always saying that they don't come from a book or from a man like a preacher or from an organized religious dogma of any kind. The fact that what God teaches me in person is substantiated or confirmed in scripture is only because the Bible is in fact God's Word. But for me, I do not learn it from the book, I learn it from God, and through my life experience, which He uses to teach me things. And I do not believe it because it is written, but because He explains it to me personally, and because I HAVE LIVED IT.

I can usually tell if someone who professes themselves to be a Christian is born again or not. I find that lots of people subscribe to the dogma within the realm of organized religion for lots of other reasons other than a sincere desire to know God and have a personal relationship with Him...pity...damn shame actually. The people who do not know Him have no idea what I'm talking about and the people who do know Him know exactly what I'm talking about. Trust me, when you meet Him, you know it...there is no doubt about whether or not you are born know it. I can tell if someone knows Him or not based upon the things they they talk about Him and what they refer to when they speak of Him. Do they refer to a personal relationship or to a dogma or an organization or organized event or a book? People who know Him speak of Him as if He is their best friend and constant companion or their Father.

I'll give you an example...If I say to someone that I am a born again Christian, and the first thing they ask me in response is, "Oh really, me too, what church do you go to?" Then I know immediately that they have no flippin' idea what I'm talking about. What church do I go to, or a discussion about organized religion in any capacity would be maybe...I don't know...47th or so on the list of relevant questions or comments that someone who knows Him would make in response to my statement. If you know Him, you know that there is so much more relevant to talk about...namely HIM! Actually, that is where my sig came from. I am a waitress at an Applebee's restaurant in some hodunk redneck town in Ohio. And I was working one Sunday afternoon...waiting on the churchies...who are by the way infamous for their impatience, gluttony, pride, and greediness...and one couple, who had just apparently come from church commented on the necklace that I was wearing. The guy said something to the effect of, "I noticed that you are wearing a cross on your necklace...are you a Christian?" To which I responded, while trying oh so hard not to roll my eyes, "Yes...born again." And he immediately asked in response, "Do you go to church?" And so I cocked my head, and wrinkled my brow, and gave him a look of utter confusion, and said, "Go to church? I am the church!" To which of course, he had no reply whatsoever....just sat there dumbfounded with his jaw slightly ajar...and so I went about my business. They finished their meal and left without mentioning another thing to me.

So to your next question, I do not have a minister, pastor, or priest. But if I did, I'm sure that they would speak of it. I mean, it's in the Bible all over the place. Practically everyone in the book had God speak to them or knew Jesus and interacted with Him personally. The Bible talks about being born again of the Spirit all over the place. I just also know that it's something that many people...many people involved in organized religion too...don't pay attention to, or consider metaphorically. Why? Because they don't want to have a personal relationship with Him. They don't really want to know Him. And that is the only thing that keeps them from it. Like I said, many people...if not most people involve themselves in organized religion for other reasons...selfish reasons...prideful reasons...guilty reasons. I would imagine that most people do it to make someone else happy, like their parents or their wife or husband. Or maybe because they consider it the "thing to do", like in a socially acceptable kind of way....keeping up with the Joneses. Or maybe because they think it makes them a better person...or at least to appear that way. Or maybe their lonely and just want to join a club or a group or be included in something. And I know for sure that many go to church just so they can say to themselves that they are "better" than those who do not. And like I said, it's a damn shame. Actually, it's worse than's deadly and destructive. Because it's taking the Lord's name in vain, and witnessing falsely of Him. And He will say to them, "I never knew you."


The One whom Lori_7 speaks of I also know. We fellowship. This is the truth as I am alive.


c20H25N3o said:
The One whom Lori_7 speaks of I also know. We fellowship. This is the truth as I am alive.



Yea, fellowship, which is something that I've never had. The only person that I've ever known to be born again, is my grandma, and she's hard to relate to. We all have different paths, and we all learn different things, and her path is so far removed from mine, and now unfortunately she is very old, and due to illness is losing her memory. Anyway, I can not even explain how nice it is to hear someone talk of the One that I love as I do. To be able to talk to someone about Him and not in a theoretical or theological way, but in a personal way. I am so happy that God introduced me to you, c2o, and I thank God for you!


Lori_7 said:
Yea, fellowship, which is something that I've never had. The only person that I've ever known to be born again, is my grandma, and she's hard to relate to. We all have different paths, and we all learn different things, and her path is so far removed from mine, and now unfortunately she is very old, and due to illness is losing her memory. Anyway, I can not even explain how nice it is to hear someone talk of the One that I love as I do. To be able to talk to someone about Him and not in a theoretical or theological way, but in a personal way. I am so happy that God introduced me to you, c2o, and I thank God for you!



The good news Lori_7 is that we are not alone. Christ's work will not fail in the hearts of men. But you know this. It is always nice to find a long lost brother or sister :)


I said greediness. roflmao. Seems I've been a waitress in this hodunk redneck town for a little too long...yea.
Lori I used work with a woman in her mid 30's that you remind me of. She would always talk about him and after about a week of this I am like "him who" . She looks at me like I have fallen out of a tree and says "Him, Jesus". I let it go and didn't say anything but thought it was kinda strange.

She tried to have a child for two years before I met her with her husband and could not. She was declared sterile by her doctor the year before I started work there and she went to church and during a church confession she said she wanted a kid with her husband so bad that it hurt. A woman sitting in the church told her she had talked to Jesus and she was going to have a child which really upset her since she was sterile.

I heard this story about 3 months of working in that office. One year later she was pregnant and a year after that she had a second child. The doctors were baffled. Maybe a misdiagnosis. Maybe divine intervention. It was just the strangest thing....she told me she should not have doubted that Jesus would give her a child....I haven't thought about that in the longest time...but she was like you ...always talking to Jesus at work as if he was in the cubical with her.......
Jesus is within us through the power of the Holy Spirit. He is not out there somewhere in the clouds he is not in some stone building. We are a temple and he dwells within us. You cannot get any closer than that. :)

Temples of God

We are the Church
God's holy people
We need no doors
Or fancy steeples

For we are the Temple
Where He wishes to stay
Which He bought with His blood
And willingly paid

So open your hearts
And let Jesus come in
And lay aside each weight
And besetting sin

Then run the race
That is set before you
Only trusting in Jesus
And never what you do

For He'll fill you with joy
His love and His peace
And you as His bride
He will lovingly keep

By blindseeker

All praise The Ancient Of Days
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And where exactly in the Bible, which is what I'm assuming your "source" is, does it say that God flooded the earth because He was grieved because of a lack of relationship with His children?

Gen 6:6 Yahweh regretted having made human beings on earth and was grieved at heart. And Yahweh said, "I shall rid the surface of the earth of the human beings whom I created.."
May I, as an atheist and a rationalist express my admiration for Lori's post? I myself had a similar experience of the direct presence of Jesus, but I was ten at the time and can scarcely remember it now. As a rationalist, I of course have simple psychological explanations for what I experienced. In psychological terms, Lori has undergone a successful course of "self-medication". I'm not here, however, to force a rationalist viewpoint, to denigrate Lori's transcendental experience or to attack her God for what he's supposed to have done in the Bible. Lori didn't cite the Bible in her first post, she cited her personal experience. She has also expressed her dissatisfaction with conventional religion and with Christians who don't actually "get it". She even pointed out a logical flaw in the Bible!

Of course, this is a debate and discussion forum, and there really isn't a great deal to debate about a totally personal experience, but I'm glad Lori took the time to share her feelings.
SnakeLord said:
Gen 6:6 Yahweh regretted having made human beings on earth and was grieved at heart. And Yahweh said, "I shall rid the surface of the earth of the human beings whom I created.."

What I'm saying Snake, is that He didn't destroy them because He was grieved by says that He destroyed them because they were wicked and evil...and not just the "normal" kind of wicked either, but exceedingly wicked...abnormally if some greater evil influence had come upon them besides the normal everyday sinful nature of man since his fall. In the verses that I referenced, it explains what that abnormal evil influence was...the nephilim. The nephilim is what was to be destroyed. He was grieved to see His children partake of such wickedness and repulsed by their exceedingly evil deeds. Remember that God hates sin and not the sinner. It was this evil "seed" amongst men that was to be destroyed, and for the good of mankind, not for his harm. For what was destroyed was flesh, not spirit. The spirit of man is eternal...even inside you Snake. And the flesh can be replenished once again...and again, and again, and again. I suppose until we finally get it right...because we desire what is right. Then and only then will the flesh also be eternal.

Love ya pookie.
Silas said:
May I, as an atheist and a rationalist express my admiration for Lori's post? I myself had a similar experience of the direct presence of Jesus, but I was ten at the time and can scarcely remember it now. As a rationalist, I of course have simple psychological explanations for what I experienced. In psychological terms, Lori has undergone a successful course of "self-medication". I'm not here, however, to force a rationalist viewpoint, to denigrate Lori's transcendental experience or to attack her God for what he's supposed to have done in the Bible. Lori didn't cite the Bible in her first post, she cited her personal experience. She has also expressed her dissatisfaction with conventional religion and with Christians who don't actually "get it". She even pointed out a logical flaw in the Bible!

Of course, this is a debate and discussion forum, and there really isn't a great deal to debate about a totally personal experience, but I'm glad Lori took the time to share her feelings.

Mmmmmm...warm fuzzies. :)
I never met Jesus, but I had some visions when I ate shrooms this one time. I saw a snake where there was no snake. I was like, 'dang'.

This Jesus shit must be hardcore.

Enjoy the trip folks
SnakeLord: Gen 6:6 Yahweh regretted having made human beings on earth and was grieved at heart. And Yahweh said, "I shall rid the surface of the earth of the human beings whom I created.."
M*W: "Good dog, good dog, down boy," said the dyslexic.