medicine women is obsessed with the religion. along with many others,

M*W: Why is it that christians think I must have been "emotionally hurt and betrayed by the bible?" That's just not true. My beliefs are not based on my emotions! I could say that was so when I was a christian, but not now. My beliefs are based on truth. I found that the bible is based on something entirely different than the way it's been interpreted by religions. I don't condemn the bible anymore for the way I now interpret it. It makes sense and is very clear to me, and it's totally interpreted wrong by christians.

M*W: My "obsession with books" is because I want to learn everything there is to learn about the misinterpretation of the bible and christianity. There's nothing covert about my desire to learn.

M*W: Well, I don't know where you have been, but I believe I've made it quite clear the books I use for references as there have been many of them, and I have posted bibliographies. You don't know what you're talking about.

M*W: "A scarred psyche...". Finding out that christianity is false hardly scarred my psyche! It would be more truthful for you to admit christianity has scarred yours.

M*W: Godless knows me very well. We have no secrets with each other. There are just some people you become close to and with others you keep your distance. I was a christian for a long time, but the questions I had couldn't be answered by the religious scholars I knew (who were christians), so I had to pursue the answers on my own. When I did that, I found that christianity is a lie and the NT has been misinterpreted for
2000 years. That's all.

You dislike me because I am not like you. I don't believe in the religion you believe in, and I have proven it to be something entirely different than how you know it. Well, I'm not here on sciforums to win friends, but I am here to influence people of the truth. But it's up to you to listen and it's up to you to believe. It makes no difference to me what you believe, but if I don't tell you the truth as I believe it to be, then I am merely a liar.

i cant account for christians thinking you are emotionaly hurt i am not christian nor am i religious, i was just putting that idea out there due to finding out you were once a christian yourself,

i didnt say you was obsessed with "books" but i am stating that you seem obsessed with the religion forums on sciforums, you seem to state god is stupid and false but cant stop talking about it. wich i find interesting, because usualy when people state something is stupid they tend to avoid it.

i did not mention what you used for references all in all, i was mentioning the vast amounts of posts you start about jesus god and the bible.

i was merely suggesting it might have scarred your psyche it is a textbook syndrome. and i have never belonged to a religion i am a daoist christianity is a book of morals metaphores and stories to me it has scarred my psyche as much as lord of the rings has, :)

hey i dont dislike you, i think you are probably a very nice person i never see you get aggressive with people, you are polite and have good manners, your views i may disagree with but i have nothing against you personaly, a debate is a debate not a personal vendetta.

again i am not a christian i am a daoist, and you cannot honestly say that daoism is a lie because i cant see how that would work, i dont follow books i am guided by them and make my own decisions like yourself,

can i ask why you dedicated so much of your life to god? what actual event made you lose your faith? i know somebody who lost there faith not so long ago, and she was never the same after that, she was just as intelligent before as she is now, she always studied science but had a religious side also, now she just studies science without the religion, she was alot happier before her eyes and smile used to be so bright and full of spirit, now she looks unhappy when i look into her eyes, she said it was an illusion, and now she sees the truth,

i asked her if the new truth makes her more happy than the old truth, she did not reply.

i cant account for christians thinking you are emotionaly hurt i am not christian nor am i religious, i was just putting that idea out there due to finding out you were once a christian yourself,

M*W: I will try to answer your questions, since you did seem sincere when asking them.

Sometimes, people just have the desire to learn, and that was the basis of my search. When I was a christian, I sought answers from religious persons in the know. Some of them were RC, and some of them were Pentecostals and other religions. I wanted to compare the answers to the questions I had. However, none of them were able to answer my questions such as who were the immediate descendants of Adam and Eve? Why did the god of the OT want burned sacrifices? What if Jesus didn't die on the cross? My questions, it seemed, were an abomination to the christian scholars I approached. So, I had to search on my own.

i didnt say you was obsessed with "books" but i am stating that you seem obsessed with the religion forums on sciforums,

M*W: Mostly, I post on the Religion Forum. However, I've been known to venture into other sub-forums when I see a topic I need to explore. I was hoping to become an active contributor in the Comparative Religion Forum, but after a couple of my threads were knocked down by militant moderation, I am not comfortable posting there. I find the Religion Forum to be moderated fairly and intelligently.

you seem to state god is stupid and false but cant stop talking about it. wich i find interesting, because usualy when people state something is stupid they tend to avoid it.

M*W: How can something that doesn't exist be "stupid?" The reason I continue talking about the lack of a god is because there are people out there who still believe it exists!

i did not mention what you used for references all in all, i was mentioning the vast amounts of posts you start about jesus god and the bible.

M*W: Well, let me see... I post about jesus, god and the bible in the Religion Forum. What part of that do you not understand?

i was merely suggesting it might have scarred your psyche it is a textbook syndrome.

M*W: I'm well aware of "textbook syndromes." Can you come up with a "textbook syndrome" for people who believe in something that isn't there... it's called "delusional."

and i have never belonged to a religion i am a daoist christianity is a book of morals metaphores and stories to me it has scarred my psyche as much as lord of the rings has, :)

M*W: I would say that christianity has definitely scarred the psyches of its believers who are delusional.

hey i dont dislike you, i think you are probably a very nice person i never see you get aggressive with people, you are polite and have good manners, your views i may disagree with but i have nothing against you personaly, a debate is a debate not a personal vendetta.

M*W: No personal vendetta taken.

again i am not a christian i am a daoist, and you cannot honestly say that daoism is a lie because i cant see how that would work, i dont follow books i am guided by them and make my own decisions like yourself,

M*W: Don't know much about Daosim, but what I've heard has been positive. The only religion I have a problem with is christianity and its gullible sheeple.

can i ask why you dedicated so much of your life to god?

M*W: Searching for the truth.

what actual event made you lose your faith?

M*W: Visiting The Vatican and finding that christianity is a pagan religion.

i know somebody who lost there faith not so long ago, and she was never the same after that, she was just as intelligent before as she is now, she always studied science but had a religious side also, now she just studies science without the religion, she was alot happier before her eyes and smile used to be so bright and full of spirit, now she looks unhappy when i look into her eyes, she said it was an illusion, and now she sees the truth,

M*W: Finding out the truth can devastate someone. I admit that I was in a state of shock when I first learned the truth. I didn't want to believe it. It took some years of study to become comfortable with what I had stumbled upon.

i asked her if the new truth makes her more happy than the old truth, she did not reply.

M*W: I think your friend is still in the early stages of finding out the truth. Give her some time to adjust to her new found wisdom. Invite her to join sciforums to share her wisdom with us!
hey thanks alot for answering the questions, i understand alot better now, i am sorry if i came across in a bad way or if it seemed like i was getting at you, (i can see how it might look), but i seriously just had a fascination with it, and i still do i guess, but i am understanding a certain aspect of it alot better now,

daoism in my opinion is very useful to me, it helps me stay in the center and not stray too far aside, i hate when i start thinking i know it all, and i start looking down upon people and mocking them, when i study the dao scripts it helps bring me back down to earth and start over again, i always try to tell myself "dont start thinking you know it all because you dont" talking mainly about the mysteries of the universe ofcourse,

i have to go now its very laye here, please dont feel offended personaly.

"hey thanks alot for answering the questions, i understand alot better now"


What pisses me off about the Christian bashers is they do it because they can. They cannot make post after negative post bashing Judaism or Islam because it wouldnt be as warmly received here. Is it fear or fear of being censored, it's hard to pinpoint the exact reason.

Lets see how fast this post gets deleted.:frust:
"hey thanks alot for answering the questions, i understand alot better now"


What pisses me off about the Christian bashers is they do it because they can. They cannot make post after negative post bashing Judaism or Islam because it wouldnt be as warmly received here. Is it fear or fear of being censored, it's hard to pinpoint the exact reason.

Lets see how fast this post gets deleted.:frust:

she did answer the question john and i do understand why she posts on the religious forums all of the time. i found out a fair bit from opening this thread.

and yes i agree with you in many senses people are not punished for bashing the christian faith and its followers, but others are punished for bashing judaiam and its followers, it does seem slightly bias honestly. but that is for a different thread.
