medicine women is obsessed with the religion. along with many others,


hello medicine women, i would like to step inside your mind as a test subject if you please,

i have recently become very interested as to why atheists spend much time debating religion on the sciforums religious sections. you seem to be a prime candidate for my reaserch.

i know you have done alor of studies on religion and its origins, but that is not the focal point of my enquiry. there seems to be many people who insist that god is a stupid notion, and religion and the bible etc are foolish,

i am trying to get to the root of the obsession with atheists and the religious forums of this website. could you tell me what you hope to achieve by posting here, because people usualy post for a number of reasons,

to learn,
to prove a point,
to teach others,
to debate,
to achieve a goal,

there are other reasons ofcourse, but why do atheists seem so obsessed with the religion forums when they claim that religion is worthless, why would you spend your time on something that is worthless?

thanks for the help with my interest and research.

I wouldn't claim that religion is worthless, I can see several reasons how it can form a cohesive society, how it could inspire and comfort. I'm interested in it because it's so weird, and because it seems to dominate the spiritual life of my fellow citizens.
but why do atheists seem so obsessed with the religion forums when they claim that religion is worthless, why would you spend your time on something that is worthless?
MW is primarily interested in proving that Christianity is a first century mythology superimposed onto the astrological structure of older mythologies already in use for centuries.

Others defame Christianity because they think its philosophical influence within modern society is negative and destructive.

Others may be critical as a way of purgeing themselves from its influence on their youth...religious guilt, fear.

And still others may be seeking a greater degree of faith through a strategy of criticism...following Nietzsche's immortal aphorism:

"That which does not kill me, will only make me stronger."
it fascinates you because it dominates the lives of your fellow citizens? i get fascinated by the same things sometimes, hey actualy thats kinda what this is all about :) but in the other direction.


MW is primarily interested in proving that Christianity is first century mythology superimposed onto the astrological structure of older mythologies already in use for centuries.

Others defame Christianity because they think its philosophical influence within modern society is negative and destructive.

Others may be critical as a way of purgeing themselves from its influence on their youth...religious guilt, fear.

And still others may be seeking a greater degree of faith through a strategy of criticism...following Nietzsche's immortal aphorism:

"That which does not kill me, will only make me stronger."

nice input,

i have my own fascination with religion, but its the same fascination that i have with philosophy.

so if we were to make a list of the top 5 reasons why people who dont believe in god are obsessed with religion what would they be?


i want to make a poll what top 5 reasons could there be for this obsession?

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I think it best that you first figure out the obsession a majority of the world has with religion before getting inside MW's head. I don't have to agree with her but at least she's trying to make sense of what is presented by obsessed theists. I don't call that an obsession.

On the other hand you seem quite obsessed with MW and atheists in general.
I think it's assumed that atheism is a product of not caring about religious matters. For me it was the opposite.
Religion is a manifestation of a function evolving within humanity. It is, essentially, our most vital and affecting artistic expression as a species. That alone makes it fascinating. Add to that the absurdity of the truths claimed by the most influential religions, and the influence they bear, and it seems to me almost irresponsible to oneself to not consider the subject.

Religion is part of our human story; even if you don't follow or believe in any, the tale of our species becomes even more incomprehensible without these chapters.

I'll never understand the whole story, but I don't understand how to not at least try.
but why do atheists seem so obsessed with the religion forums when they claim that religion is worthless

I am sure there are countless atheists that don't care and don't spend any time on religious forums or talking about religious issues. Your question therefore isn't about why atheists are obsessed with the religion forums but why the specific ones here do, (if you'd call it an obsession which is a bit much in my opinion).

I wont answer for everyone of course but on a personal level it's because of several reasons - from a general interest in people and history to why people have these delusions in the first place.
I am sure there are countless atheists that don't care and don't spend any time on religious forums or talking about religious issues. Your question therefore isn't about why atheists are obsessed with the religion forums but why the specific ones here do, (if you'd call it an obsession which is a bit much in my opinion).

There are different degrees of obsession, of course. And I'd say that MW most certainly fits in there somewhere. I say that even though I've never bothered to (and never will) read any of her posts BUT every time I check the "New Post" list, that's the only topic I've ever seen her name in. ;)
i have recently become very interested as to why atheists spend much time debating religion on the sciforums religious sections. you seem to be a prime candidate for my reaserch.

Perhaps you should reflect on your obsession with atheists and their "obsession" in order to find some of your answers. You've created many posts and a thread or two on the subject in the last week alone.

Moreover, this thread could easily be construed as merely a thinly veiled form of passive aggressive ad hominem, designed to attack M*W, specifically and atheists in general.

Lets be sure the conversation remains and non-personal or the thread may find itself closed.
Perhaps you should reflect on your obsession with atheists and their "obsession" in order to find some of your answers. You've created many posts and a thread or two on the subject in the last week alone.

Moreover, this thread could easily be construed as merely a thinly veiled form of passive aggressive ad hominem, designed to attack M*W, specifically and atheists in general.

Lets be sure the conversation remains and non-personal or the thread may find itself closed.

i must correct a flaw quickly, i have no obsession it is a fascination that i have aquired recently (as i previously stated), an obsession would classify more along the lines of what medicine women does, i frequently post in most other forums, she posts nearly 100% in the religion forums,

secondly i would like to ask where you got the impression i was attacking her? that was quite a shocking statement if i must be honest, i wanted to understand something and so i am asking genuine questions politely and calmly, i kow what your getting at and i find it strange,

when have i showed aggression in this thread? or is that what you are trying to provoke from me so this thread gets de-railed?, i am not accusing you of that i am merely asking if it is true.

i do not see how this thread could possibly be closed, maybe it is touching a nerve of certain people, but i am by no means breaking any rules, i am sorry if it might be offensive to you.

Go back and re-read my post. Look for the words "could be" just before construed and "passive" just before aggressive.
"thinly veiled form of passive agressiveness"

if you want to call it that i guess its only fair, but i would call it more "trying to understand something and asking questions"

you also said i had an obsession, where i would call it a fascination maybe bordering a newly found extreme interest.

i have no objection to the use of construed int he sentence. i dont want you or others to take offence to this i really dont, i mean no harm i am interested there is no secret motive for any of this, (not implying you said there was)

i just want to understand something that puzzles me, i have a fascination with this because people say they think god is rediculous and utterly stupid mythology etc, yet they cant seem to stay away from debates over the subject, i dont think god is a totaly stupid idea thats why i sometimes on a rare occasion visit the religious forums,

i think the cesspool and psuedoscience forums are a little stupid and thats why you will hardly ever catch me posting there, (maybe on the odd occasion),

does anybody see where i am comming from atall here? because i get the impression people dont understand me on this one,

i have recently become very interested as to why atheists spend much time debating religion on the sciforums religious sections. you seem to be a prime candidate for my reaserch.

MW was a very devout woman in catholicism for over 20 yrs.

i have recently become very interested as to why atheists spend much time debating religion on the sciforums religious sections. you seem to be a prime candidate for my reaserch.

Or you just be an A$$hole!

i know you have done alor of studies on religion and its origins, but that is not the focal point of my enquiry. there seems to be many people who insist that god is a stupid notion, and religion and the bible etc are foolish,

You can't fathom her experience, and btw most atheist where once deluded theists, so basically we just evolved!

i am trying to get to the root of the obsession with atheists and the religious forums of this website. could you tell me what you hope to achieve by posting here, because people usualy post for a number of reasons,

Why atheist care about religion:
MW was a very devout woman in catholicism for over 20 yrs.

Or you just be an A$$hole!

You can't fathom her experience, and btw most atheist where once deluded theists, so basically we just evolved!

Why atheist care about religion:

so maybe she has been emotionaly hurt and feels betrayed by the bible? that would explain her obsession with the christian books oppose to a main focus on all religion as a whole, i have noticed her focus on the bible and jeses, hardly ever mentioning other religious books and beliefs,

interesting maybe it is a scarred psyche that fuels the obsession,

i obviously cannot fathom her experience if you say it is so.

calling me an asshole will get you far, using dollar signs makes it look cool,

so maybe she has been emotionaly hurt and feels betrayed by the bible?

M*W: Why is it that christians think I must have been "emotionally hurt and betrayed by the bible?" That's just not true. My beliefs are not based on my emotions! I could say that was so when I was a christian, but not now. My beliefs are based on truth. I found that the bible is based on something entirely different than the way it's been interpreted by religions. I don't condemn the bible anymore for the way I now interpret it. It makes sense and is very clear to me, and it's totally interpreted wrong by christians.

that would explain her obsession with the christian books oppose to a main focus on all religion as a whole,

M*W: My "obsession with books" is because I want to learn everything there is to learn about the misinterpretation of the bible and christianity. There's nothing covert about my desire to learn.

i have noticed her focus on the bible and jeses, hardly ever mentioning other religious books and beliefs,

M*W: Well, I don't know where you have been, but I believe I've made it quite clear the books I use for references as there have been many of them, and I have posted bibliographies. You don't know what you're talking about.

interesting maybe it is a scarred psyche that fuels the obsession,

M*W: "A scarred psyche...". Finding out that christianity is false hardly scarred my psyche! It would be more truthful for you to admit christianity has scarred yours.

i obviously cannot fathom her experience if you say it is so.

M*W: Godless knows me very well. We have no secrets with each other. There are just some people you become close to and with others you keep your distance. I was a christian for a long time, but the questions I had couldn't be answered by the religious scholars I knew (who were christians), so I had to pursue the answers on my own. When I did that, I found that christianity is a lie and the NT has been misinterpreted for
2000 years. That's all.

You dislike me because I am not like you. I don't believe in the religion you believe in, and I have proven it to be something entirely different than how you know it. Well, I'm not here on sciforums to win friends, but I am here to influence people of the truth. But it's up to you to listen and it's up to you to believe. It makes no difference to me what you believe, but if I don't tell you the truth as I believe it to be, then I am merely a liar.
Atheists care about rational thought every bit as much as the theist cares about their invented delusions. The two collide for obvious reasons.