Medical research or Bioweapon?

WellCookedFetus said:
They only said they had plans for a subway "experiment", it does not say they carried it out.

All 5 US military and US government sites that I found agree that they carried it out. One US military site says:

...the United States conducted a sequence of highly classified scientific tests on unknowing populations throughout the country, with agents and materials believed to be nonpathogenic. In fact, not until early 1977 was the extent of the military biological weapons testing program publicly disclosed before Congress.

I shouldn't have to provide a link for something so easy to find on Google; that gets tiring. Still, I will if you can't find it.
americans will do anything to have te best weapons, they want to kill, and they will pay any price to be more efficient at it. the war in iraq gave them a chance to practice these killing techniques as well as test new technology

Yes we are evil demonic killing machines, we are coming to get you!
Biological attacks are only useful in spreading terror. The best defense against bio-weapons is to wash your hands. America spends millions each year to come up with newer deadlier strains and defenses against those strains because it increases the odds that we will have experience with diseases that are similar to the next “super plague” should one ever come about.
WellCookedFetus said:
DeeCee said flu.

Sorry, that didn't register.

I'm not concerned that superflu research will result in a bioweapon (mod changed the thread title) or be released by the military as happened with bacteria and plutonium and who knows what else during the cold war. I'm concerned that it will be released by a rogue employee as happened with the anthrax, or by accident. The odds of that happening seem far higher than the odds that the research will pay off when nature someday gets around to creating a close-enough variant on her own. You can't just wash your hands, laughing weasel; that does not work for airborne communicable diseases.

I notice nobody answered my question about whether 1,000 labs creating 1,000 superflus for research is still a good thing.
theyre terrorists, what else would they be spending your taxes on. certainly not your welbeing.

the american strategy:

if you cant keep your people above the poverty line, lower it

they think they can go destroy other peoples lives, and beliefs just so they wont look as bad in perpective
the americans will be destroyed, if i have to kill myself in the process then so beit, ill strap a nuke to my back and let it off in the middle of your country. i aint going down without taking at least a few hundred of you with me
WellCookedFetus said:

There were also foreign labs with anthrax samples from USAMRIID, it could have came from them.

There is not proof the subway attacks actually accord.

Be it testing LSD on government employees, or learning more about syphilis by infecting black men with it and refusing to treat them, the US government doesn't have a really great track record of ethical medical studies.
vslayer said:
the americans will be destroyed, if i have to kill myself in the process then so beit, ill strap a nuke to my back and let it off in the middle of your country. i aint going down without taking at least a few hundred of you with me

Uuum wouldn't killing innocent people who have nothing to do with governmental policies which I assume is what you take issue with make you a lot worse than America who at least tries to make flimsy justifications for some of it's global screw ups?
So by your logic then if 49% of the world is a threat to the United States then a perfectly reasonable response on our part would be to release a super plague to kill you off? Thanks for permission.